
Hiya! If you are here then you must know me! I surf the net regularly and see pages with a purpose. Those are pretty cool. ME? My only purpose in life is raising my daughters and being the best wife and mom I can be. My heart and soul lies directly with my husband and five children. That keeps me busy enough.

I was married August 24th 1999. I met my husband, Harley online. He was stationed in Korea on a remote for the Air Force. His children lived only a mile from me. When we met, I knew this is the one person I have been waiting for. So we combined families, and now I am the proud mommy of five.

My Angels!

As you tour my home here on the web, you will see many real time friends and "net" friends that hjave shaped me into the woman you know today. Each person has had a special impact on my life. *S* For good or bad. *LOL*