13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Here's the happy ending story of Champ (formerly Sonic):

On January 3, 2006, we lost our beloved friend and companion, Louie. Louie was a tenacious little Pomeranian-poodle mix, who ruled the roost with a tough little iron paw. When Louie was 7 he dislocated his back knees. After a month of medications and treatment it was time for his surgery. Unfortunately the medication had affected his liver and the surgery was postponed. A month later he returned to the vet, and to his surprise, a combination of exercise and good weather had strengthened his knees and the surgery was cancelled. Can you imagine a 12 pound Pomeranian pulling a cart?
That is the kind of courage and determination we came to respect and admire from him. He was a proud dog who was loved by everyone, even people he nipped on occasion. It was a sad day when he succumbed to heart failure, and we miss him dearly, especially his pal Buddy.
Buddy is a 16 year old Shepard-Husky mix. He is very independant and aloof when it comes to humans and other dogs except Louie. When Louie came into our household they became instant friends. Louie had that small dog complex, and Buddy always looked after him. They played together and developed their own unique relationship. Buddy became the big brother and allowed Louie to think he ran the house. The love and friendship between them was a wonderful thing to watch and be a part of.
When Louie died, Buddy was literally devastated. He stopped eating and went into a state of depression. His daily mile walk in the woods became a chore for him. He missed his little pal. We immediately began looking for a new companion for Buddy. We looked at several shelters, and then began searching the internet. On February 4, 2006 we found him, a three year old Pomeranian on your website! We decided we would arrive at TLC as soon as you opened and we brought Buddy with us. We took Champ (formerly Sonic) outside to meet Buddy and it was love at first sight for all of us. There was an instant change in Buddy's demeanor. Immediately he began eating, running, and playing again. Our house is filled again with all the nuances that only a relationship between 2 animals can provide. Champ and your shelter gave us this wonderful opportunity.
The fact that we were treated so kindly by your shelter cannot be understated. We were beside ourselves when we arrived at your shelter, and left so full of hope. Champ is a kind, affectionate, playful, stubborn and very much loved Pomeranian. We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all that you do.
This modest donation we make to the shelter at this time of year cannot begin to thank you for who you are and what you do. Thank you for making it possible for the Buddy's and Champ's of the world to find each other. And thank you for making our family whole again. Throughout the whole year and especially during this holiday season, we say THANK YOU!!

Randy and Mary Doggett, Buddy and Champ