Testimonial by Chet Louivere
Friday, January 24, 2003

It was about the time of September 11, 2001 that I injured my back on my job and I was unable to work. The pain in my lower back was unbearable. It was like someone had a needle nose pliers twisting in my back nerves. I had constant pain. The doctors couldn’t do a thing for me because nothing was broken, it was a pinched nerve. After about a week, I couldn’t take the pain anymore so I told God, “God if you can’t cure me then take me. I can’t take the pain anymore.”

Well, moments after, Mr. Joffery Cochennic Sr. came to mind. I gave him a call and told him what was going on. Mr. Cochennic advised me that he would begin praying for me right away and that if I could, to come over to his place where he had built the shrine to the Blessed mother, the Holy Mary Shrine. I was able to get a ride over there and we sat at the shrine. Mr. Cochennic prayed over my back and I could smell a strong odor of flowers of some type. Soon after that, my back started feeling better. Finally some relief from the pain. I was soon able to return to work and my back has been feeling good ever since that day. I thank God for listening to Mr. Joffery’s prayers and for healing my back.

Chet Louivere
Captain of the Golden Meadow Police Department

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