Lisa's Romance Novels

Welcome to The Desk, where Lisa keeps her latest novels.

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Early Review!

Unforgiven is a masterful tale of two lost souls who find each other, two wounded souls that heal each other. Lisa Higdon reaches deep into the reader's heart and weaves a magnificent story of love and betrayal. Unforgiven is one of those rare, special books that stays with you long after you've closed it. Not to be missed!

from The Romance Forum

Read Chapter One!
Cole Thornton was an outlaw's son, trapped in a world he'd tried to escape. When he met the adventure-hungry Caitin McDonnell, he thought the gang was going straight and he'd have a future with her.

But a bank robbery destroyed that dream.

Caitlin McDonnell loved Cole Thornton, even when she learned he was a member of an outlaw gang and worked for her father's enemy. So when he went into hiding after a bloody bank robbery, Caitlin listened to her heart and followed him into danger, still hoping they could have a future together.

But fate had other plans,
and tore them apart.

Reunited three years later, Cole and Caitlin, share a child and a promise of love. But can they overcome the past and the lies that tore them apart? Can they save their love from a danger that not only threatens them, but the life of their child?
A New Release From Zebra Books!

by Lisa Higdon

Coming April 1999

Unforgiven by Lisa Higdon, April 1999

Read this exciting story and find out how Cole and Caitlin overcome danger to keep their promise of love. An unforgettable novel set on the untamed Texas frontier. . . .

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Zebra Books
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Evan Marshall
Previous Releases
are at The Attic
Mothers are always there for us in good times and bad, sharing our laughter and tears. Celebrate the special love between a mother and child in these heartwarming tales by three historical romance authors. Coming May 1999!

Darling Mama, Anthology, May 1999

Read an excerpt
To protect his widowed mother, Amanda, from a treacherous uncle, Philip Ramirez demands help from gunslinger Jack Noble in Lisa's novella, "Philip's Mother." But when sparks ignite between Jack and Amanda, Philip can't abide his mother's love for a man who is sure to break her heart...unless Jack can convince Philip that there is a bright future in store for the three of them.

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Updated by Michael Brown April 21st, 1999 April 1st, 1999

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