Comments concerning the injured black cat pictured on the T.L.C. website

As a result of this discussion, the website will follow this policy: any pictures that could be upsetting will be placed at the bottom of the weekly pet list, with a WARNING in red above the picture. Hopefully, we won't have to post disturbing pictures very often! Thank you all for sharing your opinion. (The controversial picture is at the end of this page.)

This is the email that started this discussion:

How necessary was it to put a picture of that injured cat on the TLC website ? That picture I'm sure is not helping that cat get adopted any quicker. Here kitty we know you look like hell and are about ready to croak so smile for the camera. Maybe it was not your idea, either way in my opinion which I think that I am entitled to it was a bad idea.

This is the shelter's response:

I will take sole responsibility for the picture of that poor cat being on the website. I told Sandi (our terrific webmistress) that I felt the picture should be seen. I too am appalled when I look at the cats picture ....... appalled that someone would have let this happen to this poor cat. She is so gentle it is apparent she had to have been someone's pet at one time. Obviously she was left to live outside, personally I think she had been abandoned by her owner, The poor cat would certainly have had died had it not been for a someone concerned enough to spend days on end trying to capture her, and then to make sure she was brought to TLC where she would receive the care she needed.
I wanted people to see what we deal with at the shelter, the sadness, the anger and frustration we feel when we see animals like this, not just the animals whose cute pictures you see on the website each week. I admit the picture is disturbing, but I told Sandi I wanted people to think about what some of these poor animals go through before they end up at TLC. I also wanted people to see what can happen when they allow their pets to roam freely, as natural as some people seem to think it is, in reality the dangers for cats and dogs allowed to roam are too numerous to even begin to mention. We were not trying to exploit this cat, or try to shock people. This picture was not meant to shock, but to be a learning tool for those unaware of the hardships these animals have gone through. Secondly I also am hoping some kindly soul seeing the cats picture would want to adopt her and give her a good home and all the love she deserves.
I am glad that you felt compelled to say something, and I hope it makes other people think too, I would be most interested in hearing their comments. We need to make folks more aware of the cruelty and hardships these animals have had to endure. We live in beautiful suburbia where many people feel this thing does not go on, sadly this type of thing happens more than most people can imagine. The animals cannot speak for themselves, so we have taken it upon ourselves to speak out for them ...... as they say "one picture is worth a thousand words," and her picture speaks volumes.
Janine Carter
Shelter Coordinator

These are ALL the emails received after the webmistress requested more opinions:

I think it is okkay to show a picture like this as long as you have a warning that way people dont have to look at it ,it is their choice to.And i think that it shows people how rude some owners can be and it might change "the people" to take better care of their animals then they already are. Thank you for your time of reading my "opinion".
your TLC teen buddy,Jillena
P.S. Lady, Buddy, and Snickers (all from the TLC Shelter) say "Hi and thank you for helping us so we wouldn't end up like that poor kitty"
Thought I'd put my "two cents" in about the photo on the TLC website which showed an injured cat at the shelter looking to be adopted.
I personally think more people should be made aware of what can happen when you let your animal roam. It's a cruel world out there and the person who was offended by your posting of this photo needs to grow up. I've seen a lot worse things that have happened to animals and it's not a pretty sight. We adopted a dog that was hit by a car and lost a front leg. We adopted a kitten some months ago that had to have his tail amputated because of severe injuries to his tail. We also have a cat who wwas shot (on our property) by a pellet gun and caused $2,000 of damage to his leg. He dragged himself back to our barn and today he's in great shape. The stories I've read and the accounts I've seen go on and on. So people need to wake up! There's all kinds of cruelty out there, manmade and otherwise. If you allow your animals to roam around, things can happen.
Thank god, someone had the decency to trap this little cat and save his life. So keep up the good work. People need to be educated.
J. Emerson
Lockport, IL
P.S. If he needs a home, we'll take him.
It is a horrible picture and I hope this poor little baby is getting good veterinary care and you show us a photo update as this kitty comes along! Please let us know that this kitty is getting better.
Every week I go on the TLC website to see the new kittens/cats who need homes. Last year I was fortunate enough to bring home a kitten and provide Stormy with a loving and wonderful home. Though the picture of the female kitten is disturbing and it actually has made me cry every time I look at it, this is reality of what can happen to stray animals. I think it that it is a good idea to put this kitten's picture on the site and also at the same time have a warning to let viewers know what they will be seeing. I hope this kitten will find herself in a loving home and receive all the TLC she deserves.
TLC animal shelter is by far the best at finding good homes. Keep up the good work!!!
Tinley Park
Hello.....I did find the picture disturbing.....but NOT because you posted it. I believe animal abuse should be known, and I commend your efforts.
On the other hand, I cried for this sweet little girl. I want you to know that I am interested in adopting her. I live here in Lockport in a stable home, with a husband, son and two other indoor-only cats. I can provide her with a safe, happy, loving life.
Please email me back, or call me when you can, regarding this sweet little girl.
Kim McCormick
I am at a loss for words. Being an animal lover from the get go, the photo brings tears to my eyes. How could someone do this to a poor defenseless creature like this. I want to adopt this baby!!! I DO NOT believe that this should not be on the websight. People must be shown how cruel others can be. Everything is not all peaches & cream. You can't just bury your head in the sand and not think that things like this don't happen. My husband used to be a supervisor at Animal Welfare League & you wouldn't believe the horror stories he would relate to me. (That place is another issue which I won't get into.) You read about people abusing children, well what makes you think they are any better to animals? I can't believe someone would complain about this. People are so naive. As far as I am concerned, you don't even have to put a warning about any photos. They are still a loving animal that needs a home. On a website that showed children for adoption, would you put up a warning for a photo of a disabled child, or a child with a birth defect, or a child whose father threw gasoline on him & lit a match? I don't think so. I think you are doing a wonderful job & nothing should change.
Thanks, Linda Marzano
It is very disturbing to see pictures like this, but I think it is needed to show people the effects of letting cats roam outside. Please continue to post these pictures (hopefully you don't ever have to again, wishful thinking). I really feel that these poor creatures that have been through hell are very special. I believe when people see pictures like this they feel so bad for the animal and they are one of the first to get adopted, I know that is how I feel. I have two cats (both from shelters) and if I could, that would be the cat I would adopt. I don't have the room for any more animals now but if I did I would take as many as I could. I enjoy checking your website every Monday morning. I live in Lockport and have been thinking about going into the shelter to see if there is any volunteer work that is available. Keep up the GREAT work at the shelter and with the website. God Bless everyone who helps to save all of these animals and I hope to be in soon to do some volunteer work.
Toni O'Connor
Dear Webmistress:
Although disturbing and heart wrenching to see, it is a reality when cats are free to roam and are ultimately put in all kinds of dangers and hopefully this picture would help other cats owners who let their cats roam to see the after effects of dangers that a cat may come in contact with when free to roam. But the main issue here after the recovery of the poor little guy is to find a good home for him and just like all the other cats/kittens/dogs/puppies, etc. on the website the goal is to find them all a good home why would we not want him to have the same opportunity after all he has been through. The warning is a good thing for people who might not want to view it but I would never stop viewing your website because of it. I adopted a puppy three months ago after viewing her on your website so I wholeheartedly think that ALL animals should be given the chance to find themselves a home that loves them and would be willing to give them the love they deserve. Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!
Hello! I just wanted to comment on your posting of that poor baby girl kitty at the end of your listing. Good job! I think she should have been at the top of the list. That poor baby needs a loving home that will keep her safe inside! Thank you for the reminder.
Bambi Dillavou
Absolutely you should have posted that photo. People need to be aware of what happens to animals whether it be an "act of nature" or abuse by a human. I think that a warning above the picture gives the person the option to view it or not. They make the choice. I hope kitty gets well soon!
Hi,i'm Caitie.I am 11 years old.I saw the cat, it is a little disturbing,but it makes me want to take the cat home.That is what can happen if you are not careful.I know this sounds weird,but the picture sort of lifted my hopes to help animals. Thanks Caitie.
As an animal lover, I really think that there is no doubt people should see and realize the result of abandoning an animal or letting it out to roam, but I don't think your shelter web page is the place to do it unless, as you have done, placed a warning there. As a mom, and grandmother, I would not want to be looking through the adoption list with a child and unknowingly come across a picture like the one you have on now. I'm sure there are families that visit your site all together and would be shocked for the smaller kids to see that, especially without warning.
Keep up the great work you do and thank you for caring enough to make changes when needed.
A Fellow Animal Lover
You wanted comments, so here they are.
I don't see anything wrong with putting the picture on the website.
The poor cat must have went through hell, and without advertising, that just makes the chances slimmer of the cat being adopted. There are a lot of good people out there, and I believe someone with a kind heart with adopt him.
As for offending people, you clearly put a warning that the picture was disturbing. If they didn't want to chance seeing it, why did they look?
Nancy Tomala
Dear T.L.C.:
While I agree that the picture is upsetting, I think you should include such pictures as a reminder to people of what can happen to these helpless animals. I hope this kitty finds a very good home soon. Thank you for all of your efforts!
Kerri Albin
To the folks at TLC,
Although it is disturbing to see the picture of the cat that appears to have been burned, I feel it is also VERY necessary. Many animals like this would be considered as unappealing for adoption & would continue to lead who knows what kind of existence. This website, and many others like it, are provided to show animal lovers what type of animals are out there. Unfortunately, this doesn't always mean just the cute & cuddly ones. True this is a harsh reality to deal with, but its still reality. How many times has there been pictures or stories featured in the major area newspapers (ie Chicago Sun-times or Chicago Tribune) or television that told the story of an abused dog or cat? I would like to think that those animals elicit public sympathy & find good homes and owners that will care for them. I myself have adopted 2 cats (not kittens) from local shelters & wouldn't trade them for the world. I know they weren't the most sought after for adoption, because they passed the kitten stage. In any case, I feel that publishing pictures of ALL the animals you have for adoption is necessary. The warning is fine, but anyone who believes that there aren't animals out there in as bad of shape-OR WORSE- than this poor cat is, is deluding themselves.
Keep up the good work,
Bev Morgan
I think the way you have it set up now with the warning is fine. Like you said, this is reality. If Animal Planet was to censer disturbing situations, they wouldn't have very many shows.
I was shocked to see such a picture, however, I think that these types of pictures need to be viewed. Sometimes people need to actually see what has happened to stray animals. Words don't really sink in like a picture. I think that the warning sign should be quite enough. If you don't have the stomach for the picture, then the warning should deter anyone from scrolling down further to see the picture.
It is possible too, that by seeing such pictures, people will be more careful with their own pets. I hope that poor cat heals quickly.
A real pet lover.
It is only disturbing because it is reality. Some people need a dose of "reality". It made my heart cry to see this poor animal so battered. If I had the time to help mend this kitten, I would have called already............
Susan K. Chally
I would like to thank you for showing the picture of the poor injured cat on the tlc animal shelter web page. I will admit i was afraid to see the picture after i read your warning, however seeing it did brace me for much worse. People who find that offensive i find a little offensive. It is cats like that, that need a loving and caring home. Thankfully she was found alive. Hopefully she will be adopted and will be cared for and loved like she should.. Their are far to many animals out there with no home and no one to love them. So i am thanking you for showing the picture and hopefully you will keep us all updated on her condition!!!!!
I definitely think that you should post such pictures. Your warnings are plentiful. People need to face the realities of life as harsh as they may be and if we are lucky such a picture may help another cat get help in the future.
I and my children view your site very often. With the warning, I think it is ok to show the picture. People need to be reminded about the dangers of letting their animals roam free. It will perhaps teach a valuable lesson. Often in situations like this, people will be more interested in helping to care for or adopt the animal. I think showing the picture is a good idea.
I made myself view (very briefly) the horrendous picture of the cat. To not view it would have somehow been avoiding the problem of all the abused, abandoned & injured animals. We can't turn away without seeing these innocent creatures of the earth. If this motivates one person to be a responsible pet owner & care decently & humanely for an animal, then you've accomplished much. Thank you for all the passionate dedication you give our animals. Judy Biederman
Dear TLC:
I am all for the public seeing the sad reality of strays. Please keep it up! The public needs to know how urgent the message is to neuter and keep their pets indoors!
On the contrary, what about the poor wild animals that are hit by cars and left to die with their gruesome injuries? Not many people do anything for them either...they just keep driving.
I also wish people could see what happens to the cows, pigs, chickens, etc. they eat everyday. Sure, their meat tastes great, but do they know what they have to go through to get to our dinner plates?
Lastly, the most horrifying, lab animals. They are forced to endure unimaginable and seemingly unending pain and suffering until they die or are put down when the test is over. For example, the sentence we have all read on the side of a product, "Harmful if swallowed." How do you think they know this? They forced it down an animal's throat and sat back and watched what happened!
Kudos to you and keep it up!!!
A. Schwartz
Woodridge, IL
Definitely keep putting up pictures of all the animals at TLC! The warning sign is plenty for people who don't want to see such pictures. People need to realize that cats should be indoor pets--for their own safety and that of wildlife. More importantly, the cat in the picture needs a home, so she should be seen.
I think it's perfectly fine to show the pictures with the warning that you had. 
  Your correct by mentioning that this is what could happen if......
  Keep up the good work!!
I am disturbed by these types of photos, but only due to the fact that this poor baby had to endure suffering of any kind.  My heart goes out to this little pumpkin and I believe showing the picture will more readily find this baby a home..............Kim Thompson
I find nothing offensive about showing the state of some of the kitties that end up in shelters. If you know things like this happen, a picture won't shock you. If you don't know that things like this happen, then this picture would shake you up a little but would broaden your views. Also, the warning is very obvious. Anyone who is paying attention and doesn't want to see such a sight can easily avoid it.