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SafeSurf Rated All AgesMatt 18:5-6 NLT--"And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on My behalf is welcoming Me. 6But if anyone causes one of these little ones who trusts in Me to lose faith, it would be better for that person to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around the neck."

Contents - This WebSite

*Note: There is nothing wrong with this section, but it might be something to view before you let your preteen or early teen view it. It does not contain any violence or graphics, but it does discuss feelings early teens may not have felt yet.

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Contents - This Page

[About Me & My Family] [Guestbook]

Welcome! This site is for you. My goals are to encourage and challenge you in the Lord. I want to present a uniquely Christian view of the world and your place in it, stimulate your thinking, and be a practical resource.

A word about some of the categories on this site: The Poetry Corner is inspiration. Just Thinking... is observation. Notes and Comments contain, among other things, past letters to my readers. They are a sort of journal (a "blog" before I started my blog). World Watch is commentary on the world from a Christian framework. Lord, I Delight in You is for meditation. (It even has a different background than the rest of this site.) *Suffering's Challenge is encouragement, while From My Heart to Yours is prayerful exhortation - my soapbox if you will.

Whenever you visit, please go to What's New. Significant changes are described and dated from the most recent first so you can tell at a glance what's been added since you last visited. You will find a link to view each change and addition quickly. While you're there, check the Featured Sites section.

About Me & My Family
(Update 03-11-06) I am an empty-nester mother with three sons and one daughter-in-law who are truly gifts of God. Jonathan is twenty-eight and lives about forty-five minutes from my home in the peaceful, tiny town of St. Paul. He is married to a wonderful lady named Anne. They both are involved in a very good biblically-based church, where their talents and skills are put to use. It has been a wonderful place for Jonathan to learn new skills, such as working with sound equipment, and both Jonathan and Anne are stretching and growing by being members of a small group and part of the Care Ministry to reach out to new people.

I also have two other sons, one of whom, Micah, who will be 25 in April, has helped me learn about web pages. He is still my first and best resource when I don't understand what a computer book is saying, or when I'm trying to learn to use a new program. Micah's job at present is developing his dry-cleaning delivery route. He also is involved with a local church, and often works with the youth. On the side in his spare time (what spare time?!) he teaches people things they want to learn about their computers, and trouble-shoots problem areas (got a sluggish computer? talk to Micah). His clients have ranged from about 15 to 90-something years old.

In the summer of 1999, Micah (18 at the time) traveled to Peru, S.A. with Teen Mania, a teen missions organization. He was based in Iquitos, a city which could only be reached by air or boat and traveled along the Amazon from there. PRESS HERE to go directly to Micah's Peru Page if you want more information about the trip, Peru, Iquitos and its weather, or Teen Mania and anything else I can find of interest about the subject.

In the summer of 2004 Micah had opportunity to go to Bankok, Thailand to see a missionary organization at work there. He had a chance to see the sights as well, though he still isn't sure about some of what he saw, as his very hospitable guide spoke no English. He came back with some very good pictures, and was very glad he made the trip.

Micah lives in an apartment with his brother Andrew, now 26, who is part way through college and majoring in business. Andrew's pursuit of a degree was put on hold when he got the opportunity to buy the army surplus store he worked at for several years. He says this is the practical experience aspect of the degree he still hopes to get sometime when the business and other interests don't take up all his time.

In the spring of 2004, through a friend's invitation Andrew went to Atlanta, GA to see firsthand how mission organizations are run. His friend says he now has a better understanding of this than most pastors and churches. Then in the summer of 2004 he had opportunity through that missions organization to spend five weeks in Capetown, South Africa working with Vacation Bible School and touring the country. It was a real eye-opener, an adventure, and a trip that brought him back with some beautiful pictures.

Andrew is involved in the same church Micah goes to. In fact, the guys are known as the local resident bachelors, and their tall frames bring them much concern from their friends at church who see to it that they don't eat cereal every night. They never lack supper or dinner invitations. I think one of their personal goals is to elevate bachelorhood to an art form!

As for me, though I am still praying about what I want to be "when I grow up!!," I have been through some experiences in the last five years that are definitely showing me where my skills are (and are not). In late 1999 and early 2000, I worked and learned at a downtown homeless shelter for single women and mothers with children. It was a challenge I wouldn't have passed up for the world, and I'm wondering how God will use it in my future.

In mid-August 2000 I started working as a receptionist in a hearing-aid office. I have a great manager who is also my brother-in-law. The whole company is run with a high ethical standard, and it is a privilege to see the ways God blesses even in time of national economic difficulty.

I too have been involved in a local church near my home. I have worked some with JBQ, Junior Bible Quiz, so that the parents can see their own children compete. My purpose is to help young children learn the Bible--I believe if it is in our heart it can transform us, so I will do what I can to help children learn. Also I have begun organizing our church library in small segments of time, and learning and growing with my church family. In February 2005 we started a prayer ministry before church, believing God to draw people to pray. I get to go there every week and see what God wants to do and who is drawn to come. It is an adventure that I'm very glad for.

As far as my interests go, I like to read, study, think, journal, and write poetry and prose. (For my newest endeavor in that area, see my new blog.) In the spring and summer of 1999 I got to volunteer as a counselor at our local Crisis Pregnancy Center (I started training in Feb 1999). I learned a lot and made some good friends. It's great to see solid, committed people giving of their time, sometimes year in and year out "in the trenches," putting action (mercy) to their compassion. I also like to teach Kay Arthur Bible studies and other things, and travel. (Maybe this is because I'm not great at singing and I'm terrible at art. :) )

I am also a Christian who loves God very much. When I received Jesus in 1973, I began a new, exciting life. My life was aimless for my first 22 years, and I was very angry that there seemed to be no purpose to it or to anything in the world. However, when I started to learn God's ways and obey Him, He gave me a life that is worth living and then some. I wouldn't trade it for anything even though it hasn't been easy. (It seems I can endure difficulty if I know it's going somewhere in the long run.)

In the years since, I have found my Lord to be more important than any cause I could ever give myself to. The more I read what He has to say to me in His book the Bible, the more I am in awe of Him. His is the only philosophy in life that is worthy of my time and attention, because it alone gets to the heart of every issue in any area of life. Yes, I still have some struggles with "Why this or that?" but I know He has a purpose even though I can't see it, and each time I struggle I believe God is working in me a deeper acceptance of His ways and His sovereignty. I owe my talents, my direction in life, my family, my sense of humor, everything I have, am, and ever hope to be to Him.


Please Sign My Guestbook
I am greatly encouraged to continue by your feedback and encouragement, so could you please sign? Thanks so much! - And thanks so much to all you who have signed so far. It helps to know what speaks to you. Barb

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