Cub Scouting

I spent 7 years as a Cub Scout leader.
I have been Tiger den leader, Tiger Cub's partner, Wolf den leader,
Bear den leader, and Webelos den leader.
Both my sons are now Boy Scouts, and I am a Merit Badge counselor for several badges.

I want to share with you some of the projects we've done and
ideas which have worked well for us in Cub Scouting.

For anyone who's homeschooling, I'll also be sharing some
ideas for incorporating the Wolf Cub achievements,
Wolf Cub electives, Bear Cub achievements,
Bear Cub electives, Webelos badge requirements,
or Tiger Cub big ideas into your curriculum.
PLEASE NOTE: Because the Tiger program has been revised,
the Big Idea numbers are wrong.
I hope to update those references this fall.

With that purpose in mind, I have grouped the big ideas, achievements,
electives, and badge requirements by subject matter content.

Because Scouting encourages family involvement,
most of the requirements and electives are also suitable
for family night activities to involve the entire clan
while helping your scout or scouts earn paw prints, badges, arrow points, or belt loops.

Since all belt loops can be earned by Wolf cubs, Bear cubs, or Webelos,
your sons could actually earn the same belt loop 2 times:
once as a Wolf Cub or Bear Cub and once as a Webelos Scout.
I am working on listing the belt loops/pins under the subject matter areas.

For the New Leader History Citizenship
Language Arts: Writing Geography Music
Language Arts: Reading Arts and Crafts Health and Safety
Language Arts: Speaking Science and Nature Life Skills and Hobbies
Physical Education and Fitness Mathematics and Measurement

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For the New Den Leader

There are several basics every new leader should know.
Some of these I learned in leader training,
but some of them I learned by trial and error.
  1. Plan each den meeting.
    Have an opening, a business meeting, a work time, a craft
    or art project, a snack, a closing, and a game.

  2. Encourage advancement.
    At each meeting try to fulfill some of the requirements for
    an achievement or elective, this will encourage the boys
    to complete the requirements at home with Mom or Dad.

  3. Have a den chief.
    The den chief must be a Boy Scout at least 3 years older than your scouts.
    My first den chief was my 14-year-old nephew;
    my second den chief was my 13-year-old son.
    Both were invaluable to me. Besides being a great example
    of what the Cubs can expect to enjoy if they continue in
    scouting, my den chief helps with crafts and supervises the games.
    It's much easier for him to keep up with them than it is
    for me to keep up with 5 or 6 running little boys.

  4. Keep records . . . Keep records . . . Keep records . . .
    While my den cheif is supervising the game,
    I work with the boys' handbooks.
    I sign off for the requirements we've fulfilled at the meeting,
    record requirements they've fulfilled at home,
    and transfer the information to our den advancement chart.
    I also keep a notebook where I list everything we do.
    This notebook is what I use to jog the boys' memories
    when at the pack meetings the Cubmaster asks our den
    what we've done since the last pack meeting.
    I start a new page after every pack meeting, so I don't get confused.
    I also keep a page for each boy in the den,
    listing which achievements and electives he has done.

  5. Have your own supplies.
    Be sure you have enough glue sticks, safety scissors,
    pencils, paper, crayons, etc. so that each boy can be
    working on the craft or art project and not waiting for
    someone else to finish before he can work.

  6. Keep parents informed.
    I send a note home to each parent after each meeting.
    I list things which we completed during the meeting,
    and suggest things they need to do with the boys in order to
    complete the reuirements for the badge or achievement.

  7. Sing!
    Invest in a copy of the Cub Scout song book.
    Most boys will love to sing the silly songs around the campfire,
    for fun at den meetings, or to entertain at pack meetings.
    Sing the national anthem or another patriotic song as part of your opening.
    Sing "Good Night, Cub Scouts" (in the Wolf book),
    "America the Beautiful" (also in the Wolf book),
    or "Taps" (in the Cub Scout song book) as part of your closing.
    These songs are great to use when your den has the opening or closing
    for your pack meeting because your boys will have sung them so often.


    History can be very exciting for the boys if you make it personal to them.


    Big Idea 5 -- Know Your Family

    Big Idea 13 -- Caring for Your Home and Household
    Family Activity 5 -- Oldest house in the community
    Family Activity 6 -- Housing through the ages


    Elective 10 -- Native American Lore


    Achievement 3 -- What Makes America Special
    requirements c and d

    Achievement 8 -- The Past is Exciting and Important

    Elective 24 -- Native-American Life




    Family History:

    We have made family trees with a small apple for each family member.
    With the Tigers it's best to do just immediate family (parents and siblings)
    and add generations (grandparents) for Wolf cubs and Bear Cubs.
    This year I plan to use genealogy forms in order to have
    the boys fill out a family tree including their great-grandparents.

    Community History

    I took my Scouts on a pre-planned walk around town
    being sure that our route led us past the oldest houses in town.
    When we came to one of the houses, we stopped,
    and I talked a bit about the house's history.
    The boys were especially interested to find that one of the teachers
    at their school lives in one of the oldest houses in our town.
    If your town has a historic district, you could arrange a walking tour of the area.



    Big Idea 7 -- Helping Others


    Achievement 2 -- Your Flag

    Elective 11 -- Sing-Along
    requirements a and b

    Elective 19 -- Fishing
    requirement e


    Achievement 3 -- What Makes America Special
    requirements a, e, f, and g

    Achievement 7 -- Law Enforcement is a Big Job

    Achievement 24 -- Be A Leader




    Belt Loops/Pins:




    Big Idea 6 -- Know Your Community

    Big Idea 9 -- Getting There




    Achievement 4 -- Tall Tales
    reguirement b

    Elective 23 -- Maps



    Language Arts: Writing


    Big Idea 16 -- Tell It Like It Is




    Achievement 8 -- The Past is Exciting and Important
    requirement f

    Achievement 17 -- Information Please
    requirement e

    Achievement 18 -- Jot It Down





    Language Arts: Reading


    Big Idea 2 -- Family Entertainment
    Family Activity 1 -- Check out a library book to read aloud

    Big Idea 8 -- Go See It
    Family Activity 2 -- Visit the library and find a book that
    tells about things to see and do in your area.


    Achievement 7 -- Your Living World
    requirement d

    Achievement 10 -- Family Fun
    requirement c

    Elective 6 -- Books, Books, Books
    requirements a and b

    Elective 10 -- Native American Lore
    requirements a and f

    Elective 13 -- Birds
    requirement c

    Elective 14 -- Pets
    requirement c


    Achievement 4 -- Tall Tales
    requirements a and c

    Belt Loops/Pins:


    Language Arts: Speaking


    Big Idea 2 -- Family Entertainment
    Family Activity 2 -- Discuss a TV show that you have watched together.
    I suggest an episode of "Touched by an Angel" or "Promised Land."
    Family Activity 5 -- Discuss a movie that you have watched together.
    Family Activity 8 -- Tell stories.
    In our family we often tell round robin stories.
    Someone begins the story and tells it for a few minutes.
    The next person continues the story.
    Once each person has had a turn, the last person finishes
    the story, or the person who began it can finish it.


    Achievement 6 -- Start a Collection
    requirement b

    Elective 22 -- Say It Right
    requirement c


    Achievement 3 -- What Makes America Special
    requirement b

    Achievement 4 -- Tall Tales
    requirements a and c



    Belt Loops/Pins:


    Mathematics and Measurement




    Elective 3 -- Make It Yourself
    requirement b


    Achievement 9 -- What's Cooking

    Achievement 13 -- Saving Well, Spending Well



    Belt Loops/Pins:


    Science and Nature


    Big Idea 3 -- Discover Nature and Energy

    Big Idea 7 -- Helping Others
    Family Activity 4 -- Build a bird feeder.


    Achievement 7 -- Your Living World

    Elective 1 -- It's a Secret
    requirement b

    Elective 8 -- Machine Power
    requirements b, c, and d

    Elective 13 -- Birds

    Elective 14 -- Pets

    Elective 15 -- Grow Something

    Elective 19 -- Fishing
    requirement a


    Achievement 5 -- Sharing Your World with Wildlife
    We invited a wildlife biologist to speak to our den.
    He was a very interesting speaker and held the boys' attention.
    Plus, he answered questions and brought loads of brochures,
    information sheets, and nature coloring books for the boys.

    Achievement 6 -- Take Care of Your Planet

    Elective 1 -- Space

    Elective 2 -- Weather

    Elective 3 -- Radio

    Elective 4 -- Electricity

    Elective 6 -- Aircraft

    Elective 7 -- Things that Go

    Elective 12 -- Nature Crafts

    Elective 14 -- Landscaping

    Elective 15 -- Water and Soil Conservation

    Elective 16 -- Farm Animals







    Belt Loops/Pins:


    Kitchen Science

    Try some kitchen science at your next den meeting.
    Here are 2 experiments you can try.

    A perennial favorite is making dancing raisins.
    Into a clear glass, pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda,
    add 5 or 6 raisins, and about 3/4 cup of water.
    To this add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar.
    Bubbles will form around the raisins
    causing them to raise to the surface of the water.
    The bubbles pop; the raisins dive to the bottom.
    The bubbles form again; the raisins rise; and so on.
    This will continue for a long time.
    My kids and my best friend's kids once watched
    the raisins for over 45 min.

    Another favorite is to make a small (not messy) volcano.
    Spread baking soda about 1/4 inch thick in a pie plate.
    Sprinkle 1 or 2 drops of food coloring in several places
    on the baking soda, using different colors in separate spots.
    Sprinkle about 2 tablespoons of white vinegar
    into the pie plate over the colored spots.
    The reaction is like volcanos bubbling with colored lava.
    After a while the colors will begin to mix.

    Life Skills and Hobbies


    Big Idea 3 -- Discover Nature and Energy
    Family Activity 3 -- Collect your own bait and go fishing.
    Family Activity 6 -- Go camping as a family.

    Big Idea 4 -- Prepare for Emergencies
    Family Activity 5 -- Prepare a simple meal together -- one
    that your boy could fix for himself in an emergency.

    Big Idea 12 -- Make Your Own

    Big Idea 13 -- Caring for Your Home and Household

    Big Idea 14 -- Family Games, Tricks, and Puzzles
    Family Activity 6 -- Learn some magic tricks and perform
    them for the family.


    Achievement 5 -- Tools for Fixing and Building

    Achievement 6 -- Start a Collection

    Achievement 8 -- Cooking and Eating

    Elective 17 -- Tie It Right

    Elective 19 -- Fishing

    Elective 21 -- Computers


    Achievement 9 -- What's Cooking

    Achievement 13 -- Saving Well, Spending Well

    Achievement 19 -- Shavings and Chips

    Achievement 20 -- Sawdust and Nails

    Achievement 22 -- Tying It All Up

    Achievement 24 -- Be a Leader

    Elective 17 -- Repairs

    Elective 21 -- Sales

    Elective 22 -- Collecting Things



    Family Member




    Physical Education and Fitness


    Big Idea 2 -- Family Entertainment
    Family Activity 4 -- Make a kite and fly it.

    Big Idea 3 -- Discover Nature and Energy
    Family Activity 9 -- take a hike and look at wildflowers.

    Big Idea 4 -- Prepare for Emergencies
    Family Activity 15 -- Learn to Swim

    Big Idea 6 -- Know Your Community
    Family Activity 1 -- Take a hike and draw a map of the trip.
    Family Activity 2 -- Take a town bike trip and make a map of it.

    Big Idea 9 -- Getting There
    Family Activity 2 -- Take a bike trip and note key landmarks
    along the way.
    Family Activity 7 -- Ride a horse.

    Big Idea 15 -- Fitness and Sports


    Achievement 1 -- Feats of Skill

    Elective 4 -- Play a Game

    Elective 7 -- Foot Power

    Elective 20 -- Sports


    Achievement 14 -- Ride Right

    Achievement 15 -- Games, Games, Games

    Achievement 16 -- Building Muscles

    Achievement 23 -- Sports, Sports, Sports

    Elective 18 -- Backyard Gym

    Elective 19 -- Swimming

    Elective 20 -- Sports






    Belt Loops/Pins:








    Physical Fitness





    Health and Safety


    Big Idea 4 -- Prepare for Emergencies

    Big Idea 15 -- Fitness and Sports


    Achievement 3 -- Keep Your Body Healthy

    Achievement 4 -- Know Your Home and Community

    Achievement 8 -- Cooking and Eating

    Achievement 9 -- Be Safe at Home and on the Street

    Achievement 12 -- Making Choices

    Elective 14 -- Pets
    requirement b

    Elective 16 -- Family Alert

    Elective 18 -- Outdoor Adventure
    requirement g

    Elective 19 -- Fishing
    requirement d

    Elective 20 -- Sports
    requirements b, c, d, e, f, and g


    Achievement 9 -- What's Cooking
    requirements b, c, d, and e

    Achievement 10 -- Family Fun requirement a

    Achievement 11 -- Be Ready

    Achievement 14 -- Ride Right

    Elective 5 -- Boats
    requirements c, e, and f


    Family Member


    Arts and Crafts


    Big Idea 1 -- Getting to Know You
    Family Activity 4 -- Draw pictures of things you like to do
    with your partner.



    Big Idea 2 -- Family Entertainment
    Family Activity 3 -- Learn some songs you can sing together.

    Big Idea 11 -- Making Your Family Special
    Family Activity 12 -- Come up with your own family song.


    Elective 10 -- Native American Lore
    requirement b

    Elective 11 -- Sing-Along


    Elective 8 -- Cub Scout Band



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