Daisies that surround me
The crown my head with love
Bursting with such sunshine
That comes from up above

Oh what joy in life to me
So happy and so gay
Little flowers fill my heart
With so much love today

Sweet bouquet of innocence
So dainty and divine
Given with such tenderness
Their gift is pure sunshine

Butterflies on golden wing
They fall from everywhere
Dancing oh so merrily
As they flutter in midair

Landing on a petal bright
They rest with so much ease
Captive by magnificence
In petal's whispered breeze

Winds so soft with beauty
With gentleness embrace
Daises and sweet butterflies
Warmth of love with grace.

~ ~ Francine Pucillo ~
©used with permission
Read more of her poetry here.

The painting is entitled Jennifer by ©Carolyn Blish. It is used with permission of the Christ Centered Mall's Christian Art Center. One is allowed to use their art provided a prominent LINK BACK and CREDIT logo are used. (mandatory of course).

The midi is ©Bruce DeBoer and used with his permission. It is entitled Sweet One. You may visit his fine site HERE where he not only has midis to download but ALSO has great CD's for sale.