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Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
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Animal Shelter gives TLC, draws many local residents
by Tracy Yoshida Gruen, Staff Writer
Reprinted from The Romeoville Bugle June 21, 2006

Every other thursday, Kathy Kanak and her four-legged friends Levi Jean & Katie visit Shady Oaks Center to paint smiles on the faces of its residents.

Kanak, of Romeoville, is a VIP of the Tender Loving Care Animal Shelter in Homer Glen. The VIP members are volunteers who take their pets to visit people in nursing homes and other facilities.

"We go to walk around and see everybody," said Kanak, who said that she brings one dog at a time to visit the residents. "She gives lots of kisses," Kanak said about her pet.

When Kanak's own grandmother was in a nursing home she remembers seeing someone bring a dog in to visit a resident and she thought it was a wonderful way to make residents happy.

"It's just a lot of fun," said Kanak, about visiting Shady Oaks residents. Shady Oaks is a facility for people with developmental disabilities.

One memorable experience for Kanak involved a resident who did not want to leave his room. She said that this resident finally left his room in order to go outside and be with one of her dogs and she felt very pleased that her dog could motivate him to do so. Kanak believes there are some things that animals can do for people that people just can't.

Kanak shared that the experience is rewarding for her dogs, the residents and herself.

In their wheelchairs, many of the residents enjoy taking Levi Jean & Katie for a walk.

For about four years, Kanak and her canines have been one of the original volunteers in the TLC's VIP program. She said that the dogs are tested around people in wheelchairs and walkers to make sure they are the type of animals that will act properly and safely in that type of situation.

Most of the visitors are dogs, but there have been a few cats that visit people as well.

TLC has been in operation since 1974 and it is a private, non-profit humane society that is dedicated to preventing animals from being abused and neglected. Every year, the shelter provides a home for about three to four thousand animals.

Many of the people who adopt animals from the shelter are from the Romeoville area, according to a TLC volunteer.

The shelter has also provided education programs for school groups, kennel club and scout groups about the proper animal care and various problems.

Some other events include the Lockport Old Canal Days Pet Parade held on June 18, Homer Independence Day parade on June 24 and the TLC Annual Car Wash at the Animal Care Clinic in Homer Glen on July 9.

TLC is located at 13016 W. 151st Street in Homer Glen. The shelter depends on the support of the community, according to its website.