13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Here's the Happy Ending story of Harlee (formerly Rae Jean):

We started out a little rocky; she had to be practically dragged out to the car to go home with me. 9 months later she's great. The first few months were a bit stressful. You couldn't really touch her and she'd hug the walls to stay away from you. Putting a leash on was major drama. Any quick movements or any loud noises put her into a meltdown that had her shaking from head to toe for an hour or more. After much patience and lots of love and much spoiling she is now little miss kissy face. Christmas Eve we had the entire family over including three of her four legged cousins, Nellie, Peaches and Muffin. She did extremely well and was interacting with everyone and in it to the end.

A few words from Harlee:

This is my new yard. If you look way in the back you can see me: it’s really big and Mommy went into hoc to put up a fence for me. I run and run and run and run.

This is me and my cousin Nellie. She wanted to name me Trudy the Intruder. Nellie isn't very happy with me right now. She's 12 and was trying to keep up with me in the yard. Her ACL snapped and they couldn't repair it, they had to put a man made one in and she's learning how to walk on her leg again. We still have sleep overs though. ( We unexpectedly lost Nellie 01/10/08 )

This is me and my Grandma and Grandpa. They baby-sit me when Mommy works. Grandpa is waiting for me every morning at 6:30. We go get the paper and then go to Dunkin Donuts ( I know what DD means ) and read the paper in the car together. I'm always a good girl so I get a little piece of donut dunked in coffee. Whenever Grandma needs to go shopping, me and Grandpa take her and I help him watch for her to come back. During the summer cousin Nellie and I got to go on vacation to Michigan with them.

This is me with all of Santa's presents. I was a really good girl.

These are me again. Happy Happy Happy !!!!!!

I’m soooo cute!!!!!!! Harlee