13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Shelter News from Shorty the Cat's Point of View

Maybe I should have told my People friends I needed to use the office for my campaign headquarters. Well as the saying goes, the cat's out of the bag now. Time to face the music.
"Shorty, what in the world is going on here? Why is the office filled with all of these banners and posters that read Shorty for President? Please tell me I am just having a bad dream, and when I awake all this Shorty for President stuff will be gone, no more than a figment of my imagination."
Just give me a chance to explain.
"Yes, I think an explanation is in order! I go out of town for a couple of days, leaving you in charge, and what do you do? You change my office into your campaign center. Just a few minutes ago, the phone rings, I answer it only to hear a voice on the other end asking to confirm the number of campaign buttons we were ordering! I just can't imagine what made you think on the spur of the moment that you should run for the presidency?"
I'm sorry, I meant to say something but>>>> Anyway now that everything is out in the open, I certainly could use some help putting up campaign posters all over, and I'II also need help passing out my campaign buttons at the Holiday Magic Craft show. I will be so busy greeting people, signing pawtographs and kissing a baby or two that I won't be able to be everywhere at once.
"Shorty Whoa! Buttons, banners, flyers, kissing babies, hold on there, you can't run for president!"
HUMPH! And give me one good reason why not? You can't use the flimsy excuse that cats can't run for office, because if you remember, Morris went on the campaign trail back in 1988.
"That's true but Morris had television ads, and newspaper ads, that a well renowned cat food company paid for. As it stands right now, your name isn't even on the ballot."
Not having my name on the ballot isn't a major problem, I am counting on the write in vote.
"Okay so you have that part figured out, but what major issues do you want to address, if you were elected?"
As for my political platform, I think I have a very good agenda planned. I believe what the animals in this country could use is a leader that cares about their needs and problems. If I am elected, I would like to amend the constitution, and add to it the "Animals Bill of Rights", which would include freedom from cruel and inhumane treatment, freedom from animals being used in laboratory experiments, freedom from being overworked i.e. livery horses (and although the following issues aren't as deep they are important to my fellow dog and cat constituents), freedom to go to the refrigerator to get whatever you want, whenever you want, freedom to sit in the comfiest chair in the house....
"Okay Shorty you don't have to go any further, I'll be the first to admit that you have carefully thought out your platform, and for the most part your ideas are very good."
Well then, can I count on your vote? And from now on how about addressing me as Mr. President, I like the way that sounds.
"Okay Mr. President, if you go to Washington, what are we going to do without you at the shelter?"
Gee, I hadn't thought about that. I know the country will continue to run even if I am not the Commander in Chief, but I am not sure how well the shelter will run without me there.
"Shorty you do have a point. Without you the Shelter just wouldn't be the same... But with you as President this country would never be the same!"
Hmmmmm I don't know whether to take that as a put down or a compliment.
"Definitely a compliment, Shorty. Oh by the way Shorty, Sam is looking for you, she said something about the two of you doing a photo shoot and she is supposed to be giving you a big kiss in order to help get the dog and dog lovers votes."
On no here comes Sam, and she thinks the photo shoot is still on! I have to get going before she sees me! Uhoh! Too late, Sllurrrrp! I've been slimed! Kissing babies isn't bad but ugh dog lips! On second though politics isn't everything I thought it would be, and I really have just about all I can do here running the shelter. I think I will leave politics alone. Thank goodness no more dog lips!


I know the craft show is not until November, but keep in mind anyone who wants me to sample their baked goods prior to the event please bring them to the shelter. Somebody has to test them, and I am willing to make that sacrifice for the shelter and for my country.

Uhoh, gotta run!

Rain rain go away was the chant of the day

We had already been hit with a bad stonn the night before the walkathon, and the weather report called for more of the same. We watched as the storm clouds grew larger and the sky got darker the closer it came to setting up for the event. Our volunteers were dauntless and the threat of an ensuing storm did not dampen their enthusiasm as they hurriedly readied things for the participants... as the old adage goes, "The Show Must Go On"!
With everything set up we wondered if any of the participants would show, since it was raining in surrounding towns. But shortly before sign in entrants started to trickle in. We want to thank all of those that participated, for not letting the threat of rainy weather keep them away. I think with the abundance of enthusiasm that everyone showed, couldn't help but bring out the sun! It was a great day and everyone had a whole lot of fun.
We want to thank George Mikota, Judy Kunkel, Sandi O'Brien, Mary Ann Lukas, Jerry Przybyla, Jennifer Nehring, Michele Chalifoux, Josh Chalifoux, Phyliss Klingensmith, Annie Coleman, Nina Pellicci, Keith Miller, Casey Carter and Denny Carter, for their tenacity to make sure the event came off without a hitch.
We also want to note that the WCCQ Crew was there to help announce events and play music to put people in a party mood!
Of course we also want to thank our generous sponsors who played an important part in making the event great! So a big round of applause goes out to *All Pets Hospital, Ltd., Andrew Wireless Solutions, Animal Care Clinic of Homer Glen, Archer Veterinary Clinic, Berman & Sons, Ltd., *Chew on This Dog Barkery, Chiro-One, Don's Dental Service, EK Industries, Expression Wear, Fetch Pet Care, Grand Prairie Animal Hospital, Joseph Solek, DDS. PC & Riley, K- 9 Guardians, Inc., Knafl Insurance Agency, Lockport Animal Hospital, National Trailer Repair, Reliable Home Improvement, Substrate Technology, Inc., Surface Dimensions, Inc., and Uni-Sun Farm.
After the photo finish taken by Sandi, Jerry and Jennifer, the 4 legged participants made a stop at George Mikota's water and treat wagon while their 2 legged counterparts enjoyed refreshments back at the pavilion.
After the winners of the raffles for Montgomery Gentry Tickets and other great prizes were announced, the Silly Pet Tricks Competition began. I was sure happy that Sandi did not ask me to be a judge, because every one of the entrants was just as cute as could be! There were 19 categories including best kisser, top tail wagger, cutest tush, and highest jumper to name a few. Shorty was a shoe in for Top Cat. Anyone who watches the TLC Website regularly could watch Shorty in training for his "virtual walkathon," to raise money for TLC. Week after week Shorty, with the help of Sandi O'Brien, gave it his all to get ready for his virtual event.
Thanks to each and every one of you! This was the best walkathon that we ever held with the biggest turn out, and raising $8,508.68! WOOHOO!
* I wish to apologize to All Pets Hospital, Ltd. and also to Chew On This Dog Barkery for having omitted their names in the spring issue of Paw Prints.

You ought to be in Pictures!

TLC's favorite Pet's Photo Contest has begun so get your pets photo in pronto! All entries must be in by August 31 st, and voting will begin September 15th, with the winners being announced October 31st. The 12 winners will be chosen to star in the 2009 TLC Favorite Pets Calendar. So don't delay enter now entry bank enclosed.


Were Sam's famous last words in the last issue of the newsletter, because the shelter's roof was in desperate need of replacement. Between autumn of last year and early spring of this year, several large areas of the roof were blown off by strong winds. Patching was no longer an option an entirely new roof was in order. But with so many other bills incurred caring for the animals a new roof was certainly going to put a crimp on the shelter's budget.
That is when Al Nelson, owner of Nelson Brother's Roofing stepped in. Although Al could not do the project entirely for free, he donated a good portion of the cost of his crews work and gave us an extremely good price for the rest. Including all new aluminum flashing and new gutter and downspout. We want to thank everyone that donated to the roof fund, we really appreciate it. We also want to extend a special thanks to special group of teens involved with the Political Youth Action Committee of Homer Glen for the tag day they held to help raise money for the project, and also for the food and supplies that they donated.
Kudos to Al Nelson and his crew for the wonderful job they did on the roof. Not only is the new roof keeping us nice and dry, it looks just beautiful! Thanks again Al!!! Now Sam can sleep well at night and not worry about the roof blowing away!


Annie's Annual TLC Garage Sale
I wouldn't doubt that even in her sleep, Annie Coleman had dreams about the TLC Garage Sale going through her head. Annie spent several months collecting so many items, that she could barely walk in her garage. Thank goodness Annie had the help of several other TLC volunteers, who helped with pricing, setting up, selling and cleaning up afterwards the tables including, Donna Holous, Sharon Hager, Judy Kunkel, Kathy Przybyla, Mary Ann Lukas, Connie Bylsma and Clare Paskiet. Annie said all the hard work was well worth it raising $1,660.04 to help the animals! A special thanks goes out to each of them for all the time and hard work they did.
In addition to the garage sale two of the children that live next door to Annie, wanted to help raise money to help the animals. Alison and Tian Tasso had a lemonade stand selling lemonade and cookies to raise and additional $37.46!
What Annie didn't plan on was what was to happen after the sale. Rosalie Ducato of Reliable Builders who has been one of the sponsors of the walkathon for years, held a surprise 80th birth-day party for Annie! The best part was how those ladies managed to keep Annie's surprise party under their hats! And Annie, a very special thanks goes out to you for everything you have done for TLC throughout the many years you have been a volunteer and more than that a very dear friend!

4 Love of Pets - First Aid, CPR & Care for Your Pets

TLC will be hosting a one day workshop at the Homer Township Hall on feline and canine CPR. Some of the topics that will be covered are bleeding and shock management, snake bites, insect bites, rescue breathing, and much much more. This training does not replace getting your pet to your veterinarian, but it may help you save your pets life in the interum. These life saving techniques are especially important if you are on vacation, and also for those of you who do transport/rescue runs, and may not know where a nearby veterinarians office is located.

The fee for the class is $119.00 which includes a box lunch from Jimmy Johns (we will be sending a registration form and lunch menu in our next mailing or you may register now on line at www.tlcanimalshelter.org and make your payment through the internet) The class will begin at 9:00 a.m. with a mid-morning break, lunch break and an afternoon break. The instructors will circulate with the students making sure they understand techniques shown and answer any questions you might have. There will be review questions and certification for passing the program. There will also be prizes too making the class not only informative but also fun! Class runs an average of 5 to 7 hours depending on how much time it takes for each individual to be comfortable with their hands on skills. The instructors want to make sure everyone is confident in their abilities when they leave for the day class hours but may run longer if needed. To keep distractions to a minimum we request that nobody bring their pets, Dummy dogs will be used.

TLC's Holiday Magic Craft Show

WHEN? Saturday November 15
TIME? 10 am until 4 pm
WHERE? Homer Township Hall on Cedar Road 1/4 block south of Route 7 (159th St.) in Homer Glen
FREE admission
...and bring a friend, you'll have a great time! Whether you're looking for gifts or decorations, you'll find it here and the wide array of baked goods are out of this world! Also a raffle of wonderful prizes will be held. Every cent made goes to provide food, shelter and medical care for the animals at TLC.
Complementary refreshments will be served!
If you wish to bring in crafts or baked goods you may bring them to the Homer Township Hall on November 14th between 11 am & 1 pm, or you may drop them off the morning of the sale, by 9:30 am. Please label baked goods so we know what it is (& for food allergies).

For further information phone TLC (708)301-1594 between 11 am & 4 pm Tuesday through Saturday