13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Here's the happy ending story of Lilac:

As the volunteer webmistress for TLC, I see animals every week that tug on my heart as I take their photograph for the weekly update. Little Lilac, a chihuahua/terrier mix, was one of these. She came to TLC as one of a houseful of chihuahua mix dogs that had been poorly cared for. Many had health problems, including heartworm and kennel cough. But despite their sad beginning, all were very sweet and loving, so I wasn't too worried about them finding good homes. Lilac was soon adopted, and I put her out of my mind.

A few weeks later, while taking my weekly photographs at the shelter, there was Lilac. She had been diagnosed with glaucoma, and the vet had recommended removal of her sightless right eye. Her new family could not handle the expense and the stress of it, so back she had come to TLC.

I had been thinking of adopting another dog as a companion for Eliot, our 14 year old Basset hound. He had never been without another dog around, and his last friend, Tess the collie, had just passed on. Eliot had become fearful of other dogs ever since some strange dogs had roughed him up during one of our walks, so I wanted to find him a companion that would not intimidate him. Lilac fit the bill - she was timid and tiny - so she joined our family.

The surgery was successful, and Lilac is doing fine with one eye. She needs medication for glaucoma, but other than that she is a happy and healthy girl. We nicknamed her Cat-dog because she is so light on her feet and graceful, she stretches like a cat, she sits on chair arms, and she plays with very small objects. Eliot likes his new girlfriend too. They sleep together, go on walks together, and guard our property.

TLC has meant the beginning of a new and better life for countless animals in need like Lilac and her housemates. My husband and I will continue to help the shelter in any way that we can, because each of these animals is precious, and deserves a good home and a happy ending.

Sandi & Parnell O'Brien