"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one
of the least of these, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

So you're interested in


I invited my good friends...

Dick, Jane and Sally

to help me explain why someone might
consider being a foster parent...

First let me tell you, it is a wonderful ministry,
and very much needed nationwide. There are
several reasons a child might come into care:

*Parent imprisonment
*Death of parent(s)

I think you can see the list could go on and on.
Much of the time, children are removed from home
in an 'emergency' situation. Which just means Human
Services has declared this family a priority. It is possible
to get an infant directly from the hospital, and of course
many older, harder to place children need care, too.

And while it is true that there are many children
coming into care with emotional problems,
many have simply been forced to grow up too quickly.
By this I mean they become the parent to their siblings.

They care for them,

prepare their meals,

do the shopping, (if there is any money)

and they clean the house.

In short, they do all a parent should do, the best they
know how, which generally is severely lacking.
They need to learn how to be a child again,

and above all they need love, nurture and
understanding. In my state I learned that only
4% actually return home. This is very sad.
How do we change it? Get involved!

If you are at all even remotely
interested, Sally & I encourage
you to call your local Human
Services, or Human Resources,
and ask for a foster home
liscensing worker. This person
will send you an application and
a small book on your state laws.
He/She can also answer questions
you might have. Please, call today.
Listen to what one 9 year boy told me:

"I like being a foster kid because my
[foster mom] takes care of me...
and my mom is being taken care of, too.
It was a bad thing that I had to be
taken away from my mom, but it was
good because she gets help..."

I would be more than happy to answer questions you may have about foster care, just drop me a line:

click  here  to  send  mail

Sally says look at these
other places you can go:

{the Kitchen}
{the Schoolroom}
{the Garden}
{the Dining Room}
{Jessi's Locker}
{Josh's Treehouse}
{Alyssa's Playland Palace}
And here is something new:
{baby sign language!}

Even foster kids love...
click  here  to  go  to  Geocities!

Sally says: Now wait just one minute...

Pictures of Dick, Jane, Sally and friends,
were taken from primers printed by
Scott, Foresman and Company in 1951 &1962.
Used without permission (because I love them so much!)
Illustrations were primarily done by Corinne Boyd Dillon.

Goodbye now, last of friends to visit!

Come back real soon!