Shelter Life From a Feline Point of View
That is all I have to say on the subject. I thought I was supposed to write about the Elvis Benefit and how do you expect me to do that when I wasn't even there? I was taking a cat nap, a well deserved one too might I add, after practicing all night. But did anyone bother to wake me up when it was time to go?
" But Shorty let me explain..."
There is nothing to say! Here I stay up all night practicing, singing my heart out, so I can do back up, perhaps even a solo, and you let me sleep!
"Yes Shorty, we know how hard you were practicing, we all heard you, and I'm sure all the neighbors heard you too. I think we can say in all honesty that we never heard anything like it in all our lives, (and hope we never do again)! Ah.... there just aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe what it sounded like."
Oh I was that good? I was really that good? Well, of course I was that good - silly to have even asked. You could have just come right out and told me, and I would have understood.
"Tell you what?"
You know me, I wouldn't let something like that go to my head. I know why you let me sleep, you had to keep me away. You were all afraid after hearing how good I was, that I would upstage all of the Elvis impersonators! I can picture it now all my fans wanting my pawtograph, and the crowd shouting "Shorty!! more!!" Yes, that would have been embarrassing, me outshining all the other performers!
"HUH? Oh ah.... yes Shorty, you hit the nail right on the head, it would have been embarrassing... very embarrassing if you know what I mean."
Well, now that we have that all settled, let's get on to other things, like telling those that have not donated to the building fund that it is not too late!
"Shorty, we can't do that. We just had a special mailing about that."
Yes but what if they missed it or they forgot, and we still need several things like a new bank of cages for the isolation room, which is about $2,500.00, a toilet and sink (I prefer a litter box myself but I try to humor my people friends, and the sink is a great place to take a snooze in on a hot day), the air filtration system which we are still getting prices on, the new outdoor runs which will be around $2,500.00 also, the glazed brick for inside walls which be in the vicinity of $.......
"Shorty enough, our friends get the picture."
That's what I have been trying to say: we can use more money!
"UGH! Shorty you're too much, what are we going to do with you?"
How about feed me?
love, Shorty
One last thing, when baking goodies for the Holiday Craft Show please remember to bake some extra for me. Since my people friends no longer want the baked goods brought to the shelter, they are sold out before I get any!
"SHORTY!!!! That's it!"
Uhoh......gotta run!

Construction has begun! Thank You For Helping Us Reach for the Stars... and for making a difference in their lives
The following people have joined us in the the stage II phase of the Shelter's renovation plans:
Special Contributions

All the Glass Block windows have been especially made and donated bv Hardy Glass Block Larry Stevens of C & E Heating and Sheet Metal Inc, has contributed the new furnace
Contributions of $500.00 or more

Sandi and Parnell O'Brien, Margaret Blauw
Contributions of $250.00 or more

Elmira Binkowski, Silo Ridge. Inc.. VASCO, Ed and Holly Anderson, Raymond C. Anderson
Thank you

Tom and Dolores O Connor, Don L Atronica and Arlene Eagleton, Lillian Tunze, Lois Pitrowski, Catherine Herman, Blanche Ferguson, Pearl Vinson, Margaret Sejud, Eleanor Bednarz, Marjorie Paine, James Beach, Mark and Gina Ruttle, Phyllis Cerny, Lester Flannery, Janice LaFortune, Marie Pecord, Marjorie Sollet, Mrs. Winifred French, Warren and Rosemary Miller, Lewis and Helen Beaver, Anonymous, Elizabeth Noska, Marge Jeschke, Charles and Arlene Crocker, Dorothy Welp, Hagop Boroian, John Smaidris, Carol Baltzer, Chris Gincaukas, Terry's Shell Station, Paul Cetrone, James Stec, Jennie Calafiore, Linda Weiss, Avis Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller, Ann Green, Barbara Wolson, Mrs. B. Ozolins, Mrs. Richard Hampton, Erika Marshall, Salvatore Maratto, William and Johanna Hamel, Mr. Billie Oltman, Barbara Lee, Elmira Binkowski, Arlene Duffy, Howard Holmquist, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pazanin, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hopkins, Carol Levine, Lavinia Brown, Lisa and Paul Blazevich, Andy Maletich Jr., Bernice A. Macht, Mae Sala, Mike and Carol Tully, Sandra Halper, James Desatnik, Mrs. Ryan, Barbara Cooke, Barbara Meyers, Diane and Simon Zunamon, Julia Berger, Jeanne Hicks, Shirley Curl, Cynthia Kasnicka, Linda Engels, Carol Bunch, Selma Toben, Alice Kristie, Fran Stabosz, Carolyn Vincent, Ethel Tanzer, Lenea Scheeler, Mildred Telsar, Margaret Meindl, Lorraine Buczyna, Maxine Shirtino, G. Noubar, Jane and John Zuidema, Don and Barbara Nudi, Catherine Calhoun, Ruth Balin, Bruce Wendy and Kelly Frantal, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson, Lorraine Schultz, Lucile Roehl, Joan Fulsang, Lois Steffes, Theodore Mallasch, Carol Westphal, Sherry Garb, Mark Ciancanelli, Jacqueline Feltz, Loretta Stempinski, Mike and Linda Walsh, Earl Hartley, Fran Stabosz, Linette Van Dyke, Mary Simons, Nance Fox, Lucille Ingalls, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mallinger, Julia Aguilar, Ann Schranz, Betty Diehl, Mrs. Dorothy Curry, Art and Barb Pillasch, Rosalyn Musselman, Kenneth Failla, Art Loen, Arts Garage and Auto Body, Stephan and Susan Kenyari, Karen Pech, Louise Baloun, Verna Phillips, Mrs. Emily Auurich and Fluffy, James Hunt, Myra Hurst, Anabelle Guth, John and Carol Dumas, R. L. Herdman, Dianne Carol, Alan and Shirley Morrison, Dr. and Mrs. Kalchbrenner, Mr. and Mrs. McGuire, Mr. Skonieczny, Jodi Stelk, Gladys Fox, Mabel Chapman, the Students and Faculty of the Hadley School, Linda Yodual, Nicholas Benard, Adam's Pub, Louise Ardolino, Kathleen Moore, Hannah Marine, Valerie Moore, Kay E.B. MacNeil, Pearl E. Vinson, Janet and Richard Hampton
Any contributions made after the 1st of October will have the donors name listed in the next issue of Paw Prints

Kitties in the Morning
I think God sends me kitties in the morning.
Today it was a white kitty, I called him "Starlite"
The moon was full and the sky lit
With the brightest stars.
I think God sends me kitties in the morning.
There have been others before.
"Flower" was among the first to arrive
With his black coat and white stripe down his back.
I couldn't help but laugh.
Then there was "Sky" with eyes of bluish-grey
Arriving just in time to brighten up a cloudy day.
I think God sends me kitties in the morning.
Never before have I appreciated these furry little critters,
Until today when I knew for sure
It's not just by chance they come my way,
Find themselves at my doorsteps or on my porch
But part of God's plan to help me see,
None of us are alone
And these kitties need me
To stop and stroke their little heads
Or offer them food and milk.
Yes, God sends the kitties in the morning
Cause he knows we need each other.
Becky Van Meter, author

I want to thank Becky for allowing me to share this poem with you. Becky has these little ones come round her door early each morning, and her heart goes out to them. I am sure many of you can relate to Becky's feelings, as you feed the strays that God has sent to your door.

Recent Residents and Their Stories
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and with space running out we wanted you to see just a few of the many your donations have helped.
Pictured to the right is Rob Roy, a little Westie that has suffered much abuse. He only has part of a foot...
The owner of this little kitty was evicted. As he removed things from his apartment he took the little cat and threw her in a dumpster...
These precious kittens were found huddled together along the side of a busy highway, not knowing which way to turn.
As you can see they all look fine now! Thanks to you and your continued support of T.L.C.
Thank You for being there for them!

You Oughta Be in Pictures
Check out this order blank! Now you can have your pet's photo, a loved one or even your own photo on checks for everyone to see! The shelter will receive $2.00 from every order placed. What a great way to show off your pet... or whatever it is you want everyone to see. Make sure to send the order blank directly to the company and not the shelter for faster service and prevent delays in processing!
Please do not make checks payable to T.L.C. Make them out to the printing company.

If You Weren't There This is What You Missed!

It was a fun night of entertainment at the Elvis Fest that was to benefit the Shelter. There was a whole lot of shaking going on!
We want to thank Sarah Alberg, Karen Spates, Dog Gone Purrfection, Lockport Animal Hospital, Willow Run Golf Course, Mr. and Mrs. Ashe, Sing Cleaning, Cassello's Western Wear, Ruth Giovannis, Running M. Cowboy Shop, Broken Arrow, Essence Suites, Maira Marr Salon, Becky DeMeo, Mitchell's Florist, Adam's Pub, Clover Ridge Car Wash, Mid Iron Golf Course, Ultra III, Bill and Deb Cunningham, Orland Oak Florist, Devono's, Harrahs Casino, Empress Casino, Suzettes Dog Grooming, Cool Collar, Postnet, Wheel-Go-Camping and From the Heart for the donations of prizes for the raffle!
Special thanks to Dr. Fox, Gary Tippett, Dennis Carter Jr., Casey Carter, and Corey Carter for set up and take down work.
A special thanks to Frank Dunn for his cooperation and help.
We are especially thankful to T.L.C. volunteers that hustled selling those chances and the 50/50 pot: Kathy Melton, Ina Jacobs, Annie Coleman, Robin Colant, and Gayle Ashe. These ladies walked their legs off selling to the crowd! We also want to thank Robin for running the raffle table and her husband Rick who came to enjoy but ended up helping out! And you wouldn't be seeing these photos if it weren't for Vicky Tryjefaczka ! After volunteering all day at the shelter Jim Mikota sat at the gate selling programs.
We especially want to thank Jerry and Shirley Adams for allowing us to hold the event on the Adam's Pub property.
And last but not least we want to thank Johnny Thompson for an entertaining evening and Nance Fox for staging the event and all the preparation she put into it.

Note of Thanks
To the students and faculty of Hadley School in Homer Township for their undertaking. As a kindness week project the students collected pennies to help the animals at the shelter. Those pennies added up fast and a check for $206.04 was presented to T.L.C. Representative Gayle Ashe who in turn brought Shorty along to purrrsonally thank the student body!

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