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of 1976 are responsible for advertisers on this web site.

Newark High School
Newark, California
Class of 1976

Welcome to our Class page. Here you will find information about the members of our class, and any updates on upcoming class events. Newark High School was located in Newark, California.

Upcoming Events

Announcing A Newark High School Band Reunion!

(For Band, Drama, Choir and Orchestra Members)

Updated 14 November 2008

There is a Newark High School Band Reunion in the works. It is open to all band/drama/choir/orchestra members and their spouses, or significant others. The Date has not been set yet. For more information see their website at or contact Allen Woodman

Our 30th Reunion

Updated 14 Novemer 2008

The 30 Year Reunion for Newark High School’s Class of 1976 was held Saturday, August 12, 2006 at the Courtyard Marriott Newark starting at 7:00 p.m. and running until 1:00 a.m. The Courtyard is located at 34905 Newark Blvd; Newark, California. No Theme this time, but as always, Hawaiian Shirts were welcome but optional.

We had Heavy Appetizers and Desserts to eat, plus coffee and a No Host Bar was available. Providing the music for the evening was "Amy Foster Music - The Slammin' DJ."

During the reunion we had a slide show of pictures from our classmates.

Golf Game- Saturday, August 12, 2006

There was a pre-reunion 18 Holes of Golf on the morning of Saturday, August 12, at the Summitpointe Golf Club; 1500 Country Club Drive; Milpitas.

Family Style Picnic - Sunday, August 13, 2006

There was a Picnic on August 13, Sunday, staring at 11:00am (we should all be awake by then) at the Newark Community Center located at: 35501 Cedar Blvd.; Newark.

Other Tidbits

As of May 26, 2006 we have about 200 class members that we do not have current address for. If you know where any of them are please have them check out our website at for information about the reunion and contact information. Also if you know where any of our former teachers are, let them know they are welcome to attend also.

We would like our next reunion, 35 years in 2011, to include even more of our classmates, so let's start working towards that goal now. If you know of where someone is that did not make it to the last few reunion, or did not even hear about that reunion, please contact Glenn Daniel (in your subject line please add: Class-1976 so your email doesn't get missed) with their address so we can put them on the mailing list. And if you move don't forget to contact us with your new address so you don't become one of our missing classmates.

Add your suggestions by signing our Guestbook. To see what others have suggested View Our Guestbook.

Contacts (Please add to your subject line: Class-1976 so your email doesn't get missed.):
Glenn Daniel ,
Mary Ann (Whitaker) Herne
Dianne (Schott) Adamson
Linda Newman

If you want to help with the reunion please contact Glenn Daniel. (If you have offered before, please contact him again. His computer crashed, and the people who offered to help before, was lost! ... sorry about that.)

All Class Reunion

Report by Bruce Anderson
Dated 6 July 2005

Last weekend (July 2, 2005) there was another (they have one every year) "all class" reunion. This one seemed to be a little more organized than those held previously.

It was a reunion for all students who graduated from Newark High, Memorial High, or Newark-Memorial High School between the years 1963-2004.

It was held at Swiss Park (across from NewPark Mall on Mowry Avenue). The admission (yes, admission!) price was $20.00 per family, and, another $10.00 to eat.

The reunion was organized by Tony Koep (Newark-Memorial class of 1985). That is the only explanation I can see for there being so many 85'ers in attendance.

I am NOT bragging, but, I know a lot of people. However, there were "only" six (6) I knew there! The six are as follows: Doug Reagan (I believe he was in the class of 1978), Larry Nunes ('75), Jeff Cree ('79), Ron Rael ('77), Tom Lobato ('78), and Diane Schott's former husband Mike Sexton('73). All of these are Newark High grad's. Tony expected about three to four hundred people to attend, but, only sixty (60) showed!

There was a small car show, and, a band played. It really was not bad, but, I wish it would have been better attended.

Our 25th Reunion--"A Tropical Night"

Our 25th reunion was held August 18, 2001 at the Fremont Marriott. We had dinner, a band and a dj with lots of fun, talking, laughing, and dancing. The total count attending was 73 if you count even the after dinner crowd. There were 50 Classmates, 22 Significant Others (Dates and Spouses) and 1 Coach! It was great to see all those that showed up, we only wish more of you were able to attend.

Like all reunions, gifts were given out for special accomplishments. Jimmy Lee got the prize for most grandchildren (2 - ages 7 and 2 yrs); Diane and Alan Peters won for the most children (4); Scott Morrison for the grayest hair (course it was only the men in the running for that prize); Dan Wasco for coming the farthest (Pennsylvania); Tami Marquardt Pewitt for the oldest child (23 yrs); Linda Olson Gonzales for the most tropical looking outfit. A special thanks to those that signed up by the July 1st deadline, those people were: Mark and Tammy Pewitt (Marquart), Dennis and Julie Allen (Avalos), Bruce Anderson, Barry Mancebo, Michael Pugh, Adelina Sousa, Donna Beavers, Dan and Stacey Dimich, Mary Katherine Baker, Wendy and Don Brandon (Freitas), and Pat Simon.

I have also added a few pictures from the reunion for those that were not able to attend. To see the pictures go to Reunion Pictures

New Section on our Site

There is a new section on our website, Friends of NHS Class of 76. It is for visitors to our webpage to be able to have their comments posted. So far, since it is new, we only have a couple of messages to post. With time I hope that others will feel free to add more messages and make this a more interactive site.
If you wish to post a message to this area, please email Linda (Newman) Hubble at with NHS-76 in the subject line.

Note- messages will be posted at my discretion, keep it clean please.


Come back often to see what is new. If you are a member of Newark High School Class of 1976 and you wish to be included in the classmates section of our page please email Linda Newman Hubble. Include the name you used in High School, your webpage address if you have one, your email address, your occupation, your marital status, your Spouse or Partner's name if you have one, where you currently live, your child(ren)'s name(s), What you've been up to. Please only put as much information as you are comfortable in having published on our webpage. If we do not have your current address please include that, it will NOT be put on our page. It will just be used to mail you information about class news and updates on upcoming events.
NOTE: I recently was verifying email address from the classmates section. 15 of the 46 people on the page no longer have working email addresses. Please update your information so your fellow classmates can contact you!


A listing of the classmates, where they are and what they have been doing for the last 30+ years.

I had many very positive comments about being able to read about what the other people in our class had been up to at the reunion, so if you haven't yet sent in your info please think about doing so. If nothing else at least your name and email address so your old friends can contact you.

The Way We Were

A page of trivia facts from 1976- cost of living, top movies and music, government officials, etc.

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