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Steve is my eldest. He graduated High School in June, 1980 and left for San Diego Naval Training Station in August, 1980. Following basic training, he went to Great Lakes for schooling and finally to Orlando, Fla. for Nuclear Submarine school. This school completely occupied his time and left very little free time, but on April 4,1981, he married Penny, his long time school sweetheart. Following her High School graduation in June, 1981, she moved to Orlando. Balancing schooling and a new wife, I'm sure was more than he bargained for. After much deliberation, he decided maybe Nuclear Submarines wasn't the place for him to be and changed his career plans. Next, they were stationed in Norfolk, Va. where they were fortunate to spend the majority of Steve's fifteen years in the Navy and where all their children were born. Steve was stationed on the Dwight D. Eisenhower and the John F. Kennedy, both Air Craft Carriers. He visited places that most people just dream of visiting.

Their eldest daughter, Randi, was born in 1986. Randi is a heart breaker with long blonde hair and hazel eyes. She's attending college and talked recently of working in sports as a physical therapist. Social Studies and Science were her favorite subject in school. She's very family oriented and likes to pal around with Mom, Dad or her sister or brother. Grandma's house used to be one of her favorite spots for overnight, but now this Grandma lives too far away. She enjoys surfing the net and chatting online with her cousins in Texas and her friends. Randi is quite a young lady and I'm very proud of her. She will have her 21st birthday in October. Where have the years gone?

Toni was born in 1989. She reminds me of a Precious Moments doll. She's very petite, very quiet and another heart breaker with brown hair and brown eyes. She is attending an OSU branch and wants to be a full time student. She loves college and hopefully will become a Radiologist in about 8 years. She was an avid girls softball player, loved soccer and was a darn good tennis player in school. Math was a favorite subject in school. She's another family oriented young lady. She surfs the net, and expecially talking with her boyfriend online.

The youngest, Stephen, was born in 1991. Where both girls are quiet and reserved, Stephen is very out-going and ALL BOY. Sometimes he wears me out just watching him. When he was younger, there wasn't a tree too tall for him to climb. I don't think I've ever seen him afraid of the water. The higher we used to throw him, the better he liked it. School isn't a favorite thing for him, but this school year he has changed his mind. He is a very handsome young man with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes . Stephen, like the girls can be found with Mom or Dad but most frequently with his girl friend.

Steve retired after 15 years in the Navy. He is a Maintenance Engineer. He used to stay active with his high school alumni basketball tournament every year, then became involved with the kids sports. He enjoys the computer as much as his mom does. Penny is a graduate of of Paralegal School and works in Columbus with a firm as a paralegal. She's great with crafts and decorating. Both are involved with their family and at the age of their children, something is always going on with one of them.

