13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Autumn Issue 2003


TLC's 18th Annual Craft Show and Bake Sale and Raffle!
Mark Your Calendars for an Event You Won't Want to Miss!

"Holiday Magic" TLC's 18th Annual Craft Show and Bake Sale and Raffle!

DATE: Saturday November 15th

TIME: 10:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M.

WHERE: The Homer Township Hall located on Cedar Road 1/2 block south of Route 7 (159th Street) Lockport

FOR INFORMATION: Call TLC (708)301-1594


.....and bring a friend, you'll have a great time! Whether you're looking for gifts or decorations, you'll find it here and the wide array of baked goods are out of this world! Every cent made goes to provide food, shelter and medical care for the animals at TLC.


Helpful tip!
To save yourself time during the busy holiday season, why not purchase extra bakery at the sale then just freeze it. When friends and relatives drop by you'll already have delicious homemade bakery to serve without going through all of the work!

Even Santa needs a little help. and so do we. We're calling on all TLC "elves" to help make this event a success!
TLC's craft show is unique because all the items for the sale are donated, by wonderful folks who want to help the shelter. We are seeking donations of craft items and baked goods to make this event a huge success.
If you will be donating items for the sale, please bring the items to the Shelter after November 10th, as we have very limited storage space. Better yet, you can bring the items to the Homer Township Hall on November 14th the day before the sale between the hours of 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. when we will be setting up. If you prefer to bring your donations the day of the sale please have them at the Homer Township Hall at 9:30 A.M.
Please have items prepriced and bakery labeled
(so nobody has to guess if it is apple or if it is peach)

Pets help us live longer as can be attested to by Dawn Odrowski's letter
It has been medically proven that pets are good for our health. Having a companion animal can help us live longer, helps keep our heart healthy and definitely helps a persons state of mind. Case in point, from the letter that Dawn Odrowski had written us after her dad passed away this past June. She and her brother asked that in lieu of flowers contributions be made to TLC instead. Ms. Odrowski went on to say why she and her brother had chosen TLC as the charity to honor their father. She went on to say, several months after my mother died of colon cancer in 1998, and our family dog Mikita, died, my father then 77 years old, had various health problems and missed my Mom terribly. Mikita's death was an additional blow to him, as well as the rest of the family. Though my brother and nephews lived close to dad, I lived in Washington, D.C. and in talking to him each day on the phone, I knew he was lonely. I encouraged him to think about getting a dog. My father was a true animal lover and my family had always had a dog.
On a visit to my dad in March of 1999, we went to TLC to look for a dog for my dad. We had in mind an older dog, quiet and companionable. After taking several dogs out for a walk, one dog kept attracting my dad's attention, a young Siberian Husky, who was striking to look at with her blue eyes and beautiful grey coat. She was the only dog who wasn't barking and seemed somewhat shy and timid. When we took her for a walk outside. she affectionately leaned into me several times. The shelter staff told us that she had been a stray, probably about eight months old. Though I had my doubts about whether she was the right companion for my dad, we agreed to bring her home to see how she and my dad would get a long.
Within an hour after we brought her to my dad's house, Nikki (as we named her) lost all of her timidity. My dad was charmed by her, although he knew he was going to have more work on his hands than we had planned. Though I asked him several times thereafter, as he went through housetraining with her, whether Nikki was too much of a handful, my dad had fallen in love with her and wouldn't hear of bringing her back.
As Nikki got older she calmed down considerably and enjoyed spending time with my dad, ruling his backyard, and playing with the neighbors dogs. She was the most affectionate dog our family ever had and my father delighted in showing her off and in telling me tales of her antics in our daily phone calls. He especially loved the way she "talked" to him - the not quite bark not quite howl she would emit, particularly when she wanted to express "attitude" - for example when I would fill in the holes she had dug in the backyard.
As my Dad's health deteriorated he began to worry about what would happen to Nikki if something happened to him. A friend of mine from college who still lives in the western suburbs told me that she and her husband would be interested in taking Nikki if anything ever happened. This plan seemed to ease my dad's mind.
When my dad died June 3, my friend Alicia and her husband did indeed decided to adopt Nikki, and now she is adjusting to her new home and her new "brothers" - two cocker spaniels.
I truly believe Nikki was one of the primary reasons my dad lived five more years after we lost my mom. Nikki brought him great joy and they were one another's constant companion. As my brother and I discussed my dad's funeral arrangements, we quickly touched upon the idea of suggesting contributions to TLC to honor the relationship my dad had with Nikki.
Ms. Odrowski ended her letter by saying, I hope you continue to do good work in caring for animals that come across your path and in bringing together those animals with people who will love, and be loved by, them.

A Message from the Oops Department....
I had wanted the story about Sadie to be perfect, especially with all the things Melanie and her family went through to help Sadie fit in. As I had mentioned in the previous issue of Paw Prints. Sadie went through many trials and tribulations trying to adjust to her new home. Sadie's escapades had me worried, wondering if she would be able to keep her happy home. I kept in contact with her new owner Melanie, and Melanie kept me updated through emails on Sadie's progress or any new escapades she might have gotten into. As I mentioned previously Melanie and her family had the patience of Job with Sadie, and when I was finally convinced that Sadie's home was permanent with Melanie and her family, I did Sadie's happy ending story.
I asked Melanie to let me know what she thought of Sadie's story after she read it. Melanie emailed me, that she had read the story about a dog named Sadie, unfortunately I had written that the dog was owned by a lady by the name of "Michelle". Oops! Melanie was very understanding and said no problem, but I felt very badly about my error. Anyway I'm sure you wouldn't mind seeing another picture of Sadie the day she was adopted.

Sending Flowers?
Try Floral Alliance and you'll be helping the animals too! Your floral order can generate anywhere from a $5.00 to a $14.00 contribution to TLC. Next time you're sending flowers call Floral Alliance at 1-800-423-5803, and use TLC's code NP-1136 so the shelter receives the donation.

Cook County Cheetah Charities helps TLC
The Cook County Cheetahs Charities held a split the pot benefit for TLC on the 4th of July, during their baseball game. They generously donated a check for $300.00 to help the animals! Thanks ever so much!