To view the rest of this website click here .

There has been much confusion in the last year over which webring to use. So I have decided to use both. If you would like to join one or the other that is fine, either one will increase traffic to your site. This is the same ring just hosted by different websites.

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit

Welcome to the Christian Multiples' Web Ring Home Page.

Click on the graphic above for a list of sites in the ring.
To contact the ring manager, Click Here

The Christian Multiples' Web Ring is intended to link web sites that express or discuss multiplicity or dissociation from a Christian point of view.

Sites in the ring may be by multiple households, mental health professionals or ministries that serve survivors and dissociatives, or people who love someone who dissociates.

The ultimate goal is to assist people to find web sites that help us all see that Jesus has compassion for each and every alter/personality inside. Also, the goal is to proclaim Him as the beacon of hope light in sad, dark cirucumstances and in the healing process.

So often, the multiple in healing is left without much external support. We are justifyably afraid of being stigmatized in society or in the church. We hope that The Christian Multiples' Web Ring will give web-surfers points of contact with others like themselves who understand. We also hope to share our hope in Christ with to those who might not believe but are interested in multiplicity and healing.

Note: No sites that attempt to portray multiples as being demon possessed will be admitted to the ring. It is our belief that alters are part of the whole person. We (Family of Promise and Kimber) believe that dissociation is a gift from God - an expression of His compassion and love for a child who is in deep need.

The question probably will come up sooner than later: "Do multiples that are part of this ring have to be *all* Christians inside?" The answer is no. We have never met anyone who had a system that was 100% of faith in every insider. That includes us! Does each site in this ring have to have 100% of their site Christian content? The answer again is no. But we do look for Christian content, as described below. We will not accept sites that actively promote another faith. This is a Christian web ring.

We would like sites in this ring to have some expression of how faith in Christ is or can be worked out among the many inside. Honesty in seeking the Lord Jesus and an understanding of His love is the main requirement. Honesty about who we are - so that others can see that Christ loves real people who carry hurt and it's after-effects in their lives. We aren't looking for sinless people -because there just aren't any.

This ring is non-denominational. We reserve the right to decline any sites that contain objectionable language or graphics.

The purpose of this web ring is to discuss multiplicity, healing, and abuse survivor's issues from the perspective of Christian faith. Discussion of sexual abuse is within the scope of the ring. Also, Christian help for persons who struggle with sexual addictions is within the goals of this ring. However, sites that emphasize discussion of sexuality apart from the healing of sexual abuse or sexual addictions, or who advocate or promote sexual activities or practices, are outside of the purpose of the ring. Sites which have emphasis on sexuality outside of the goals of this ring will not be admitted to membership. The purpose in this rule is to keep the ring focused in the areas of faith, multiplicity and dissociation, and healing from abuse.

If you have a site that expresses or discusses multiplicity or dissociation and you are seeking to integrate your Christian faith, or if you are helping multiples in Jesus' name, please check us out and apply for membership. Your site will be reviewed and if it meets the stated qualifications you will be sent further instructions.

It only takes a few moments to place your site in the Queue to join the ring, so please read the following instructions carefully.

Read Through This Entire List Of Steps Before Beginning:

  • One: Make sure your site meets the qualifications stated above.
  • Two: Fill out the form and grab the graphics below.
  • Three: You will receive confirmation email from the web ring system.
  • Four: After your site is reviewed for content I will send a second confirming email with your html code.
  • Five: Copy the HTML source from your email to your web page.
  • Six: After all links are setup on your site, please Email us, letting us know your site is ready for activation. Use "Christian Multiples Web Ring" as the subject for your email.
  • Seven: When your site is activated you will receive another Email message confirming that you are in the ring.


NetRing: Good Samaritan Ministries Alaska

Submit a site to Good Samaritan Ministries Alaska
Site Title:
Site URL:
Site Owner:
EMail Address:
Year of Birth:
(ie: 1999)
By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data.
Site Description:

Random Site | Good Samaritan Ministries Alaska

The password is used to change your site information if you need to later on.

You will be given the HTML code to add to your page in your confirmation email. If you are unwilling to add the code, please do not apply. After everything is set up properly on your page please Email me (Kimber) with "Christian Multiples Web Ring" as your subject. In this email you should let me know you have submitted your site and uploaded the ring code to your page.

Web Ring Graphics - Please save these now.
As an expression of courtesy, please - Do not link to these images. Save them and upload them into your web site directory.

There is a text only version of the html code also. If you prefer this, please Email Us just before or after you join the queue, and we will send you that version of the ring code when your site is approved.

The following images have a combined storage size of 14 Kb.

If anyone would like to create and donate other graphics for the ring, please send them to Kimber Thank you!

This Good Samaritan Ministries Alaska Net Ring
made possible by

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