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The Williams Family
est. 1986 in Orlando, FL

Since then we've domiciled in Florida, California, Washington, Pennsylvania, and now Ohio. We've shown considerable growth in our short ten year history, but have leveled off at 250%. (If we haven't, a certain Mansfield, OH doctor will be sued for malpractice!)

Meet the members of the Williams Family:
Ron, Cheryl, Amber, Aaron, Ryan, and Purdy

RonRon - Born in Kankakee, IL. Grew up in Nazarene parsonages in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.  Active in music and sports while growing up. Attended Olivet Nazarene University for two years, then joined the U.S. Navy nuclear propulsion program. Has worked in full-time youth ministry and outside sales. Presently working as a trainer for Schneider National Carriers. Likes to mountain bike, ski, and spend way too much time on the computer.

CherylCheryl - Born and raised in the Orlando, FL area. Involved in music and student government while growing up. Graduated from Trevecca Nazarene College in Nashville, TN with a degree in Elementary and Special Education. Taught in both public and private schools for several years until becoming a full-time Mom. Presently, in her rare free moments, she likes sewing, needle crafts, photography, and finding new and shocking recipes to try.

Amber's First Grade PictureAmber - Born in Longview, WA. Presently in 1st grade, loves learning to read and is an honor roll student. She plays soccer where she can be very aggressive in her attempts to kick the ball. She also likes to roller blade and ride her bike. Amber is also active in the Caravan scouting program at our church. Her most notable quality is her generosity.

Aaron's Kindergarten PictureAaron - Born in Cocoa Beach, FL. Presently attending kindergarten where he really likes to hang out with his friends and look cool. (Which means shirts with no collars.) This is Aaron's first year in soccer where he is learning the finer points of the game.  Aaron is also involved in Caravan scouting. He especially likes the Power Rangers and wrestling with his dad. Aaron is best known for his very good sense of humor.

Ryan in hatRyan - Born in Galion, OH on his mother's birthday. Ryan has just learned to walk. He really enjoys getting into his brother and sister's toys. He always seems to have a rather contagious smile on his face. He likes to explore our house and pull on his daddy's beard. Ryan is known for his sweet nature and flirting with the teenage girls at church.

Purdy   Purdy - Born in Galion, OH (we think.) She was abandoned and abused as a puppy. Someone rescued her and brought her to a local veterinarian. After a few weeks she found her way into our home and our hearts. She is named after the momma dog in "101 Dalmatians." She loves to be the center of attention and will go to extreme measures to accomplish that. Her favorite activity is to run down the street as fast as she can while one of us tries to chase and catch her.

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