Amy and John

This page is about planning our wedding. We are posting ideas, some of which we will use, some of which we will not use. We will also post suggestions from friends and family, and maybe even some gathered from visitors to this page.

The Couple:

Amy is a recent graduate of the Master's program in stage management at U.M.K.C. She and John met at the Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

John is finishing his degree in architecture at the Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. He and Amy plan to work in theatre.

The Ceremony:

We are planning a traditional Catholic wedding, with a few non-traditional touches. We want this wedding to be a celebration with and for our family and friends as we begin our life together.

We will begin Pre-Canna classes in Carbondale in the fall of 1999. The wedding will be at Amy's home parish, St. Francis Xavier, in St. Joseph, MO. We haven't set a date yet, that will come after we start our prepatory classes and talk with the pastor at St. Francis about a good date.

See our first
checklist of things to do in preparation for our wedding.

Check out the various planning pages we are using to plan our wedding

We also have a resources page that will guide you to other web sources about weddings.

You can look at the other idea pages we have put together in our planning sessions.
Copyright 1999.
Last revised: May 31, 1999.