The information on these pages have not been updated for a couple of years. Some animals have been sold, and two, both of which have been sold,had their recordation status changed by ADGA.

We now have a site with our own domain name!

Please visit for updated information

New Arrivals
And Coming
Kid Information.

Photo Album
Goats and Pedigrees.

Stat Chat
Milk Records.


Presenting our 1998 Nigerian Dwarf Master & Advanced Registry Master Champions

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Maple Seedling

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Sausage Bwhizcuit 3*D

Sole.JPG (24187 bytes)
Rubber Sole' 2*D

Real Dairy Goats in small packages - they Milk & Show!

Welcome to our home page.

It's not as fancy as some sites. We're assuming if you are here, you want to learn about our goats, so we've made this as user friendly as possible. All photos are in thumbnails for rapid loading; click on them for more detail, then use your browser's back button to return.

We've had a very busy spring and summer, so updates have not been made in quite a while. With autumn here, show season is ending and kidding won't start until January, so we'll try to get our homestead spiffied up.

We did want to give a preview of our recent MCh and ARMCh's. If you've been here before, you'll notice a case of "deja vu, all over again". Something happened to the show report from what should have been Sausi's finishing win at the 1997 Wisconsin State Fair, so she had go out and get another championship leg. Also winning a third (and hopefully final) leg was Columbus Zoo Chelsie *D; we're waiting on confirmation from the AGS office.


Buttin'Heads Dairy Goats are owned by:

Tom, Sue & Eric Rucker

Johnstown, Ohio

Email us at

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