This is Hannah, our "first born". She was found on the side of the road after being hit by a car (she was not seriously hurt). Her owners could not be located, so the people who found her put her up for adoption. We adopted her in 1989, and she has been the best dog a person could hope for. She's extremely friendly, intelligent, energetic, and most of all, patient with the kids. Her biggest faults are that she snores and she's a lousy watch dog. But we wouldn't trade her for anything.

This is Abigail (the Dalmatian) and Leo (the cat). Both have long since passed away, but we wanted to pay tribute to them anyway.

Abigail was what we affectionately call a "factory second." She was small, and didn't have all the "right" physical traits that dalmatians are "supposed" to have. But she was a sweet dog, and we miss her.

Leo was perhaps the world's most friendly and curious cat. When we were painting the back porch, he would come over and sit on our lap, or try to play with the paint brush while we were painting. Needless to say, he wound up with white paint on him more than once.

A few notes about damlatians are in order. Dalmatians are one of five breeds of dogs that are responsible for most dog bites. They can be aggressive and protective of their owners. They also carry a deafness gene, and can be susceptable to illnesses. Not only that, but they shed too. If you are considering a dalmatian, do some homework. Here are a few sites that may help you out:
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