13016 West 151st Street Lockport IL 60441

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Here's the happy ending story of Muffin:


Just to let you know about the kitten that my mother adopted back in April of 2002.
She was five weeks old when she came home and aquired her new name of Muffin. She has become quite a handful. She is possibly the most playful cat I have ever seen. She gets into the most trouble too. You should see the Christmas Tree. She has been practicing her mountaineering skills on the tree. So far she has made it to within a foot of the top. You can't get mad at her though, because the first time you yell at her she will roll over on her back and try to show you how cute she is. It works. Nobody can get mad at her.
I've enclosed a picture of her at one of her more restful moments. That is her best buddy Candy lying next to her.
Happy Holidays to everyone at TLC

Brezinski Family