
Hey!  Don't scare me like that! *wipes up the little bit of coffee she spilled*  You made me spill my coffe, don't you realize that's a sin?  Oh, wait you probably don't, of course, that's why you're here.  To learn about the infamous *rofl* LadyFox.  Well, the first thing you should know is I LOVE COFFE!!  Especially triple carmel mocha's...and if you don't know what that is, I pity you.  You must live a life of isolation!  *eg*   I've been drinking coffee for as long as I can remember. As a matter of fact, my first "coffee memory" is sitting at my grandmothers kitchen table when I was about 5 years old, while she made me coffee and milk. Okay, okay, so it was more milk than coffee, but that's where the addiction began.

BUT, you didn't come here to listen to me go on and on about coffee. My guess is you were hoping to get into my crazy, twisted mind...hehehe...are you sure you want to? Heck, sometimes I'm not sure I want to!!

Ok, ok, so here's the who, what and where about me.......

Who is LadyFox?

I'm just your average net-a-holic!! I'm a mother to two adorable (most of the time) girls, Kat and Sami. Being a mom has brought more joy to my life than I ever imagined it would. It's also brought more frustration than I ever imagined! Don't get me wrong I love my girls with all my heart, but sometimes dealing with a 6 1/2 yo (and yes, it's very important you get that 1/2 year in there, or she'll lay into you! *l*) and an 4 yo (not nearly as obsessed with the 1/2 year deal as her sister *g*) is more than I can take! Any of you out there with kids can understand what I mean! *S*  But really, they are getting to a fun part of their lives, it's awesome to watch them grow into little people, with all the thought, emotion and turmoil that goes along with it.

I'm married to J , we've been married long enough that we try not to annoy each other too bad! *smiles* *weg*

I'm a friend to some of the best people I've ever met! Whether it be my internet friends, or my "real life" friends, I try to be there for all of them, as they have been there for me.

Most of all I'm ME! *S* Just plain 'ol me.....grumpy somedays, happy most days...but always me! .


How about just a quick list of favorites and then on to bigger and better (?) things? Well, you're gonna get it anyway.......

Food: PIZZA!!
Drink: Coffee....what else? =)
Music: The Nylons..Up on the Roof is one of my all time fav songs
Book(s): Robert Jordan-Wheel of Time series
People: My internet buds, you'll find them here and my family
Color: Green
Car: 1967 Chevy Camaro..oh if only I owned one...sigh
Place: Toss up between the Oregon Coast and Zion's Canyon
TV Show: Anything Star Trek (look for my Star Trek page coming as soon as I find the time!!),
Movie: The Princess Bride..."My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die." I love that!!!!!
What does she do?

What don't I do would probably be easier to explain, but I'll give this my best shot.  I'm a full time *extremely* non-traditional student at the University here in town.  I am pursuing my degree's in Accounting and Finance and will graduate Spring of 2002....YIPPPPEEE YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  *G*  I'm also a math geek, so these two degrees fit me perfectly.  However, I have found since going back to school that I love Economics.  My econ classes have been some of my most favorite.  Of course, this may have to do with the fact that we have awesome econ profs here...their classes are a blast to attend.  Who'da thunk that econ could be fun *lol*. I'm also a member of the PAC (Professional Accountancy Club) and am in charge of getting our school a Beta Alpha Psi charter.  

I'm also a full time mom, wife, keeper of dogs *g*, flirt, and crazy lady.  In my spare time (what little I have *s*)  I surf the net endlessly, okay, so I don't surf around alot...right now I'm totally addicted to a Wheel of Time site that I found called Dragonmount.  I'm currently a Novice in the White Tower.  And crazy lady that I am...I'm taking classes their too....*sigh* *g*

Where is LadyFox?

Well, my family and I live in Southern Utah. We love it here, though we dearly miss our friends in Oregon. The rain I don't miss, just the friends. OH OH, and the coffee....oooo they make a good cup of java there!!!


Well, for now that's about all I can think of...if you want to know more you'll just have to drop me a line and get to know me!!! =)

Kat & SamiJ
My BudsAwards
Role PlayWeb Rings

Web design by LadyFox 2001