Religion in the Yancey family

Although prior to the Revolutionary War most of the the Yanceys belonged to the Church of England, by the 19th century and beyond, members of the Yancey family could be found in various denominations. I am in the process of trying to better document religious factions represented among the Yancey family both past and present. At the current time this report is very incomplete, but with time and with as many people as possible contributing information about religion in their branch of the family - I hope to make this report more representative of the Yancey family as a whole - where as at present much information is not here included.

Church of England / Protestant Episcopal

It would seem that most (probably all) members of the Yancey family prior to the Revolutionary War were members of the Church of England - after the war it became known as the Protestant Episcopal church. The Church was an integral part of life in Colonial Virginia (even intertwined with the colonial government). The Rev. Robert Yancey (1743 - 1774), traveled to England and was ordained a minister by the Bishop of London. He returned to Virginia where he presided over the parishes of Tillotson and Trinity in Louisa County. He was one of the first in the Virginia area to preach the doctrine of Universal Salvation. Soon after the conflict of the Revolutionary War had passed - the Church of England, in America, began to falter and its control over those living in the new founded United States was rapidly diminishing. Many people, including most of the Yancey family, left the Church of England for other faiths - often converting to the Methodist, Baptist or Presbyterian churches. There were a few branches of the Yancey family, however, that remained with the Protestant Episcopal faith for various generations.

Many of the descendants of John Green Yancey (great-grandson of James & Ann/Elizabeth Thornton Yancey) were of the Episcopal faith.

Many of the descendants of Joel Yancey of Bedford County Virginia (grandfather of Robert Davis Yancey of Lynchburg, Virginia) were Episcopalians.



Many of the Yanceys who resided in Caswell County, North Carolina were Baptists (the descendants of Bartlett Yancey Sr.)
Various of the Yanceys of Mecklenburg County, Virginia were also Baptists.
The Rev. Millard Alonzo Yancey (1877-1976) was a Baptist Minister serving in Arkansas and Oklahoma. The Rev. John Loren Yancey (1875-1948) was a Baptist minister in Missouri.  The Rev. Charles C. Yancey was a minister serving in parts of Alabama and Missouri.


Catholicism among the Yancey family is rather rare - but there are a few interesting exceptions. Patrick Henry Yancey (1896-1969) - great-grandson of Meredith & Elizabeth C. Allen Yancey - was a Catholic Priest of the Jesuit Order as well as a scientist. Many of the descendants of William Lewis Yancey, of Ralls County, Missouri (grandson of Lewis & Henrietta Favor Yancey), were also members of a Catholic church.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (LDS/Mormons)
Also RLDS (Reorganized)

Many of the descendants of Austin Yancey Sr. Of Williamson/Franklin County Illinois were converted to the Mormon faith - most of them in the year 1844 through the work of Levi Stewart. Some of the Yanceys went West as did many Mormons, under the direction of Brigham Young and settled in Utah, and other areas within the Rocky Mountians. Others, like the Kelleys, did not go West, but stayed in Illinois and were members of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ (RLDS). The majority of those Yanceys that went west were not content, to stay with the Mormons in Utah - and it would seem that many of them left the Mormon Church, traveling to California, Oregon, Missouri and other places. Among those who stayed in the Utah area was Adam Yancey - later a Mormon Bishop of Groveland Idaho, most of whose descendants are members of the Mormon faith.

Jasper Yancey (grandson of Alfred M. Yancey of Tennessee) was a convert to Mormonism in the late 1890's, at the preaching of George Albert Smith (who later became prophet and president of the church). Jasper and his family later moved to Utah to join the Mormons. Many of his descendants are members of the Mormon faith today.

RLDS records - click here
LDS records click here

French Huegenots

Although various reports discuss the theory that the Yanceys were French Huegenots (French Protestants), I have never seem ANY evidence to support this theory - other than the fact that a few families who were connected with the early Yanceys were Huegenots - such as the Dumas, Maupin, Dabney, Mullins families.


Soon after the Revolutionary War, many members of the Yancey family were converted to Methodism. In fact they were among the first-fruits of the Methodist movement in America. John Dickins, who played an integral role in the establishment of Methodism in America, married Elizabeth Yancey, the daughter of Jechonias & Hannah Kimbrough Yancey. It would seem she may have been the first woman to reside in a Methodist parsonage. Indeed, the entire family of Jechonias Yancey (after he had passed away) seemed to have converted to Methodism and were integrally involved with the establishment of Methodism in North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia and other places. Many of the Yanceys, in various branches of the family, by the early 1800's had converted to Methodism.

Rev. Edwin W. Yancey (1818-1897) was a Methodist "circuit rider" at different times in Tennessee, Arkansas and Lousiana. Rev. Walter C. Yancey (1817-1903) served as a Methodist minister in the area of Illinois and Iowa. Rev. John L. Yancey (1833-1900) of Arkansas was a Methodist minister. Rev. Sam M. Yancey (1878-1952) was of Fayetteville, Arkansas.


Many Yanceys in various branches of the family converted to the Prebyterian faith in the early 1800's.
Many of the descendants of
William Lowndes Yancey, the famous secessionist and orator of the South were of the Presbyterian faith.

Church of Christ

Various Yanceys of Mason County, Kentucky were members of the Church of Christ.
George Worth Yancey (1847-1896) was a preacher of this faith.


Pastors/Ministers among the Yancey Family

Shane Yancey, Baptist Youth Pastor,

Larry Yancey, Worship Arts Pastor, Casas Adobe Baptist Church, Tucson, AZ

Dave Yancey, Seventh Day Adventist

Victoria Yancey, West Philadelphia

Lee Yancey, First Baptist Church, Pascagoula, MS

Rev. L. E. Yancey, Buff, NY

Dr Esco Yancey Jr, - Gospel Times Ministries

Hershel Don Yancey, Presbyterian Church, Augusta, GA

 Dale Yancy, Merrimack, NH