Last changes made April 30 2000

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Miranda's place

Dear reader,

welcome to my homepage!
I would like to tell you a little about myself and my dear family so I値l start at the beginning.
My name is Miranda van Hengel and I was born in Rotterdam in 1969. br>In 1990 I met my husband... In 1991 we got engaged and october 15 - 1993 we got married.In December 3 - 19 94 I gave birth to our first son and we called him Dennis.
Within 4 months I was pregnant again and on october 30 - 1995 I gave birth to triplets.(cesarian)We had 3 sons and called them: Sander, Thomas and Jeroen.. A few months after they came home from the hospital we found out that Jeroen had severe CP and only two months later we discovered the same about Sander. Jeroen had a difficult life. He cried a lot, could not move or turn over when he was a year old,and had severe reflux what made him throw up all day. I知 speaking in past tense because Jeroen passed away on decmber 9 - 1996 only 13 months old. He choked while he was very sick in his own vomit during the night.

Two months after Jeroen died I was pregnant again and on october 21- 1997 I gave birth to Martijn, our fifth son. At this moment we are doing well. We still grief over the loss of Jeroen but it痴 something we can live with now. I知 convinced he has a better life now than on this earth. The kids are doing fine, and Martijn is growing and growing.

On this page you値l find a lot of links to pictures of our kids . Please visit these pictures when you have some time left. I hope you enjoy my page and hope you値l add your reaction in my guestbook or in a email to me!! Miranda


Little Jeroen up in heaven oct 30 1995- dec 9 1996

ThisEmpty Arms Ring site is owned by Miranda van Hengel

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Artwork byLisa Barney. Click here for info how to join Empty Arms Ring


Jeroens grave

Jeroen page

Dennis page

Sander page

Thomas page

Triplets page

Martijn page

Me pregnant with Martijn

pictures of the boys (may 98)


Everything about our new house!!! (july 98)
