Hi all! My name is Barb Gillihan, better known as Samsmommy in the Parent Soup Chat Rooms. I live in Anderson, SC with my dear husband Andy and daughter Samantha . I am a stay at home mom, and I also run my own home business, TypeAbilities Secretarial Services.

Being a stay at home mom is a luxury I could not afford without the support of my dear husband Andy. He is a registered nurse who works on a very busy cardiac step down unit at the hospital here in town. His hobbies include collecting sports cards and autographs. Some of his most prized possessions include his Mother Teresa and James Stewart autographs. By combing several newspapers daily, he has found opportunities for us to meet such famous people as Dan Quayle (former Vice President under George Bush), actor Charlton Heston, former President Jimmy Carter, and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. To see some photos taken at these events, click here .

My interests include taking care of my family, sewing and needlework, cake decorating, and playing on my computer. I have made several cakes for family events, such as Samantha's second birthday on January 10, 1998. For pictures of her cake and her party, click here.

I am also a member of the Anderson (SC) County Breastfeeding Coalition, which is a group of health care providers and moms whose goal is to increase awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding. We also work to educate the public about the facts and fallacies of breastfeeding. Monthly classes are held here in Anderson to teach pregnant or new moms about how to breastfeed and what to expect. The remainder of this home page will be dedicated to providing breastfeeding information and support.

As a former breastfeeding mom, I believe that the best start you can give your baby is to breastfeed. If you are thinking about breastfeeding or are currently breastfeeding and have problems or questions, please read on. If you need any help beyond the information contained here, please email me . I will answer any questions I can, and if I do not have the answer, I will find someone who does and get back to you.

Breastfeeding a baby is not for every woman. It is not my intent to make anyone feel guilty if they do not breastfeed their child. Breastfeeding is a personal choice that takes time, committment, and sacrifices. Being a parent is hard enough without the added pressure of what "everyone else" thinks you should do. I just want to lay down the facts and let the decisions be made by the people who will be afftected by them.

By the way, if you like my page, please sign the guestbook. If you don't like it, please sign the book and tell me what I can do better!

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