S.E. Berry Fest '98


On October 9th - 11th, we got together in Atlanta, Georgia for the meeting of the S.E. babies!!!!!

Friday, Lenox Mall and the playground!!!!


Jordan, taking "5" before "swinging"!!!!


Jordan, Kristen and John at the playground!!


Friday night, Spaghetti Warehouse!!!!

What a meal!!!!!

Maddie, waiting on another piece of bread!!!

Sarah and Maddie

I just LOVE Coca-Cola!!!!!


and lemons too!!!!


When all else fails, there's always Kris!!!!

(stretching his mozzarella stick to the limit!!!)


Saturday, Berry Farms Pumpkin Patch!!!!


l.to r.

Sarah and Maddie, Kristen and Jordan, Kim and Cassidy, Katie, Mitchell and Ashley, Lynnie, John and Kristopher

l. to r.

Kristen and Jordan, Sarah and Maddie, Lynnie and John, Kim and Cassidy, Katie and Mitchell

Maddie, Jordan, Cassidy, Mitchell and John

And here we are, all waiting patiently to go on the hayride!!!

Hurry up Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!


John and his first "little" pumpkin!!!!

Is this lunch????


You said that here, they all "eat" the straw!!!!??


Jordan, sitting perfectly for the pic!!!!!!


Cassidy showing Jordan how to clap!!!!


Katie and Mitchell on the hayride!!!!


l. to r.

Jordan crawling away!!!, Cassidy and sister Brittany behind her, John, also crawling away, Maddie and Ashley behind her,

Mitchell, happily "munching away" and Kristopher behind him!!!

We tried for this one to come out, but the babies were a bit more interested in getting the pumpkins!!!!!!


Unfortunately, I haven't finished the final roll of film which contains pics from Stone Mountain.

Bette and Zachary were there, and as soon as I get that roll developed, it will be here!!!!

My apologies to Bette at this time!!!!


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To Johnspage







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