In the Cross of Christ I Glory!


Here are some older sermons from St. Matthew's.

Hier sind einige unserer älteren Predigten.

The texts for the 1998-1999 church year follow the ILCW* series A readings.

If you appreciate any of these sermons, drop me an E-mail line and let me know this time-consuming task of maintaining the web page is worthwhile!

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"Behold, I Am Coming Soon!"

"Siehe, ich komme bald!"

Sermon for the Last Sunday of End Times—Christ the King

November 21, 1999

Revelation 22:12-17,20,   preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Sing of the City of God with the Saints of Old"

"Sing mit in dem Lied von Jerusalem"

Sermon for the Third Sunday of End Times—The Saints Triumphant

November 14, 1999

Isaiah 26:1-21 (selected verses), preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Love Is the Evidence of Righteousness"

"Die Liebe ist der Beweis der Gerechtigkeit"

Sermon for the Second Sunday of End Time—The Last Judgment

November 7, 1999

Matthew 22:34-40, preached by Vicar Michael Sullivan

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Thy Might Hand Did Make a Trumpet None Could Silence or Mistake"

"Der Engel des ewigen Evangeliums"

Sermon for the Festival of the Reformation

October 31, 1999

Revelation 14:6-7, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"The Greatest Commandment"

"Das größte Gebot"

Sermon for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

October 24, 1999

Matthew 22:34-40, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Look forward to the LORD'S Salvation!"

"Richte dich auf des Herrn Heil!"

Sermon for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

October 17, 1999

Isaiah 25:6-9, preached by Vicar Michael Sullivan

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Beginning at Jerusalem

Sermon for the Home Mission Festival Celebration commemorating the 150th Anniversary of First Evangelical Lutheran Church, Racine, Wisconsin

(English Only)

October 10, 1999

Luke 24:45-48, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English

"A Child of the Third Kind"

"Eine dritte Sorte Kind"

Sermon for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

October 3, 1999

Matthew 21:28-32, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Call on the Lord While He Is Near"

"Rufet den Herrn, solange er nahe ist!"

Sermon for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 26, 1999

Isaiah 55:6-9, preached by Vicar Michael Sullivan

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Forgive Like Joseph"

"Vergib wie Josef"

Sermon for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 19, 1999

Genesis 50:15-21, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"What Kind of Parent Are You?"

"Was für ein Elternteil bist du?"

Sermon for Christian Education Sunday

´September 12, 1999

1 Samuel 2:12-26, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

(Swedish Sermon, preached at St. Markus in Ljungby Sweden, September 5, 1999)

"Här står jag framför konungarnas Kung"

Predikan i S:t Markus församling i Ljungby Sverige

5 September 1999

2 Mosebok 33:12-23 Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Predikan svenska

"Treasure the Gospel"

"Schätze das Evangelium"

Sermon for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 22, 1999

Matthew 13:44-52, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Thank God You Don't Always Get What You Pay For"

"Danke Gott, daß du nicht immer das kriegst, dafür du bezahlt hast"

Sermon for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

August 8, 1999

Isaiah 55:1-5, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Jesus Commends Faith"

"Jesus lobt den Glauben"

Sermon for the tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 1, 1999

Matthew 15: 21-28, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Lord, Seat Us In Your Glory"

"Herr, setze uns in deiner Herrlichkeit"

Sermon for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

July 25, 1999

Mark 10:35-45, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"A Word for Discouraged Christians"

"Ein Wort für entmutigte Christen"

Sermon for the Eight Sunday after Pentecost

July 18, 1999

Romans 8:18-25, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Here, O My Lord, I See You Face to Face"

"Hier, O mein Herr, Sehe ich dich Angesicht zu Angesicht"

Sermon for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

July 11, 1999

Exodus 33:12-23, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Pledge Allegiance"

"Verpfände die Treue"

Sermon for the American Independence Day Holiday

July 4, 1999

Matthew 22:15-22, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

This week we conclude our sermon series on the mission of the church St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.

"What's in a Name? We Are St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church"

"Was bedeutet unser Name? Wir sind St. Matthäus Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche"

Sermon for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

June 27, 1999

Ephesians 2:8-10, 19-22, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

This week we continue our sermon series on the mission of the church St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.

"What's in a Name? We Are St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church"

"Was bedeutet unser Name? Wir sind St. Matthäus Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche"

Sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

June 20, 1999

Romans 10:8-10, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

This week we continue our sermon series on the mission of the church St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.

"What's in a Name? We Are St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church"

"Was bedeutet unser Name? Wir sind St. Matthäus Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche"

Sermon for the Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 13, 1999

Mark 16:15, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

This week we begin a series of our sermons designed to remind our members of the mission of the church.

"What's in a Name? We Are St. Matthew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church"

"Was bedeutet unser Name? Wir sind St. Matthäus Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche"

Sermon for the Second Sunday after Pentecost

June 6, 1999

Matthew 9:9-13, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Acknowledge Your Creator and Trust Him to the End"

"Anerkenne deinen Schöpfer, und traue ihm bis auf das Ende"

Sermon for the Festival of the Holy Trinity, the First Sunday after Pentecost

May 30, 1999

Genesis 1:1-2:3, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Refresh Your Spirit"

"Erfrische deinen Geist"

Sermon for the Pentecost Sunday, the Festival of the Holy Spirit

May 23, 1999

Acts 2:17-21, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"The Resurrection Lives On!"

"Die Auferstehung bleibt immer noch zentral!"

Sermon for the Ascension Sunday, the Seventh Sunday of Easter

May 16, 1999

Acts 1:1-11, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Live Your Whole Life As a Confident Witness"

"Lebe das ganze Leben als ein überzeugter Zeuge"

Sermon for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 9, 1999

1 Peter 3:15-22, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Home Heals a Heavy Heart"

"Heim heilt ein schweres Herz"

Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter

May 2, 1999

John 14:1-6, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Serve the Savior Who Suffered for the Sheep"

"Diene dem Hirten, der für die Schafe gestorben ist"

Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter—Good Shepherd Sunday

April 25, 1999

1 Peter 2:19-25, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Abide, O Dearest Jesus"

"Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade, bei uns Herr Jesu Christ"

Sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter

April 18, 1999

Luke 24:13-35, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Proclaim Peace to the People"

"Verkündige Frieden zu den Leuten"

Sermon for the Second Sunday of Easter

April 11, 1999

John 20:19-33, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

On Palm Sunday St. Matthew's observes the examination and confirmation of its catechumens. The examination takes the place of the sermon in the English Service. Thus, there is only a German sermon posted for today.

To read the Examination questions and answers, click here:

Examination Questions

Deutsche Predigt:

"Nur Jesus ist so viel wert"

Sermon for the Sixth Sunday in Lent—Palm Sunday

March 28, 1999

Mark 15:3-9, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Predigt auf Deutsch

"Live Like Lazarus"

"Lebe wie Lazarus"

Sermon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent

March 21, 1999

Romans 8:11-19, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

Michigan Lutheran High School Sunday

February 14, 1999

Sermon was preached by Rev. Tom Schneider and is unfortunately unavailable for the web.

The Sermon for the 4th Sunday in Lent is unavailable for the web.

"Living Water"

"Lebendiges Wasser"

Sermon for the Second Sunday in Lent

February 28, 1999

John 4:5-26, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Two Men Who Changed the World"

"Zwei Menschen die veränderten die Welt"

Sermon for the First Sunday in Lent

February 21, 1999

Romans 5:12-19, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"The LORD Reveals His Glory"

"Der HERR enthüllt seinen Ruhm"

Sermon for the Feast of the Transfiguration, the Last Sunday after the Epiphany

February 14, 1999

2 Peter 1:16-21, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Walking in the Light Is More Than 'Religion'"

"Im Lichte wandeln ist mehr als 'Religion'"

Sermon for the 5th Sunday after the Epiphany

February 7, 1999

Isaiah 58:5-9a, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Membership Has Its Privileges"

"Selig sind Jesu Nachfolger"

Sermon for the 4th Sunday after the Epiphany

January 31, 1999

Matthew 5:1-12, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Fan Into Flames Your Gift of God"

(English Only)

Sermon for the Feast of St. Timothy

January 24, 1999

2 Timothy 1:1-7, preached by Vicar Benjamin Berger

Sermon in English

"The Gospel of Jesus Is Still God’s Weapon of Choice"

"Das Evangelium Jesu ist und bleibt Gottes ausgewählte Waffe"

Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

January 17, 1999

Isaiah 49:1-6, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Salvation Begins With Baptism"

"Die Seligkeit fängt mit der Taufe an"

Sermon for the Baptism of Jesus, The First Sunday after the Epiphany

January 10, 1999

Matthew 2:13-18, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

January 3, 1999—Snowed Out By The Blizzard of '99!

"Remember the First Martyrs for Christ"

"Gedenke der ersten Märtyrer für Christus"

Sermon for the Commemoration of the Holy Innocents

December 27, 1998

Matthew 2:13-18, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"The Word Became Flesh"

Sermon for the Feast of the Nativity + Christmas Day

(English Only)

December 25, 1998

John 1:14, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English

Fourth Sunday in Advent + Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols (No Sermon)

"Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel, And Ransom Captive Israel"

"Auf, auf, ihr Reichsgenossen, euer König kommt heran"

Sermon for the Third Sunday in Advent

December 13, 1998

Isaiah 35:1-10, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Prepare the Way for the Lord"

"Bereite dem Herrn den Weg"

Sermon for the Second Sunday in Advent

December 6, 1998

Matthew 3:1-12, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Watch! The Son of Man Is Coming"

"Wachet! Der Menschen Sohn kommt"

Sermon for the First Sunday in Advent

November 29, 1998

Matthew 24:37-44, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"You’re Completely Safe in Christ’s Kingdom"

"Du bist völlig sicher in Christi Reich"

Sermon for the Last Sunday of End Times, Christ the King

November 22, 1998

Jeremiah 23:2-6, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"The Resurrection Is Real"

"Die Auferstehung ist wirklich"

Sermon for the 3rd Sunday of End Times, The Saints Triumphant

November 15, 1998

2 Timothz 2:8-13, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Judgment Day Is Coming!"

"Der Tag des Gerichts kommt!"

Sermon for the 2nd Sunday of End Times, The Last Judgment

November 8, 1998

2 Thessalonians 1:3-10, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"

"Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott"

Sermon for the festival of the Lutheran Reformation, the 1st Sunday of End Times,

November 1, 1998

Psalm 46, preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"Remember Jesus Christ"

"Halt Jesus Christus im Gedächtnis"

Sermon for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost, October 25, 1998

2 Timothy 2:8-13, preached by Vicar Ben Berger

Sermon in English Predigt auf Deutsch

"May the Lord Our God Be With Us,

Even As He Was With Our Fathers"

Sermon for the 100th Anniversary Jubilee

of Saint Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church

October 18, 1998

1 Kings 8:57 (English Only)

preached by Pastor Timothy H. Buelow

Anniversary Jubilee Sermon

* Inter Lutheran Commission on Worship, We follow the slightly adapted readings from Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal, ©1993, Northwestern Publishing House, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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