13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Holiday Issue 2007


Your Wonderful Gift

This article is not at all what I had originally planned on writing for the holiday issue of Paw Prints, but I guess just like any writer, things come across your desk that are just too good not to share, and the story about Brutus is one of them. This is one of those stories that leave you with that warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
This was the first email I had received "written" by Brutus, with a little help from his buddy Jeff Beagle (and Yes that is Jeff's real name).

The day my Daddy picked me out it was a miracle. You see he has multiple sclerosis, and I have become his assistance buddy. I help him by picking things up for him, and comforting him when he is having an attack. I was housetrained in a week, and passed my CGC when I was eleven months old. I just received my Assistance Animal and Therapy Dog certification this month. I am a quick learner, and have great trainers helping both me and my Daddy. They say my high play drive and high intelligence made this possible, plus the fact that we have a training session daily. I still have a lot of puppy left in me, but I know I have an important job to do. I am proud to be a TLC rescue, and so very happy to have been adopted by Jeff who not only gave me a forever home, but also a great job!

I thanked Jeff and Brutus for making our day after reading their email which I told them really touched our hearts. This was Jeff's reply.

Dear Janine,
Brutus is out in the yard now playing and asked me to write back to you. We felt it was important to share his story with you. Dogs and cats from rescue get a bad rap from people who simply are just uninformed. For example a friend of mine said "I would never get a rescue animal, because they are damaged goods!" I did my best to open his closed mind, explaining that the rescue animals didn't choose to be either abandoned, abused and neglected. The success stories need to be told in order to overcome this type of thinking. *I wish I could actually help TLC in some way as a volunteer even though I am disabled. I am involved with IAMRA (Illinois Malamute Rescue Association) and I am helping them by walking dogs (with the help of my power wheel chair) and spending time with them and other little things that help the dogs in a big way. Brutus is truly a miracle dog, and has literally saved my life, while I fight a vicious debilitating disease. I don't know what I would do without Brutus. I had an attack and was not wearing my lifeline help button, and couldn't get to the phone. There I was stuck, unable to move, and Brutus being the good boy that he is, was standing guard over me. I told him to go get Daddy's cell phone, which I had left on the coffee table. He went and got my cell phone and brought it to me so I could call for help. I was able to call a friend who came over and helped me, and then went to the pharmacy and picked up my medicine I needed so I would be able to move again (I had stupidly run out of the medication I needed in order to stay mobile).
Brutus is a great assistance dog with a giant heart. He still has a lot of puppy in him, but with the benefits of lots of training, he has become a life saver with an important job. Just thought I'd share this with you. Who would have thought this could come from what I understand was an abandoned puppy found in a ditch barely weaned.
Sincerely with a grateful heart,

We hope this gave you that warm and fuzzy feeling just as it did us. Although this is not your typical holiday story, it does tell you about the important gift you have given to so many animals, and Brutus's tale is just one of them. It is because of people like you that care, and support our efforts of TLC to save animals that would never have a chance, your donations help give the gift of life, the most precious gift of all. We wish you and yours the love and happiness that you have helped bring to so many, and may the New Year bring you the very best.

* At the time of this writing we are working with Jeff so he and Brutus can be more involved with TLC.

Special Thanks To:

Special Thanks to: Joni Futterer and Michele Chalifoux for representing TLC at the Blessing of the Animals at the Faith Lutheran Church in Joliet. Joni and Michelle set up the TLC story board and handed out information on pet adoptions at TLC. They also sold TLC items and Joni made Delicious "Pup cakes" to sell at the event. The following weekend Joni Futterer worked the event that K-9 Guardians held to help raise money for TLC and also for the US War Dog Association. Judy Kunkel and Annie Coleman came to lend a helping hand. It was a fun event with lots to see and do! Thanks to Gary Tippett (owner of K-9 Guardians) and his staff for all the preparation they put into the event. We really appreciate all they did and the time they gave up from their busy schedules to help the shelter. They all deserve a big round of applause!

A Tribute to Tiny
We have heard this reason so many times, she was getting rid of her cat Tiny because she was too busy to take care of him, and didn't want a cat anymore... her loss was our gain. Little did we know on that particular day that Tiny was going to worm his way into everyone's hearts and not just ours.
One of Tiny's favorite pastimes was helping run the office. He would sit right beside me in the office as I took care of paper work or answered the phone. If I wasn't sitting in my chair, he would pull my jacket off the back of it " kneading biscuits" in it. The shelter dogs loved him, and so did other cats.
Tiny was a cat of many abilities, he let us know from the get go that there wasn't any cage that would hold him, he was like a kitty Houdini, and to watch how quickly he could unlatch a cage door would make us laugh. There were a few occasions over the years he found baby birds that somehow had fallen into the outside dog runs. Tiny would pick them up ever so gently, never leaving a mark on their featherless bodies. Then he would bring them to us, looking at us as if to say "I've done my job, now can you raise it." Tiny always wanted to please. Although not his favorite things to do he learned to sit on command and he would give paw too if a treat was offered. He even learned to walk on a leash! Of course there was never a box of donuts or bag of chips that he didn't get his paws into, and also why he didn't fit his name, Tiny was far from tiny, he was let's just say pleasingly plump.
With Tiny's loving ways it didn't seem fair to just keep him all to ourselves; and that's when we began thinking Tiny would make a wonderful VIP kitty, the only cat in the program. Like his canine buddies he too began visiting residents at various nursing homes. Tiny attended VIP meetings, leisurely sauntering in and sitting smack dab in the middle of all the dogs as if to say "Hey fellas, I'm here, now start the meeting." Tiny became Clare Ann Paskiet's buddy and Janina Nalis's too. He went on visits with Clare every week and with Janina once a month. He would sit on the bed of those bedridden, purring as they stroked his glossy coat. He brought a great deal of happiness to so many and will deeply be missed. My favorite memories of Tiny will be him sitting with me every day, but one of my favorite pictures of him was taken with Clare before going to the nursing home to bring smiles to so many faces.

Bertha Fund helps bring together a Boy and His Dog

This year, the Bertha Fund has helped numerous animals in need of more critical veterinary care, including several cases of heartworm, pneumonia, and numerous surgeries. We know you are well aware, that this type of care does not come without a hefty price, and that is why we are so greatful to each and every one of you who have contributed to this special fund. You have been an important part in saving so many animals' lives including the life of Brutus (formerly Butch) an extremely gentle and loving dog. Brutus had been a stray from the rural area of Fulton County, counting his days at animal control. Nobody came forward to claim him and his chances for finding a home were next to none especially once after testing positive for heartworm. After learning of his plight we made arrangements with the volunteers at Fulton County to have him brought to TLC, where we had his heartworm treated, and found him the home he deserved, and so his story goes.

His new family writes,
I know it has taken me a long time to write my happy ending about Brutus, but we have been so busy! We adopted Brutus the day after Christmas. I knew the moment that I saw him that he would be an amazing addition to our family. My two year old son (who is autistic) loves him so much! They are always playing outside and running in the yard together. I want to thank everyone who donated to enable Brutus's heartworm to be treated while he was at TLC. He is now a happy and healthy dog. Thank you so much for Brutus, we don't know what we would do without him.

TLC's Favorite Pets Contest Winners
There were over 100 entrants in this years Favorite Pet's Photo Contest, and so many great photos to vote for! As the contest drew to a close the votes kept coming in fast and furious right down to the finish line. Here is the final tally and the list making up the top twelve "Photo Finish Winners"

#1 Riley by Joseph Solek with 329 votes
#2 Deuce and Nugget by Linda Davis
#3 Tiny VIP by Clare Paskiet
#4 Sunny by Holly Jones
#5 Jack by Connie Bylsma
#6 Liberty and Bubba by John and Carol Walters
#7 Teddy by Carol Nita
#8 Roxy by Carol Gawron
#9 Spirit by Judy Pell
#10 Mary and Simon by Jerry Jay
#11 Sophie by Claudia Green
#12 Lucy by Kathi Butler

The honors of the cover photo go to Clare Ann Paskiet and Sandi O'Brien for the hours of effort that went into the photo shoot and layout they did a terrific job! The cover which is titled the "Pirates of TLC" is just gorgeous, and every entrant is pictured! The calendars may be purchased at the shelter, or our upcoming craft show for $15.00 each. At that price they make great gifts to give for the holidays, and who doesn't need a calendar, especially one with your best buddy featured! If you wish we can mail a calendar to you for and additonal $5.00, and if you want to order more than one there will be a $2.00 charge for each additional one to cover the cost of postage and handling.
Thanks again to everyone who entered! Your photos were great and we think every one of those wonderful pets are winners.