13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Shelter News from Shorty the Cat's Point of View (the cat about town)

A Steambath, Ice Cream and a Basset Mobile go Figure!

TLC Brigade volunteers had their work cut out for them this summer with so many events planned ..... and most of them centered around food and eating, my favorite pastime! Sam and I agreed that this would be the purrrrfect time for us to pitch in and help as she stood there, licking her lips.

The first event of the season was a spaghetti luncheon Kat Tempinski set up mmmmm spaghetti we thought in unison, now that's something we would love to help with. Patty Robinson, Sandi O'Brien and Michele Chalifoux had purchased all the supplies that were needed for the luncheon and and Big Jim's in Homer Glen had graciously donated the spaghetti sauce so things were set to roll!

When we got to the church the aroma of the spaghetti was already wafting in the air, and began to stir our taste buds. Kat had organized the volunteers giving each of them a specific job to do. I was glad to see that all bases were covered, purrrrfect. The chance Sam and I were waiting for, to give them the extra help they might need in the kitchen, and my ulterior motive getting closer to the food for some serious sampling.

When we walked into the kitchen we weren't expecting a blast of hot air hitting us in the face! Hey guys, we're here to help you out I said, but first turn on the air-conditioner and we'll be back as soon as it cools off. One by one they turned around and gave me a rather annoyed look, Michele, Sandi Rosemary and Joanne. Uhoh! I realized I had just put my foot in my mouth as I stared at the perspiration on their foreheads and the rosy red glow the heat had brought to their faces. Before I could say a word, Rosemary said,

"The air conditioning is on, and this is as cool as it is going to get considering we have a 400 degree oven going and 4 huge pots of boiling water steaming away! There's no way this room is going to stay cool" she added.
"Well, don't just stand there, if you are here to help get an apron on and let's get going." said Michele.

At that very moment I wished I could have disappeared. Sam looked at me and I looked at her, we were thinking the same thing, spaghetti or not, this virtual steam bath was too much for Sam and me. I guess from the look on our faces, Michele could tell what we were thinking, when she said,

"If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen."
We took that as our cue to make a speedy exit. I silently thanked Michele for helping us out of a tight spot in more ways than she knows.

I did get to help count the money and after expenses the spaghetti luncheon made $562.75. I don't know how they did it, but we sure want to thank all the volunteers that worked so hard and also to those that donated baked goods including Jacalyn and Samantha Carpenter, Sharry Cernuda, Collette Walker, Josh Chalifoux, Ed and Evelyn Dik, Joni Futterer, Mary Hartford, Kristina Heinze, LeAnne Jachowiak, Kim and Brian Kabza, Mercedes Kane, Diana Klemek, Carol Migalski, Julianna and Michele Prebe, Linda Sowder, Kat, Krystine and Andrew Tempinski, Megan Wells-Parke, Samantha Williams, and Girl Scouts from Manhattan and New Lenox, and especially to Michele Chalifoux, Sandi O'Brien, Joanne Burns and Rosemary Webster fore working in that hot kitchen. Whew! I don't know how they did it!

Kat Tempinski stopped down at the shelter to let our people friends know about the ice cream social at the Colorado Coffee and Ice Cream Shop in Homer Glen. Hmmmm I thought that's the ticket! Sam let's see if I can't schmooze Kat into letting us work at the ice cream social. Shhhhh her she comes let me do the talking.

Kat, with all hard work the Brigade members put into the spaghetti dinner, they deserve a well earned break, and who better to give them a breather, Sam and I could help with the ice cream, right Sam? Kat's eyes lit up at the thought of our helping that is until she heard a loud "Slurrrrrp!" Oh no, I should have known better than to ask Sam that question. Just mentioning the word ice cream made Sam's mouth water. YUCH dog drool! Kat took one look at Sam and I knew my plan had just been squelched. Kat thanked us for our offer and added everything's under control. DRATS! Just another case of cat's rule dogs drool.

The Fourth of July parade, was the next project. What's a parade without a float? But what kind of a float was the question on everyone's mind. My people friends decided they would design a "Basset Mobile." Purrrrsonally I thought a "Cat-mobile" would be far better, but Caitie Kerfin a Best Buddies member suggested that during the parade, we should play the song "Who Let the Dogs Out?" Even I had to admit that was a cute idea. Well so much for the cat-mobile idea.

Collette Walker, Joni Futterer, Sandi O'Brien, Sharry Cernuda and Kat Tempinksi along with Best Buddy members Andrew and Krystine Tempinski had their work cut out for them. How they were going to turn Collette's truck into a Basset Hound, was beyond me! I decided to go back to the shelter to take a snooze, because this project sounded to complex even for me.

I couldn't believe my eyes, they did it! The day of the parade the "Basset Mobile" came rolling down the street, with great big eyes, long ears flapping in the breeze, a huge nose for a hood ornament, and pulling up the rear, a big wagging tail, followed by three real Basset Hounds named Mary, Bonnie and Eliot! People laughed and cheered when the Basset Mobile went by, it was the hit of the parade!

By the way if anyone needs help in the kitchen when you do your baking for the Shelter's "Holiday Magic" craft show & bake sale, don't hesitate to call on me. I will be glad to come over to uhhhh shall I say "critique" your baked goodies for you....

Uh oh, gotta run!



Walkathon Update

We're sorry you had to wait this long to find out how this years walkathon went, but the simple truth is we just ran out of room in our last issue.

TLC's walkathon gets better every year and this year was the best yet! Annie Coleman did a wonderful job coordinating the event and she deserves a big round of applause! We had a great bunch of volunteers helping out including Charles Kopeika, Judy Kunkel, Corey Carter, Collette Walker, Denny Carter, Jerry Pryzbyla, Sharry Cernuda, Josh Chalifoux, Phyllis Klingensmith, Keith Miller, Casey Carter, Wendy, Elizabeth and Nick Covelli, Krystine Tempinski, and Andrew Tempinksi, we couldn't have done it without you.

This year we had several new sponsors for this years walkathon, which helped us in making the event all the nicer. We wish to thank Carey Animal Clinic in New Lenox, Chew on this Dog Barkery in Frankfort, Happy Tails Pet Sitting in Joliet/Lockport, K-9 Guardians in Lockport, Kane Brother's Water features in Burr Ridge, KMT Photography in New Lenox, Lockport Animal Hospital in Lockport, Maggie May's Interior Design in Frankfort, Pak Pals Doggie Day Care in New Lenox, Snoochy's Dog Treats in New Lenox, and Reliable Home Improvement in Naperville. Several of the sponsors set up booths with their wares and information about their businesses. We had a lot of positive feedback about the vendors and people enjoyed perusing the wares that were there for sale. We hope even more of our sponsors would like to set up a booth next year.

After finishing the course through beautiful Dell Wood Park things really got rolling first with a photo finish. Then it was on to the WCCQ booth where Alison Girard and the WCCQ crew were raffling off WCCQ shirts and tickets to see George Strait.

Sandi O'Brien got things ready for the "Silly Pet Tricks" event which she originated several years ago. This event always brings a smile to the crowds face, as they watch the stiff competition as competitors vie for the honor of winning the contest for waggiest tail, noisiest, biggest, littlest, longest, silliest and other coveted titles.

And last but not least thanks to all of our four footed and two footed friends for their participation, it was a great day!

More pictures of the event can be viewed on our website at www.tlcanimalshelter.org

If you see your picture and your name isn't listed please contact our webmistress and she will correct it. It was such a rush at the photo finish it was hard to get everyone's name, sorry.

TLC's 20th Annual "Holiday Magic Craft Show" and Bake Sale

DATE: Saturday November 12th
TIME: 10:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M.
WHERE: The Homer Township Hall which is located on Cedar Road 1/2 block south of Route 7 (159th Street) Homer Glen

FOR INFORMATION: Call TLC (708) 301-1594


......and bring a friend, you'll have a great time! Whether you're looking for gifts or decorations, you'll find it here along with a wide array of baked goods that are out of this world! The best part is that every cent made goes to provide food, shelter and medical care for the animals at TLC.


Even Santa Needs a Little Help, and So Do We.

We're calling on all TLC "elves" to help make this event a success!

The reason why TLC's craft show is so unique, is due to the fact that all the items for the sale are donated by wonderful folks who want to help the shelter. We are seeking donations of craft items and baked goods to make this event a huge success.

If you will be donating items for the sale, please bring the items to the Shelter between November 6th through November 11th or better yet, you can bring the items to the Homer Township Hall on Friday November 11th between the hours of 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M., when we will be setting up. If you prefer to bring your donations the day of the sale please have them at the Homer Township Hall at 9:30 A.M.

Please have items prepriced and bakery labeled. (Especially if someone has a food allergy and so nobody has to guess if it is apple or peach)

Helpful Tip!

To save yourself time and energy during the busy holidays, purchase extra bakery at the sale and freeze it. When friends and relatives drop by you'll have delicious homemade bakery to serve, without going through all the work!

TLC Car Wash

As the temperature continued to climb to the 100 degree mark, we began thinking that the car wash should be cancelled, but although the volunteers were feeling the affects of the heat, that did not stop them ..... a little hosing down and they were right back at work! Eighty nine vehicles were washed thanks to, Jennifer Frayne, Jim, Diane, Cindy, Sharon and Jeff Endebak, Kathryn and Ryan Kittler, Sam Scott, Kathryn and Terry Gloodt, Vicki Tryjefaczka, Michele Chalifoux, Kim Barton, Dr. Kate Ball, Sheila Tyler, Erica Bailey, Shawn Gallagher, Brian Otto and Tricia Hupac. They all deserve a big round of applause! We also want to thank Dr. O'Brien for allowing the Animal Care Clinic to be turned into a car wash once again. We also wish to thank him for donating all of the supplies and for his generous matching donation. A special thanks also goes out to Shawn and Rose Gallagher for the keychains they bought to give out to encourage more donations.

Despite the intense heat, the car wash raised a grand total of $1,640.55! Thank you again for all your hard work.

The Bertha Fund

The Bertha Fund has helped 13 more animals, including three more heartworm cases, two with pneumonia and other various more severe medical problems. We just want to thank all of you who donated to the Bertha Fund, to make more extensive medical treatment for these animals possible.

Reluctantly I Brought Him to the Shelter

The grey tabby cat appeared in the late fall. At first I thought he must have gotten out of somebody's house, but then I began seeing him more often. It became apparent that he didn't have a home.

Winter came and for quite a while I didn't see the cat. I began to think the cat was safe and warm in someone's home. I had temporarily put the cat out of my mind, that is until I spotted him one day. The cat was obviously injured. He was holding his front paw up as he limped across the street through the snow. I attempted to catch him but was unable to. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach with the cat being injured and much thinner. He would never be able to survive the winter. Again I did not see him for some time and sadly thought he must have died.

Ironically while working on the newsletter I looked up from my work and glanced out the window and lo and behold there he was! I started putting food out for him and he began to trust me. Pretty soon he was letting me pet him, and finally I could pick him up. I thought why not take him in. It was a good idea to me, but our four dogs thought differently about it. Now what? Another neighbor and fellow animal lover said she was worried about him too but could not take him in. Reluctantly I brought Puddin to the shelter. Me of all people being reluctant to bring a stray cat to the shelter! I had become quite attached to this cat that would wait for me in the bushes to be by my side when I gardened. Then when I would leave he would sit on the front porch on the padded rocker and watch me go down the drive. And who was the first one to greet me when I would get home .... Puddin. Let the truth be known I was going to miss my outside buddy. But I thought if I can't take him in how will he survive another winter? Or what if he gets hit by a car? Bringing him to the shelter was the only answer.

We brought him to the shelter, had him neutered and then found out he had FIP. My heart sank. His picture stayed on the website for weeks without anyone asking about him. We know from experience few people would adopt a FIP kitty, no matter how nice he was, and Puddin was one of the nicest kitties I ever had the pleasure to know. Michele Chalifoux who volunteers on Thursday, got to know Puddin and saw how wonderful he was too. It was through Michele's efforts Puddin has found his forever home, where he now lives the life he deserves.

A Special Thanks to Richard Crowe

Richard Crowe the renowned "Ghost Hunter" for hosting a "Ghost Tour of China Town" for TLC. It was an informative, enjoyable afternoon and the food was excellent. We also want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Robinson for donating the service of a bus for the tour and also to Park Graphics which donated the printing of the tickets for the event.

Thanks again Richard for raising $1080.00 to help the animals.

TLC Volunteers Pound the Pavement to Help the Animals

Sarah Ahlberg organized the Brigade members, Best Buddy members and also recruited some of her personal friends to work a tag day for TLC. Brigade members Rosemary Webster, Darlene Howard, Sandi O'Brien, Kristina Heinze, Sandi Kamis, Cassandra Szymanski, Kimberly Kabza, Joe Wodynski, Don Young, Courtney Barnard and Sarah Alberg worked in shifts manning several corners to collect money for the shelter, while Collette Walker and Joni Futterer with Best Buddy Members Alyssa Yanowsky, Olivia Palermo, Samantha Bradley worked a table outside of Chipains Food store in Lemont. Mary the Basset also helped, her job was to sit there and look cute! Their time and effort to raise moeny for the animals came to $1,343,27! Sarah also said how nice to hear people stop and say they adopted their pet from TLC and were glad to contribute. That made us feel very good.

Thank you!