13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Here's the happy ending story of Lucy:

On July 18, 2002 my husband and I went searching for a puppy. We had been married for a about a year and a half and were ready for an addition to the family. Both of us grew up with dogs in our families. My husband, Dave's childhood pet was adopted from TLC. Our first intent was to look for a cute little puppy to buy. We were both off that day in the summer so we started our venture. We had gone to several pet stores around the area, not settling on one puppy yet. Then we started going to the shelters, one in Tinley, one towards Chicago. The dogs at the shelters were too big for our house and yard. Our last stop was right on the way home in Homer Glen where we live. We stopped in TLC. There she was, "Lucy", sitting in a cage, looking so sad. The worker led us to the kennels so we could take a look at all the dogs. He was giving each dog treats through the cages, but Lucy would not eat hers. She just sat there as patient as could be with loving and sad eyes. My husband and I went back to her and wanted to take her out. Now remember of course, we believed we would be buying three month old puppy, not a 2 year old full size dog! We took her out in front to see how she acted with us. It was like she was our dog from that moment on. There was no way we could leave her, she was coming home! Lucy is unbelievable. She is the best dog, we believe part sheep dog. She loves to go on walks. We take her to the golf course by our house in the winter to run. She loves car rides. We take her everywhere, she just hops right in. Lucy knows all of her toys by name, her froggy, Lucy doll, Christmas tree, ball, cow. She is most attached to my husband Dave. Since he is a teacher, they keep each other company all summer. She loves to take naps on his chest, even though she is about 50 pounds. Lucy has many dog friends. She plays with our neighbor's dog Dexter. She likes to visit her cousin dogs, Jake and Milly. We do not know what we would do if we did not have Lucy. We sometimes call her a "person dog" because she is so smart. We just wanted to write this short story to say how much we love Lucy and are fortunate to have found her.

Lisa and Dave