Thought to Remember

You know just because one might not be able to chat with their FRIEND everyday or even once a week doesn't mean that they don't still hold the palce in ones HEART that they did when we first began to get to know one even though we might not chat much....YOU always are and always will be in MY HEART ---<-@.

*Wanted You To Know MY Online FRIENDS*

Lady Krista..There's few words that can describe what this *SPECIAL LADY* has done to help me through some rough times. She's always been willing to listen and give her opinion in anything I needed to chat with her about. She has gott'in me to open up and not be shy and since then I have found *FRIENDS* that anyone would be lucky to have. I am most fortunate that *Lady Krista* seen enough good in me to have me as her friend and learn from her just how important it is to have friends that you can talk to when you need *ADVICE* or just a *Freindly Ear* to listen to all your problem and be able to have you smiling when you are through to this SPECIAL LADY I want to say THANKS.

....I Love You Always, My Dear Friend....

KntryGalCa..Here's a very Sweet Lady, that has helped me understand a lot of life, too. Takes her time to explain to this slow, backwoods feller a few things about others beliefs and how certain cultures can meet and be so different,but still have as much in common as your next door neighbor. She's always open and honest and has become a *Very Dear Friend* to. I think of her as my Lil Sis, always wanting my opinion about things, and never getting upset with me when I'm a little oneary. i wish you luck with your life and hope that i can always be of help and that we never lose touch **smile**.....

....Luv Ya HUGS & KISSES....

Pink blossom...Well I meet this Lady through Lady Krista, and she is the one most sponceable for me getting this page up and going. Haven't known her long, but has become one very good friend. Always able to laugh and have fun. Willing to help me with what she can and I am *VERY GRATEFUL*, to get to know you *Sweet Lil Blossom*. Will always be in my thoughts and hope that we remain friends forever....

....HUGS & KOTC....

Queen of Hearts...Here's a wonderful person. Have become friends with Her and Hubby. Am very glad to get to meet a couple that care about each other like these two do. They give me hope that someday we'll all find happiness. I know life's not perfect, but at least when i get to chat with her, I can always think of the life that a lot of us would like to have. ...

....HUGS & KOTC....

ford FordFever... A very nice guy that am glad to get to meet and chat with. Always working hard, to hard. Just glad that he knows what a sweet lady he has at home waiting for him and that she appreciates every thing he does and both are lucky to have each other. Wish you peace and happiness. Just don't ever forget what you and your wife have. Just want you to know that you & Queen have set an Example for me that i want to be able to follow, and you have given lots to think about and am happy to be able to call you my *FRIENDS*.


KyLady...Another friend that has done some special things for me and want her to know that she's one of a mighty few people that i have ever meet and was *Honored* to have her company for dinner. We don't chat much but was lucky enough to be in her area on a trip to get to meet my in person. She's the first i had ever meet and was nothing like most stories. Really had a good time and still are very good Friends.

....HUGS & KOTC....

HandyLady...Just happen to be in right place at right time to meet this sweet Lady. Some people have the charm to keep you perked up and smiling all the time and this is one lady that i've never seen in a bad mood.Well except when puter is down.*LOL* She's as sweet and nice asa *Rose* always giving and wanting to see everyone have a good time.

....HUGS & KISSES....

Handy Man...Well this guy i haven't had much time to chat with, but what little I have chatted he seem's to be very nice person. Now for the big news, He and Handy Lady have just gottin married, they meet online well over a year ago, and now are *HAPPILY* living their dream. Goes to show for every *BAD* story you hear of, there's one good story not told. Hoping your dreams continue and happiness fills your life..

...Wishing You and Yours the BEST...

Sharon...Here's my pal in crime. Always got something for us to laugh and have a good about. Usually when we get to chat we have such fun. We're always telling our stories just to let each other know that *Our Minds Work* the same..*LOL*...whew !! guess everyone is lucky that we don't live in same city or we would have the whole town in an uproar..

....HUGS & KISSES....

Sandy...Got to meet her on freetel and we had a good long chat and found that is was very easy for us to have a nice conversation. A*Nice Lady*that i don't get to chat with much, at least we do know that we are friends and do stay in touch. Just keep that nice smile and I'm sure you're gonna enjoy life.

....HUGS & KOTC....

Spitfire...You know there's something special about a Lady when she can talk you into doing *dishes* even though you hate the *JOB*, well she's a good friend and still wondering what spell she put on me to do something i hadn't done in years..*LOL* I'm sure her and wife haven't been chatting. I think anyway? She's still a Sweetheart and its always a joy to get to chat with her.

....HUGS & KISSES....

Sheena...Love to listen to her get on my case for being the way i am. A gentleman *LOL* well at least when i'm chatting with someone that I have a lot of respect for. Don't get much of chance to chat much, but it always a *pleasure* to see her and find out what is on her mind. Its always nice and usually she's getting things on me...Which isn't hard at all.

....HUGS & KOTC....

Leebug....I meet this lady little over a year ago and we live in the same area but haven't go to meet. Guess just because you live close doesn't mean you can always get to meet, even though we have a good frienship and keep in still glad to here from her always.

....HUGS & KOTC....

Fazinating2...Love to get to chat with her, she's always got something to keep us going about. When we do get the chance we have a fun time and are always trying to find out what one another is up to. She's a *Great Person* with a lot to say and always pleasnt to have as company..and nice to have her as a friend.

....HUGS & KOTC....

Wind...Meet this friend all by acciendent. Seen her name and just had to find out the personality of the Wind. Well it was one lucky acciendent, cause she has become one of my *Very Good Friends * with plenty of good jokes and stories. Always sending the unexpected and always full of laughs.

....HUG & KISSES....
Dust In the Wind

Ocean...Glad i got chance to meet her. She lives close, just in the next county and its nice to get to chat with her anytime. Even had the pleasure of meeting this nice sweet Lady. She's as sweet in PERSON as on the puter. Really loves life and likes to enjoy it. Keep it up darling. .

....HUGS & KISSES....

Brandy...Was looking for some one close to my area that i could possible meet and have a nice friendly relationship with, when Brandy and I crossed pathes...I'm glad to say that i have meet her and for the last few months have gottin to know her and am glad that she considers me a *FRIEND** I Do Her *.

How Do I Live


Lenora...As you have figured out by now i'm always looking for FRIENDS on the net and well i have to say I'm very lucky to keep finding such NICE people like Lenora...have only known her for a couple months, but seems that she trust me enough to let me get sorta close to her. She's trying to make a descion as to wheather leave Ky for Indiana. Well I hope she decides to stay, but no matter where she is, I'll always consider her my *FRIEND*

....HUGS & KISSES....

Jeannie...I seem to have found another Friend on the net, and she's very Sweet and has a beautiful smile..we don't chat much as it seems to be with all my Friends online now a days, but it is a pleasure to find more and more people that I can call ** FRIEND **..


Take It Easy

Chilbum...He and I have a mutal friend .. KntryGalCa ..thats how we got aquantied, I hear he is a good chef and what we've gottin to chat I think he is very fine person.

Two Out Of Three

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