13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


The story of a great dog: Beauregard Jackson (formerly Samson)

We adopted Jackson from TLC on Good Friday 2006. I saw his picture on the TLC website & knew he was my dog. Jackson now lives with me, my husband Bob, my 8 year old dog Dana & 12 year old cat Alex.

Jackson is a very sweet dog. He is almost house trained. He gets along very well with Dana. They play with each other in our fenced back yard. When Jackson grooms himself he makes cute little doggie noises. Also, he howls when he knows he is going to have breakfast & dinner.

Jackson had whipworms & has been treated for them. Also, his ears were badly infected. Our vet anesthetized him and cleaned his ears under anesthesia. He is doing much better. Our vet says he has a very good temperament. He was also very good for his bath.

Jackson gets along well with our cat Alex. Jackson wants to smell Alex and this does annoy Alex but their relationship is improving. Both took a nap together with me and tolerated each other very well. (He sleeps in a crate at night and is ok with it.)

Jackson is good with the neighbors children and will soon meet our grandchildren. Jackson sat on the couch next to Bob the first night he arrived, and put his head on Bob's lap. He is very affectionate. We love this dog. He is gentle & sweet.

Soon I will take him for obedience training.

I want to thank everyone who took care of Jackson and want you to know we are taking good care of him. He has a home for life. Jackson says thank you, too!

Robert J. & Mary Ann Hanuska

P.S. He loves to eat, loves a milkbone. He loves to go for a walk, too.

Note from webmistress: I searched my archives for the picture of Samson (now Jackson) that was on the website, but I'm not certain I found it. Mary Ann, could you email me & describe Jackson? Better yet, send me a current picture!