Ruedisueli History

The Ruedisueli name came into existence around 1638 in Switzerland.  It is compounded from two names, Rudi and Uhli, "son of Rudi".

Das Geschlecht stammt aus dem Bezirk Werdenberg (Sennwalkd) und wurde vor 1800 in Amden verburgert. Der Familienname besagt: "der Ueli des Ruedi) und ist in dieser Form "Rudi's Uhli" im altesten Taufbuch van Sax aus dem Jahn 1638 erwahnt.

Translation: The family line stems from the "Bezirk Werdenberg (now: Sennwald) and became more common in 1800 in Amden.  The family name means: The son of Ruedi and in this form literally: Rudi's son, the oldest book of "Sax" in 1638 mentions this.

The villages that the name is linked to are Sax, Frumsen, Werdenberg, and Amden in the eastern part of Switzerland, near Lichenstein in canton of St. Gallen.

Canton flag of St. Gallen

The village of Sax, St. Gallen, Switzerland

During the "War of Thirty Years" about 350 years ago, a huge migration started in Europe. Many Ruedisuelis moved from village of Sax. Those who moved northwards, to Southern Germany changed their religion to protestants and added the letter "h" to their name. There were also Rudisill, Rudisuli, and other variations to the name over the years. Some Ruedisuelis stayed in the Sax-Frumsen area or moved to Amden, on the lake of Walensee, 30 miles southeast of Werdenberg. Thanks to Bruno Ruedisueli and Ted Rudisill for this information.

Ted Rudisill's Homepage for Rudisill family news & reunion information

Famous Ruedisueli artists

Famous Ruedisueli Joke

History of the United States Ruedisueli Family