Latest Updates From Steven's Mom & Dad

Wednesday, July 30th, 2003

Steven is doing great now. He is six years post transplant and he is doing great. His growth hormoines are working and he is growing and eating us out of house and home. His big brother Douglas just got married and has joined the air force. Douglas leaves Sept 2nd 2003 for boot camp. Steven and his brother are close so I am sure it will be hard on Steven. We are all proud of Douglas and all our soldiers in the military. It has been a long time since I have posted. Our family is trying to get life "back to normal". I start school in August same time as the kids. Our family is finally starting to get on our feet. Sometimes he still has a little bone pain and is still weaker then most kids his age but he is finally catchin up!! He gets braces next month!! He did well with his last clef surgery. ( they took bone from his hip and put in in his jaw) I am working on updating this site. Please check back for more updates on Steven and our familys post transplant progress.
Babyliz aka Steven's mommy

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