Causes of Child Abuse?

An Annual Fifty State Survey asked the representatives from the states what they thought were the major problems which led to child abuse. Of the 46 state representatives who responded to the question, 32 states said substance abuse was one of the two top problems. Another 22 states thought economic problems were among the major problems noting that "most families on their caseloads either lived in poverty or faced increased financial stress due to unemployment and the recession. These families have insufficient resources to care for their children."

8 states said family or domestic violence was a major problem for the families, while 8 states said lack of knowledge of how to take care of and raise children was a big issue. Finally, representatives from 5 states thought the lack of community support was a major problem.

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Here is a list of 4 things learned by children as a result of physical punishment.

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  1. The first of these unintended [parents do not mean to teach their children] consequences is the association of love with violence. Parents are the first, and usually the only ones, to hit an infant....The child therefore learns that his/her primary love objects are also those who hit.

  2. Second, since physical punishment is used to train the child or to teach him/her about which dangerous things are to be avoided, it establishes the moral rightness of hitting other family members.

  3. The third unintended consequence is the....principle that when something is really important, it justifies the use of physical force.

  4. Fourth is the idea that when one is under stress, tense, or angry, hitting -- although wrong -- is "understandable," i.e., to a certain extent legitimate [all right].

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Monday's Child was Cruelly Beat,
Tuesday's Child had Zero to Eat,
Wednesday's Child was Badly Burned,
Thursday's Child's Scars have Returned,
Friday's Child was Forced into Bed,
Saturday's Child has More Tears to Shed,
But the Child Abused on Sabbath Day has Nightmares which Simply won't Go Away!

By: Margulies/Rothco

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This background snatched from my ole pal Brandy


Compliments of the ToyMaker

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