January 20th, 1855

The Commonwealth of Virginia,

To the Sheriff of Scott County - Greetings:

You are hereby commanded to summon:

William Ramsey & Susan his wife, Harvey Gray, James 0. Dotson & Elizabeth

his wife, Rebecca Bush, Thomas Bush, Nancy Bush, - widow of Austin Bush, deceased, the unknown heirs of William Bush, Robert McReynolds, James M. McReynolds, _______ Snead & Nancy his wife, Fanny Mcreynolds, ______ Stapleton & Mary his wife, Rebecca Stapleton, Pollv McReynolds, Phoebe McReynolds & three other unknown children of Pollv McRereynolds, names not known, Richard H. Lynch and John Banner.

To appear at the Rules to be held in the Clerks office of the county court of Russell County on the lst Monday in March next, to answer a bill in Chancery exhibited against them in our said county by Valentine Bush & Joseph T. Talbert & Nancv his wife.


January 20th, 1855

The Commonwealth of Virginia,

To the Sheriff of Russell County - Greetings:

You are hereby commanded to summon:

William Ramsey & Susan his wife, Harvey Gray, James 0. Dotson & Elizabeth

his wife, Rebecca Bush, Thomas Bush, Nancy Bush widow of Austin Bush deceased, the unknown heirs of William Bush, Robert McReynolds, James McReynolds, ____ Snead & Nancy his wife, Fanny McReynolds,_________ Stapleton & Mary his wife,

Rebecca Stapleton, Polly McReynolds, Phoebe McReynolds & three other unknown

children of Polly McReynolds names not known, Richard H. Lynch & John Banner.

To appear at the Rules to be held in the Clerks office of the County Court of

Russell County, on the 1st Monday in March next, to answer a bill in Chancery exhibited against those in our said county by Valentine Bush & Joseph T. Talbert & Nancy his wife.

And have then there this witness Richard H. Lynch Clerk of said Court, at the

courthouse, this 20th day of January 1855, in the 79th year of the Commonwealth.


May 1855

To the worshipped County Court of Russell County in Chancery sitting.

The bill of complaint of Valentine Bush, Joseph T. Talbert and Nancy (Bush)

his wife of said county humbly represents that about the year 185_ Austin Bush since departed this life intestate leaving three tracks of land lying in Russell County in Castlewoods adjoining each other containing in the aggregate two hundred and eighty two acres more or less. Copies of his deeds for which land are herewith filed marked A, B, C, D & E to be taken as part here. Of the said Austin Bush left the following heirs & distributees entitled to equal shares in his estate that is to say Valentine Bush, Nancy Bush now the wife of Joseph T. Talbert, Susan Ramsey now the wife of W. Ramsey, Elizabeth Dotson wife of James 0. Dotson formerly Elizabeth Bush, Rebecca Bush, Thomas Bush, the unknown heirs of William Bush, deceased, Josiah D. Bush, the wife of Joseph McReynolds, ______ Frayley wife of William Fraley formerly ______ Bush being wife of ______ Craig formerly _______ Bush, James Bush, Austin Bush Jr., _______ Skeen wife of James Skeen formerly ______ Bush and Nancy Bush. Since the death of the said Austin Bush Sr., Josiah D. Bush had conveyed his interest in the land ________ trustee for the benefit of John Banner to secure a debt to said Banner and also since the death of said Austin Bush Sr., Mary McReynolds the wife of Joseph has departed this life leaving Robert McReynolds and others, her children entitled to her share in said land & Valentine Bush has purchased the interests of Ramsey & wife and James Bush. Harvey Gray has purchased the interests of Austin Bush, J. Skeen and wife and James 0. Dotson has purchased the interests of W. Fraley & wife., _______ Craig & wife and Thomas Bush and conveyances have been executed accordingly. The object of this suit is to have said lands partitioned according

to the rights of the parties and as the three tracts _______ adjoining each other and form in fact but one tract, you the petitioners would ask that they be divided as one tract.

The prayer of you ________ and _______ therefore is Harvey Gray, James 0. Dotson

and Elizabeth his wife, Rebecca Bush, Thomas Bush, Nancy Bush widow of Austin

Bush Sr. deceased, the unknown heirs of William Bush deceased, Robert McReynolds, James McReynolds, _______ Sneed and Nancy his wife, Fanny McReynolds, _________ Stapleton and Mary his wife, Rebecca Stapleton formerly Rebecca McReynolds, Polly McReynolds, Phoebe McReynolds and three other unknown

children of Polly McReynolds, deceased, once Polly Bush, Richard H. Lynch and John Banner be -made parties defendant to this bill and be required to answer the several allegations thereof on oath that a guardian to listen be appointed to defend this suit for the infant children of Polly McReynolds deceased. That a decree be rendered by your worship appointing commissioner to assign dower in said lands to the widow of Austin Bush Sr., deceased and to make partitions of said land amongst the several parties according to their several rights and that such other and further relief be extended to your complainants as belongs to equity and is suited to their case.

May it please your worship to answer the __________ sums of __________ directed



May 8th, 1855


Russell County to with:

This day Valentine Bush personally appeared before the undersigned Clerk of the county and made oath that the unknown heirs of William Bush, Robert McReynolds,

_______ Snead & Nancy his wife. ____________ in a suit in Chancery between Valentine Bush and Joseph T. Talbert & Nancy his wife complainants and William Ramsey & Susan his wife and others – defendants, are not inhabitants of this Commonwealth but reside in the states of Tennesee & Indiana given under my hand this 8th day of May 1855


October 2nd 1855

By a decree of Valentine Bush & others, Mrs. Nancy Bush & others of October

2nd 1855.

It appears that in the Bush land there were 14 interests. In the Bush land to be divided of which Harvey Gray was entitled to six interests. To _________ the interests of Valentine Bush, James Skeen & wife, Josiah D. Bush, Austin Bush Jr., James Bush & McReynolds & wife. The commissioner R. Fugate, A. Fralev and Stephen Banner were ordered to __________ so ____________ 6/14th of said land

after appearing __________._________


October 10, 1855

In obedience to an order of a court held for Russell Co. on October 10, 1855.

The undersigned commissioners appointed for the purpose of dividing the lands

Belonging to the estate of Austin Bush deceased, having went upon said lands and

assigned Nancv Bush his widow, one full third in value of the said lands including the mansion house of which a copy of the survey is hencewith filed marked (A).

We have also partitioned the whole of the lands belonging to the said estate

among the distributees according to the quantity and quality of which copies of the survey’s are hencenwith filed marked 1, 2, 3 4 & 5 etc. as follows.

We have partitioned the Harvey Gray 142 acres adjoining said Gray's land which

we estimate in the value to be equal to 6/14 of the whole tract, a copy of the survey is hencewith filed marked (1).

We have partition to James 0. Dotson 88 1/2 acres, including his present

residence which we estimate in value to be worth 5/l4 of the whole tract. A copy of the survey is hencewith filed marked (2).

We partition to Rebecca Bush 35 1/4 acres adjoining H. Gray, J.0. Dotson &

William Bush’s heirs lands, which said 35 1/4 we estimate to be in value equal to 1/14 of the whole tract. A copy of the survey is hencewith filed marked (3).

We also partition to William Bush's heirs 29 1/4 acres adjoining Rebecca Bush's

& H. Gray's land. Estimating the same 29 1/4 acres to be in value equal to 1/14 part of the whole tract. A copy of the survey is hencewith filed marked (4).

We have partitioned to Joseph T. Talbert & wife 19 1/2 acres adjoining J.0.

Dotson & John Bickley's lands estimating the same 19 1/2 acres to be in value equal to 1/14 part of the whole tract. A copy of the survey is hencewith filed marked (5).

In making these partition lines we are of opinion that at any point where the line is situated within 75 yards of an inside fence it should be removed & placed on the line to the benefit of the ________ of the land on each side of the line to be held to the joint benefit of each.

In assigning the widow heirs dower in said lands, we have so arranged the lines as to make each of the distributees be an equal partition, according to their several interests in the estates.

All of which is respectfullly submitted.

Andrew Fraley

Stephen Banner

Robert Fugate


March 28th 1856

The survey of the dower assigned Nancy Bush the widow of Austin Bush, deceased. Begining at a stake near adjacent a comer to John Banner's land & running

through H. Gray's partition N.83 l/2 E.119 poles to a walnut N.I W.45 poles to a walnut near a road a corner to the portion of William Bush's heirs. thence passing through said partition N.8 1/2 W. 108 poles to a _________ a corner to James 0. Dotson's partition. Thence with a line of John Bickley's land purchased from Holebrooks N.54 W.58 poles to a stake thence passing through Talbert’s partition S.81 W.90 poles to a double poplar, a corner to Talbert's and J.0. Dotson's thence S.46 E. 160 poles passing across Dotson's partition and Rebecca Bush's partition to a stake in a line of H. Gray's land thence with

the line dividing Rebecca Bush's & H. Gray's land S.69 W.45 poles to a stake in the road N.70 W.32 poles to a stake S.60 1/2 W.40 poles to a stake in John Banner's line & with it S.32 E.4 poles to a white oak S.64 W. 16 1/2 poles to a large white oak S.42 E.37 poles to the beginning.

Contaning 105 acres


March 28th 1856

Survey of William Bush's heirs partition it being 1/14 of the land estate of Austin Bush deceased.

Beginning at a walnut & hickory & a corner to John Bickley's/Holbrook land

running with its line N.54 W.59 poles crossing a ridge to a paw paw in a hollow a corner to J. 0. Dotson's land, thence with Dotson's line S.59 W.24 poles passing through a spring and dividing it. To a stake on the hill S.7 E.17 poles to a stake 30 links below a poplar a corner to Rebecca Bush's land, thence with her lines W.25 E.85 poles passing Rebecca Bush's corner to a stake in a road. Corner to Gray's land thence with his line N.79 E.32 poles to a sugartree in said Bickley,s line, thence with Bickley's line N.7 ½ W.64 poles to the beginning.

Containing 29 ½ acres.


March 28th 1856

Survey of Rebecca Bush's 1/14 of the land estate of Austin Bush, deceased.

Beginning at a stake 30 links below a poplar a corner to J.0. Dotson's land & also corner to William Bush's heirs partition and running, with a line of the latter S.29 E.66 poles to a white oak on the south end of a knob a corner to Harvey Gray's partition, thence with Gray's line S.68 W.80 poles passing below a barn to a stake in a road N.70 W.32 poles to a stake a corner to J.0. Dotson's land, thence with his lines N.4 E.46 poles crossing a hollow to a persimmon tree on a ridge & in a field N.65 E.75 1/4 poles to the beginning.

Containing 35 1/4 acres



Appraisal of the Estate of Ambrose Bush Sr.

July 1816

The following document was transcribed directly from the original document. It was transcribed because the original is very large and very difficult to read, partially due to age, but mostly due to the old style writing. Whenever you see a ______ this indicates a word(s) the could not be deciphered.


1 Bed, furniture and bed frame 20.00

1 Coverlet, 3 coverlet pins, 1 sheet and pillow case 30.00

1 Bed and bed frame, 1 sheet, 3 blankets, 1 pillow and 3 coverlets 40.00

1 Horse 10.00

1 Stile cap worn and flake stand 80.00

1 Negro man named Charles in the hands of Gholson Bush 625.00

1 Negro boy Daniel $200.00 1 Negro man John $325 525.00

1 Negro man George in the hands of Ambrose Bush Jr. 550.00

1 Negro boy Andrew in the hands of John Rawlings 400.00

1 Negro Jake in the hands of _______ Bush 625.00

1 Negro women Mourning and child Viana in the hands of John Rawlings 500.00

1 Gig and harness 15.00

1 Case $74 and 2 razors $11, 1 Yankee clock $15 100.00

1 Bed frame, bed and underticking, course sheets and bottom 12.00

At a court held for Clark County on 2nd July 1816, this inventory and appraisment of the estate of Ambrose Bush dec’d. was produced and ordered to be recorded.

Will of Francis Bush

Recorded Feb. 1818

The following document was transcribed directly from the original document. It was transcribed because the original is very large and very difficult to read, partially due to age, but mostly due to the old style writing. Whenever you see a ______ this indicates a word(s) the could not be deciphered.

In the name of God Amen

I, Francis Bush of the county of Clark and state of Kentucky being weak in body but of sound mind and memory do make _______ and declare this instrument of writing to be my last will and testament. Thereby working and dismantling all other wills therefore made by me in the name and form following.

First, I will and decree and order all my just debts to be paid out of my estate at my death.

Item 2nd

I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Rachel the tract of land and plantation I now live on together with all the farming utensils and stock of every kind, also household and wicker furniture and also the real money, if any, left after my just debts are paid. Together with all the ______ that I may have due to me and ______. Also three Negro’s. One Negro man Henry and two Negro women Tab and Mimi. Each of the above articles is to be ________ away this material lifetime or widowhood for the support of ________ and the support and education of my younger children until they marry or arrive to the age of 21 years. And after the death of my beloved wife, they are to descend to my children as there after declared.

Item 3rd

I give and bequeath to my daughter Polly Christy a Negro man, Souse and a Negro girl Sidney which she has now in possession to her and her heirs forever.

Item 4th

I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Vivion a Negro man, Raudeo also a Negro girl named Clary to her and her heirs forever she having each now in possession.

Item 5th

I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Orear a Negro lad named Jack also a young Negro equal in value to the youngest Negro I have given to my daughter Polly and Nancy to be raised from the two Negro women I have given to my wife if they shall continue to breed, if not, they are to be raised out of my estate.

Item 6th

I give and bequeath to my daughter Mildred Keas a Negro man named Pomps also a young Negro equal to the one I have directed to be given to my daughter Elizabeth Orear ________ in the ________ in the same manner.

Item 7th

I give and bequeath to my daughter Fanny Bradley a Negro Women named ________ with all her increase. Also a young Negro equal to the one I have directed to be given to my daughter Elizabeth Orear and to be raised in the same manner to her and her heirs forever.

Item 8th

I give and bequeath to my daughter Lucy Quisenberry a Negro man Squire. Also a young Negro equal in value to the one I have directed to be given to my daughter Elizabeth Orear and to be raised in the same manner to her and her heirs forever.

Item 9th

I give and bequeath to my daughter Sally Matthews a Negro girl named Paluce. Also a young Negro equal in value to the one I have directed be given to my daughter Elizabeth Orear and to be raised in the same manner to her and her heirs forever.

Item 10th

It is my will and desire that each of my children, Sally Matthews, Fielding Bush and Jordan Bush shall receive a feather bed and furniture equal in value to those I have given my other children.

Item 11th

It is my will and desire that the two old Negro women ______ and Lucy shall not go out of my family but go to the use ________ and be turned from time to time amongst all my several children. And that my fire arm shall be kept on my plantation for the use of my two sons.

Item 12th

It is my will and desire that at the death or marriage of my beloved wife all my estate which I have not deeded or willed away shall be equally divided amongst my children according to the line of descent.

Item 13th

I hereby conclude and approve my said beloved wife Rachel Bush my Executrix and Jordan & Fielding Bush and Colby B. Quisenberry my Executors. Given under my hand and seal this 24th January 1816.

At a court held for Clark County on the 23rd of February 1818 this last will and testament of Francis Bush deceased was produced in court and proven according to law by oaths of John V. Bush and Thacker V. Bush. Witnesses _________ subscribed and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Rachel Bush, Executrix, and Colby B. Quisenberry and Fielding Bush Executors. Therein named who made oath thereto as who law directs. Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in ________ giving security. Whereupon they together with John V. Bush and Pleasant Bush entered into and acknowledged there bond in the _________ of $20,000 conditioned according to law for the true and faithful administration of said estate and performance of this will.


MAY 18, 1798

 The following document was transcribed directly from the original document. It was transcribed because the original is very large and very difficult to read, partially due to age, but mostly due to the old style writing. Whenever you see a ______ this indicates a word(s) could not be deciphered.

  In obedience to an order of Clark County, we the subscribes have appraised the slaves and personal property of John Bush, dec’d as below.

Hannah, a Negro women and her children $180.00
Aggy $130.00
Humphrey, a Negro boy $35.00
George, a Negro boy $90.00
Tom, a Negro boy $90.00
Rachel, a Negro girl $60.00
8 head of cattle $12.10
3 head of horses $40.00
25 head of hogs $25.10
Plantation tools $6.18
Whippsan and _______ $3.16
3 wheels and check reel $1.17
Benter knives and forks, spice mortar and tea kettle $5.20
Butter pots, jugg, stillards and flat groves $1.18
1 Shot gun and sundry trunks $6.00
7 beds and furniture $60.00
Books, looking glass and hackles $1.12
9 Chairs $1.00
2 Iron pots, 2 ovens $3.40
1 Skillet and fry pan $2.10
Water vessel and grind stone $1.10
2 Sheep $.18

Signed May 18, 1798

Echilles Eubank

Robert Clark

Robert Sanford

William Walton Bush

Wiatt Bush

Mary Bush, Administrator

Will of Phillip Bush

July 18, 1819

The following document was transcribed directly from the original document. It was transcribed because the original is very large and very difficult to read, partially due to age, but mostly due to the old style writing. Whenever you see a ______ this indicates a word(s) the could not be deciphered.

In the name of Amen, I Phillip Bush senior of the County of Clark and state of Kentucky being now advanced in years but of sound mind and disposing memory, do make, constitute or deem and establish this my last will and testament hereby ________ all others by me before made and after re-amending my soul to God. ______ body to be decently interred at the ______ of my Executors and expenses thereof as well as all my just debts being paid. I will and desire my worldly estate as follows.


I give to my son John V. Bush the tract of land where he now lives, also on hundred acres for which I note the bond of my brother William Bush. Together with a Negro man named Charles and any other property I have put in his possession, except a Negro boy Georgy to him and his forever descent as hereafter excerpted.


I give to my son Robert Bush the tract of land where on he now resides also 500 acres for which I have Laurence Thomas’s bond for, lying in Powels Valley. A Negro boy named Daniel, together with all the property I have put in his possession to him and his heirs forever except as hereafter excerpted.


I give to my daughter Nancy Bush a Negro girl named Sarah with her future increase. Also a Negro boy named Tom together with all the other property I have put in her possession to her and her heirs forever.


I give to my daughter Franky Wigglesworth a Negro man named Charles also a Negro girl named Mariah together with all the other property I have put in her possession to her and her heirs forever.


I gave to my daughter Jane Wigglesworth four hundred dollars which I have paid her instead of a Negro women intended for her. Also a Negro boy named Fountain together with all the other property I have put in her possession to her and her heirs forever.


I gave to my son Thacker Bush on his coming on age or marriage a Negro boy named Tom and that part of my Plantation that I purchased from Orson Martins. Also four hundred and fifty dollars in cash to him and his heirs forever except hereafter excerpted.


I gave to my daughter Peggy Quisenberry four hundred dollars in cash which I have paid her instead of a Negro women intended for her. Also a Negro boy named Lewis together with all the other property I have put in her possession to her and her heirs forever.


I gave to my daughter Sally on her coming on age or marriage a Negro girl named Sylvia also a Negro boy named James to her and her heirs forever.


I gave to my daughter Polly a Negro girl named Juliann also two hundred and fifty dollars on her coming to the age of 16 years and it is my express will and desire that if either of or more of the Negros herein given to my three last children mentioned shall die or become _______ own or less valuable by any _______ otherwise that he, she or they shall have it made good out of my estate either by receiving another Negro equal to the one named as if it was sound and healthy and also that each of the said three last mentioned children at the time of receiving the said Negros herein _______ or the equivalent thereto do receive a good feather bed and furniture ________ or mare saddle and bridle. The value of $1 for each child and that they hold same for themselves and their heirs respectively forever.


I gave to my beloved wife Franky Bush the use and occupation of the land I now reside on together with all my Negros that I may die possessing of with all the stock of every kind. All household and kitchen furniture to be kept together for the use of her. Comfortable support and education of all my married children until my daughter Polly shall arrive to the age of 16 years. Subject, however, to the legacy that may be demandable before that period and such as shall at that time be paid or allotted off. It shall then be done and that may my beloved wife retain in her possession for her own proper use and benefit during her life or widowhood the following Negros, to wit, Ben, George, Sarah, Marganetta and Socky. Also four hundred dollars in cash with all the stock, household and kitchen furniture and farming utensils. Also the crop and stock of _________ then on hand and all the remainder of the Negros be then also divided between all my children _______ and in case of the death of one or more of them leaving a child or children that the said child or children receive his, her or their parents share.


At the death or marriage of my said beloved wife it is my will and desire that the tract of land I live on at present be sold and the money with the balance of my estate by equally divided between all my children agreeable to the law of descent.


But should my said beloved wife choose to take one third of my estate instead of the portion made for her then my will and desire is that after the allotment of said dower the said Negros that may not have been received or paid off be allotted off agreeable to this, my will. And that all the remainder of the estate by equally divided agreeable to the law of descents of this state and at my wife’s ______ the dower portion divided, also agreeable to the said law.


It is further my will and desire that if any land shall hereafter ______ to me shall ______ and be equal by division between my daughters and in case of the death of any one or more of them leaving a child or children that said child or children shall receive his, her or their parents portion agreeable to the said law of descent of this state.


The exceptions eluded to in the first, second and sixth items are as follows, to wit, if at any time hereafter the tract of land that I have given to my son John V. Bush, that which I have given to my son Robert Bush, that they now live on or that which I have given to my son Thacker. Shall either of them be lost or taken by some better claim then and in that case it is my express will and desire that each of my said sons bear an equal part of the loss to the amount of 80 acres of each tract it being about the quantity I have given and conveyed to my son John. Thereafter, if either of my said sons shall fail to bear an equal part in case of said loss by paying an equal _______ in money, it is my will that so much of the estate which I have given to the one refusing to bear his part as well amount to his share in said loss shall be taken to reimburse the one which may have lost his land.


I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife, Franky Bush, my son John V. Bush and Robert Bush Executors of this my last will and testament or the survivor or survivors of them that shall think proper to act.

I have signed and affixed my hand and seal hereinto this 21st day, June 1814.




OCTOBER 15, 1817

The following document was transcribed directly from the original document. It was transcribed because the original is very large and very difficult to read, partially due to age, but mostly due to the old style writing. Whenever you see a ______ this indicates a word(s) the could not be deciphered.

In obedience to an order made by the county court of the county of Clark at their ______ _________ 1816. Thereby appointing certain persons therein named as commissioners to divide the real and personal estate of William Bush dec’d among the heirs of said deceased. We who undersigned being two of the commissions named in the said order of court for the purpose of having met on this 15th day of October 1817 at the late residence of the said deceased. We proceeded in the presence of the widow and most of the heirs and representatives of the said William Bush dec’d to act in accordance of the said order of court as follows.

We find that there are children of the said descendent, sons and daughters amounting in the whole to nine in number, to ________ of whom the said W. Bush in his lifetime made ______ agreeably to the following accounts in property ________;

1. William T. Bush - to whom said deceased advanced W.T.B. property to the value of: $3000

2. Francis Bush, now Francis Giddings, wife of George Giddings to the value of: $1560

3. Elcana Bush to the value of: $1127

4. Cynthia Bush, now wife of Thomas T. Bush to the value of: $ 703

5. Suana Bush, now Suana Morrow, wife of Christopher Morrow to the value of: $ 685

6. Polly Bush, now Polly Heironimus, wife of Benjamin Heironimus to the value of: $ 630

7. Willis A. Bush, infant to who no advances appear to have been made.

8. Jane Bush, now wife of Pleasant Bush to whom no advances have been made.

9. Thomas T. Bush, infant, whom no advanced appear to have been made.

We the commissioners appointed find the following slaves, of the estate of said deceased and who are in our estimation severally of the following value, to wit,

1. Aus, an ancient women of no value in our estimation $ 000

2. Nathan, a Negro boy aged about 28 years, value at $ 650

3. Nelson, a Negro boy aged about 21 years, value at $ 625

4. Porter, a Negro boy aged about 19 years, value at $ 675

5. Sarah, a Negro girl aged about 17 years. This girl was on this day set up for sale

at public auction to the highest bidder by the heirs present and sold for $ 600

Making in the whole sum of valuation and sale of the 5 slaves $2550

To this sum we add such of the foregoing advancements as were made to such of

the said heirs as chosen by come into _______ pools on this division _____;

To Cynthia Bush, now wife of Thomas T. Bush $ 703

To Suana Bush, now Suana Morrow $ 685

To Polly Bush, now Polly Heironmous $ 630

Total $2018

Total sum to be equally divided amongst six of the said heirs is $4568

And, which makes an equal division to each one of the six following heirs of $761.33

At a court held for Clark County on the 27th day of April, 1818. This division of the slaves of William Bush deceased was produced in court and approved and ordered to be recorded.

Will of James Bush

Born 1756 Died 1808

(Son of Josiah and Sarah (Lewis) Brown)

In the name of God, Amen, I James Bush being very sick and weak but of perfect memory and sound judgment do make this my last will and testament. First, I recommend my soul to the mercy of Almighty God, my body I decree to by decently buried, and do dispose of the worldly goods in manner following,

(After my just debts being paid) I do give to my wife, Mary Bush, my possessions where I now live to support her during life and to be managed by my son, Austin Bush.

Item. I give to my son Drury Bush, 1 Dollar

Item. Give to my son Austin Bush the land whereon William Noble lives, being part of the tract Austin Bush lives on. I leave the land whereon Thomas McDaniel lives to him, the said McDaniel, for six years from the time of his first setting the same rent free, then said land to return to my estate.

Item. I give all my lands save that given to my son Austin to be equally divided between my three children or their heirs, namely Ann Neass (Neece) dec.’d, Austin Bush and Mary Turner, also all my stock of every kind and household furniture and plantation utensils with all my estate of every kind to be equally divided among my above named children or their legal Representatives, to be divided at the death of my above named wife.

Lastly, I appoint my son, Austin, Executor of this my last will and testament.

Signed, sealed and published the 20th of June 1801

Signed, sealed and published in the presence of

John Marshall

Charles Bickley

James Bush

His mark

At a court held for Russell County the 2nd day of August 1808.

This instrument of writing was exhibited in court as and for the last will and testament of James Bush dec.’d as proven by the oaths of Charles Bickley and John Marshall witnessed thereto and ordered to be Recorded.


James P. Carrell

Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of James Bush dec.’d

1 Sorrel mare $51.25
1 Bay mare $37.00
1 black horse $35.00
1 black yearling horse $20.00
1 bay filley $30.00
1 ______ cow and calf $11.00
1 red heifer $8.50
1 ___ cow $8.00
1 ___ heifer $5.00
1 ____ ____ $4.00
1 rifle gun $12.00
1 collar harness and ____ $2.00
3 ___ ___ wedge $3.00
3 hoes ____ and saug hoe $2.50
1 pair steelyards $1.50
1 plough $150.00
1 bell and half steelyards $1.50
1 old side saddle $2.50
1 spider $1.25
1 cracked kettle $2.00
1 old kettle $5.00
1 kettle 102 lbs. $8.50
1 kettle 98 lbs. $8.17
1 kettle 108 lbs. $9.00
1 kettle 70 lbs. $5.83
2 kettles 57 lbs. $4.29
1 ____ ____ $2.00
Total $281.79

We the appraisers being duly sworn have thus appraised the estate of James Bush, dec.’d November 18th 1808

Stephen Gose

Charles Bickley

William Bolin

Austin Bush Executor

At a court held for Russell County the 6th day of December 1808

This inventory and appraisment was produced in Court and Ordered to be Recorded


James P. Carrell

A supplemental Inventory and appraisement of the estate of James Bush deceased November 18th 1808.

1 Kettle $6.67
1 old still $34.17
1 old plough $.75
A parcel of old vessels $5.25
A parcel of old kegs $2.00
A _____ quart $1.00
1 kettle $3.33
2 kegs $1.33
Total $54.50

We the subscribers being duly sworn have thus appraised the estate of James Bush dec.’d

Austin Bush Executor of James Bush dec.’d

Charles Bickley, Stephen Gose, William Bolin


At a court held for Russell county the 3rd day of July 1810

This inventory was produced in court and ordered to be recorded


James P. Carrell


Various Electronic Cards from the Library of Virginia pertaining to the surname Bush






Bush, James

Fincastle, VA

Dunmore’s War


Company: Capt. William Russell

Bush, John

Madison, KY

Land Office Patents


1000a. Station Camp Creek

Bush, John

Elizabeth City, VA

Land Office Patents


300a. Corp. of Elizabeth City

Bush, James

Washington, VA

Land Office Patents


100a. S. side of Clinch River known by the name of Rusians Place

Bush, James

Russell, VA

Land Office Patents


80a. adjoining Charles Bickley’s land

Bush, James

Augusta, VA

Land Office Patents


100a. On both sides of McCordes Old Gap adjoining Kiser & Coyner

Bush, James

Amherst, VA

Land Office Patents


130a. On Huffs Creek

Bush, William

Lincoln, KY

Land Office Patents


3750a. East side of Silver Creek between the Main fork and Hays Fork

Bush, William

Fayette, KY

Land Office Patents


100a. on the waters of the Two Mile Creek

Bush, William

Fayette, KY

Land Office Patents


1000a. adjoining a survey of 1000 acres made for Thomas Burris on the waters of Two Mile Creek









William Bush





Sold - $0.00

William Bush



28 yrs/M


Sold - $650.00

William Bush



21 yrs/M


Sold - $625.00

William Bush



19 yrs/M


Sold - $675.00

William Bush



17 yrs/F


Sold - $600.00


Phillip Bush





Given to John V. Bush

Phillip Bush






Phillip Bush





Given to Robert Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Nancy Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Nancy Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Franky Wigglesworth

Phillip Bush





Given to Franky Wigglesworth

Phillip Bush





Given to Jane Wigglesworth

Phillip Bush





Given to Thacker Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Peggy Quisenberry

Phillip Bush





Given to Sally Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Sally Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Polly Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Franky Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Franky Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Franky Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Franky Bush

Phillip Bush





Given to Franky Bush


John Bush

Hannah (and her children)




Sold - $180.00

John Bush



-- --


Sold - $130.00

John Bush





Sold - $35.00

John Bush





Sold - $90.00

John Bush





Sold - $90.00

John Bush





Sold - $60.00


Francis Bush





Given to Rachel Bush

Francis Bush





Given to Rachel Bush

Francis Bush





Given to Rachel Bush

Francis Bush





Given to Polly Christy

Francis Bush





Given to Polly Christy

Francis Bush





Given to Nancy Vivion

Francis Bush





Given to Nancy Vivion

Francis Bush





Given to Elizabeth O’Rear

Francis Bush





Given to Mildred Keas

Francis Bush





Given to Lucy Quisenberry

Francis Bush





Given to Sally Matthews

Francis Bush



Old Women



Ambrose Bush





Given to Gholson Bush

Ambrose Bush





Sold - $200.00

Ambrose Bush





Sold - $325.00

Ambrose Bush





Given to Ambrose Bush, Jr.

Ambrose Bush





Given to John Rawlings

Ambrose Bush





Given to _____ Bush

Ambrose Bush

Mourning & Viana




Given to John Rawlings