13016 West 151st Street Lockport IL 60441

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Here's the happy ending story of Dalantor (formerly Duke):

Hi there. My name used to be Duke, now I am called Dalantor. A year ago I was dropped off at your shelter by my human, because she could not take care of me anymore ( I think I got too big...). Anyway, I stayed with you for a couple of days until a family with a little boy came in and fell in love with me. They took me to their house, and introduced me to their other dog, my sister Ariel. I have lived with them for a year now, and really like my home here. Ariel went to heaven in May, (they said something about cancer), so I have to entertain myself now, but I am pretty well behaved none the less.

I love my boy, Harris. He is full of energy like me, and likes to chase me and I like to chase him. We play in the yard a lot, and my favorite game is fetch (ball, stick, rope, it doesn't matter), although I don't ALWAYS bring it right back - sometimes I just prance around with it because I am so proud of myself. My other favorite game is to jump, not on people, just up in the air. Dad calls me a kangaroo - whatever that is...

I got my people to take a picture of me with my sister Ariel and my boy Harris. I sent it along to you with this mail. Thank you so much for the second chance at a happy home life - you guys are the best.

Dalantor Jordan