13016 West 151st Street Homer Glen IL 60491

Open 11 am-4 pm Tuesday through Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday


Shelter News from Shorty the Cat's Point of View

Much in Store Means More Than Food!

"Shorty wake up! You have to hurry up and get your column done. We have a lot of things in store to tell our friends about, so we don't want them getting their newsletter late."
I wasn't sleeping.... daydreaming perhaps, but I was not sleeping! I was just recalling all the fun we had at the Shelter's Christmas Open House. Sandi O'Brien snapped pictures, (some of which we are sharing with you now, and more can be seen on our website tlcanimalshelter.org), as I greeted our friends, and Annie Coleman kept busy selling chances. Everyone listening to Sue Rowe and Lauren Zimitis played beautiful Christmas music, and I especially enjoyed sampling the delicious goodies Elaine Tryjefaczka made.
"Shorty I wouldn't call what you were doing sampling, it seemed to me that you were chowing down! Had you taken one more bite, I fully expected a seam on your Santa suit to split."
HUMPH! I'll ignore that comment. Anyway I was thinking it's a shame we can't hold Open House more often, it was fun visiting with our friends.
"Don't worry Shorty we have several events planned where we can get-together with our friends like the Candlelight Cosmic Bowl on Saturday February 14th."
That sounds like fun, I know everyone had a great time last year. By the way will there be food again this year?
"Yes, there will be plenty of food."
Good! Then what's next?
"TLC's 30th Birthday April 1st."
Wow 30 years of TLC! Will we have a cake to help celebrate?
"Yes Shorty, we'll have a cake. I totally agree with you, 30 years is quite a milestone for TLC to put it mildly. There were many ups and downs throughout the years, but TLC is still here and going strong. But enough about that right now. Getting back to upcoming events, we will also hold our annual Walkathon on June 5th."
Will there be food?
"Of course there will be food! Shorty how come everything we have discussed so far has turned into a conversation about food? Never mind don't even bother to answer that."
"Before I forget, will you please tell our friends, they can pick up a copy of the Golden Opportunity Book (filled with loads of discounts for the Chicagoland and South Suburban area). It sells for $25.00 and the Shelter receives $7.00 for every book sold! We can mail a book to you for an additional $3.00 per book requested."
WOW save money on things you need, from Automotive Care, Personal Care, Home Care, a Potpourri Section which has a wide array of items, and best of all, look at all the places you can eat! There are 82 coupons for fine dining, 185 coupons for casual dining and some of the coupons can be used more than once! Just think, I could eat at a different spot nearly every day of the week! My mouth is watering just thinking about all that good food!
"Good grief Shorty! But then that's what we love about you, you always make us smile."
"See even Sam loves you!"
UGH Dog drool! This is too much, gotta run before I end up getting a dog drool bath! As always dogs drool. cats rule!


I am presently booking appointments for those of you who would like to take me to lunch or dinner during "Be Kind to Animals Week" (or any other time for that matter.) This is the purrrrfect chance for you to use your Golden Opportunity book.

Uhoh! Gotta run!

"HOLIDAY MAGIC" a Huge Success! Thank You!

We want to thank the following people for the wonderful crafts and baked goods they donated for our annual "Holiday Magic" craft show:
Gail M. Eliasek, Sharry Cernuda, Ruth Hansen, Mabel Chapman, Patty Robinson, Richard and Dorothy Novak, Karen Stasky, Judy Swiontek, Christine Wlodarski, Kathleen Cannella, the Riverside Library's Young Adult Council and Terry Cortesi, Darlene Koldz, Homer Township Administration Center, Betty Zaremba, Stan and Jerry Pajkos, Donna Kargol, the Howell Family, the folks at Marian Village, Irene Szczesniak, Char Wright, Nancy Vales, Ginger Stanek, Judy Kurey, Sandi O'Brien, Janice Faikus, Ina Jacobs, Cathy Melton, Elaine Tryjefaczka, Rose Cunningham, Wayne and Donna Holous, Pam Brown, Selma Carmichael, Sandy Davis, Valerie Doubrawa, Sal Maratto, Michele Maratto, Kendall Lipine, Maebell Howell, Lila Konow, Florence Mitchell, Kathy Kanak, Kathryn Ashe, Michele Chelifoux, Sherry Hassler, Clare Ann Paskiet, Nancy Gannon, Rosemary Adams, Rita Kot, Valerie Kot, Debbie and Nina Pellicci, Mike Brown, Joan and Lawrence Reylek, Barbara Gunderson, Gladys Decker, Cleo Connell, Joel D. Bernardo, Millie Tesar, Lee Ann Mayr, Chris Deters, Jennifer Ward, Beth Manion, Mike and Mirta Martin, Betty J. Aspel, Sharon Oleynechat, Mr. and Mrs. Cherullo, Tigi Tasso, Tina Jones, Kay Larsen, Cheryl Vlach, Patti Beran, John Small and Mr. and Mrs. Cherulla. We want to thank each of you for your generosity which made this years sale the most profitable one we have ever had. We also wanted to mention that once again Pam Brown not only baked for the craft show, she has her own bake sale for TLC that made $352.00 for the shelter!
An extra round of applause for all the volunteers who helped set up, and run the sale, they really deserve it. Setting up the tables and putting out the crafts on friday were Donna Holous, Sharon Hager, Annie Coleman, Ina Jacobs, and George Mikota. Saturday morning Annie Coleman, Donna Holous and Wayne Holous, Ina Jacobs, Cathy Melton, Valerie Kot, Nina Pellici, Michele and Sal Maratto, Kendall Lipine, Ginger Stanek, Sandi O'Brien, Phyllis Klingensmith, Rose Cunningham, and Corey Carter worked at a feverish pitch helping the customers, while Cathy Melton and Ina Jacobs were cooking up a storm, while Ginger Stanek personalized items purchased. We also want to thank Wayne Holous, Denny Carter and Vicki Tryjefaczka for helping with cleaning up. Although everyone was very tired at the end of the day, everyone was elated to find out this years sale raised $6000.00! YAHOO!
People often ask what do we do with anything leftover. Fortunately we don't have that many items left over, and leave it to TLC volunteers to take care of that. Chris Pieczinka sold an additional $73.00 and Annie Coleman sold an additional $500.00 between selling out of the back of her vehicle and having a table at the Lemont Craft Bazaar. I believe with the additional sales that brings the grand total up to $6573.00!

Special note: I hope I did not inadvertently omit anyone's name, if I have I am very sorry, as we truly appreciate the efforts of everyone involved that helped make this sale a huge success.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Raffle Prizes Needed!

TLC will be holding its major fundraiser of the year, our annual raffle. We rely heavily on this event being a big financial success, since we receive so many litters of puppies and kittens during the spring and summer months. With this greater influx of animals, it stands to reason that more money is needed to provide care for them.
The bottom line is: we need your help in rounding up some terrific raffle prizes. Let your imagination run wild anything from jewelry, gift certificates, neat electronic gadgets, a weekend getaway etc. etc. etc. If you, your business or a group of you from your office or organization would like to contribute a prize, full recognition will be given to you in Paw Prints.
We just ask that the item be new and worth a minimum of $50.00 and brought to TLC by March 15th, so we are sure of prizes in hand before we have the chances printed..
better prizes, means more chances will sold,
with more chances being sold,
more animals can be helped!

You have to love them to understand...

I was working in the backyard trying to keep busy, to keep from crying any more, when my neighbor wanted to chat. The last thing I felt like doing at the moment was talking to anyone, as we had just buried our little dog that morning, and I had sobbed my eyes out until they were red and swollen. Not wanting to be rude, I told him our little dog had died as more tears trickled down my face. He looked at me oddly and smiled, after all to him it was just dog. I just mumbled something to him and walked away.
Although our neighbor would never go out of his way to hurt an animal, he could not comprehend the love and bond we form with our pets, and why we felt so sad. He like so many other folks have not had their lives enriched by having a loving pet, and cannot understand the mourning we go through. After all, we have lost a member of our family, and though it may have four legs instead of two, our hearts are broken, our grief is real, It just takes another animal lover to understand.

Bertha Fund has helped many Animals,

Including this poor dog who was brought to us. When she walked through the door we knew this dog was going to deliver any minute. But she was not too healthy, she was extremely thin (with the exception of her huge tummy) and suffering from an upper respiratory infection, along with being very wormy. You can tell from this picture that your donation made a very important difference,allowing us to get her the medical care she needed, and as you can see by the picture Mama dog and her pups are now healthy and ready for adoption.

Mark your calendar and get your tickets early for our 2nd annual Cosmic Candlelight Bowl

When: Saturday February 14th, 2004
Where: Strike & Spare II, 811 Northern Drive, Lockport
Time: 8:30 P.M. until 11:30 P.M..

There are only 228 tickets available and last year was a total sellout! It is $25.00 a person which includes dinner and a fun night of bowling. There will also be "Split the Pot" and other raffles and also a silent auction.

* note refunds cannot be given if you are unable to attend, as we have to prepay for each lane(s) reserved for you and for the food that has been ordered from the caterer for you.

How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?

On the lighter side, this was sent to us by Chris Ader for your enjoyment.

Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're worrying about a stupid burned out light bulb?

Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that is not up to code.

Dachshund: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp.

Rottweiler: Make me.

Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark!

Lab: Oh, me, me!!! Pleeeeeeze let me change that light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeze, please, please, please!

German Shepherd: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.

Jack Russell Terrier: I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.

Old English Sheepdog: Light bulb? I'm sorry I don't see a light bulb?

Chihuahua: Yo quiero Taco Bulb!

Pointer: I see it, there it is, there it is, right there....

Greyhound: If it isn't moving who cares?

Australian Shepherd: First I'll put the light bulbs in a little circle....

Poodle: I'll just blow in the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.

The Cat's Answer: "Dogs do not change light bulbs. People change light bulbs. So the real question is: How long will it be before I can expect some light, some dinner, and a massage?"

All of which proves once again, that while dogs have masters, cats have staff!