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My Wedding

I was married to the man of my dreams on September 9th of the year 2000. It was, by far, the happiest day of my entire life. I have never felt so honestly and completely happy as I did on that day.

The Specifics

September 9, 2000

The ceremony was held at 4:30 p.m. at Greendale Peoples Church in Worcester. The reception was at 7 p.m. at Maxwell Silverman's, also in Worcester. We had our professional pictures taken at Southgate, grounds at a retirement community in Shrewsbury that has a gazebo, waterfall, and beautiful lawn covered with flowers and trees.

Our Wedding Party

(Last names withheld to protect the innocent)

Bride ~ Victoria Ruth
Groom ~ Shawn Richard
Escorted the Bride down the aisle ~ Brian Farrer (brother of the bride)

Matron of Honor ~ Maria (long-time best friend of the bride)
Best Man ~ William Harrison (brother of the groom)

Jennifer Jean (other long-time best friend of the bride)
Jennifer Lynn (cousin of the bride)
Shannon Marie (cousin of the bride)

William Edward (uncle of the bride)
Joseph (brother-in-law of the groom)
Joseph Robert (brother of the bride)

Flower Girl ~ Loriah Renee (cousin of the bride)
Ring Bearer ~ Matthew Brian (nephew of the groom)

Before The Wedding

Like all brides, I spent a lot of time worrying and stressing about my wedding. I wanted, almost needed, every single detail to be perfect. I spent a lot of time going over details and working on the preparations. I took the entire week before the wedding off from work because I knew that there was no way I would be able to concentrate. My father drove here from Indiana and got here the Sunday before the wedding. He was such a big help! He took me to all my last minute appointments, to pay things off and verify specifics, etc. He also worked on keeping me calm ~ I was such a nervous wreck!

The Day Before The Wedding

The day before the wedding was a great day. The weather was beautiful, everyone was in great spirits, and my wedding was the very next day! I spent the day running errands for the rehearsal dinner and doing "day before my wedding" bride things like picking up my dress from the cleaners and getting a manicure and pedicure.

The rehearsal was scheduled for 6 p.m. sharp and, of course, we didn't start until about 6:15 or so. The rehearsal went well and everyone got their "parts" down pretty quickly. After that, it was off to the rehearsal dinner! I rented a hall, everyone in the wedding party brought some food, and we all relaxed and had a good time. However, it was an early night as tomorrow was going to be a big day!!

That night, Shawn spent the night at his brother's house and my two cousins, Shannon and Jen, stayed with me at my house. We just hung out at my house (except for a certain "egging" *EG*) talking and reminiscing. We stayed up way too late, which was to be expected, as we were starting to get very excited and nervous.

The Big Day ~ Getting Ready

Shannon, Jen, and I got up at 7 a.m., took showers, got dressed, and left to visit Nana. My Nana passed away in March of 1998 but it was still extremely important to me to share my very special day with her. We got to the cemetary, got emotional of course, and met a few other people there. My mom and youngest brother arrived and then my cousin Stephenie arrived to drop off Loriah, her daughter - my Flower Girl. My Uncle Stanley also came and gave me a dozen long-stemmed roses in various colors. It was the most beautiful arrangement I had ever received!

From there, it was back to my house to meet Maria and Jen, with a quick stop along the way to pick up Shawn's mom. After that, it was time to get our hair done! And, after that, it was off to my Aunt Sheila's house. My Aunt Sheila is Shannon's mom.

When growing up, Shannon and I were always scheming to spend the night at each other's house. As a result, I spent a lot of time at my Aunt's house and it holds a lot of happy memories for me. This is why I chose to get ready at her house.

Back to my story! We got there and, at this point, we were starving! So, we ordered grinders and pigged out. Then, it was time to get ready!!

The rest of the day went very quickly. We got dressed, did makeup, and added more hairspray to our hair. It was extremely hectic but in an organized way if that makes any sense. There was also A LOT of laughing. We were almost ready when the flowers arrived and just finishing up when the photographer arrived. The photographer was finishing up as the limos pulled up, and then, it was off to my wedding!!

The Big Day ~ The Church

As we pulled up to the church, I had two thoughts going through my head. First was, "I forgot the Ring Bearer's Pillow!" and second was, "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God!". It was decided that the Ring Bearer would just escort the Flower Girl as the Groomsmen escort the Bridesmaids. He did an excellent job! As for "Oh my God", my nerves had really started. All day I was nervous and in a state of shock that the day had actually arrived. But, as I was there, in my wedding dress, about to actually walk down the aisle, I was SO nervous!!

I made all the bridesmaids take a potty break as the next opportunity to do so would be a few hours away and then it was time for me to get married!

The ceremony was beautiful and forever burned into my memory. I cried while reciting my vows and, in his lovely way, Shawn helped to calm me by sticking his tongue out at me!

The Big Day ~ The Reception

Things were a little rushed after the ceremony because we started a little late and because our receiving line took longer than expected. However, we went off to have our pictures taken ~ they came out beautifully ~ and then it was off to the reception. By the time we got there, everyone was starving, so we cut the cake and had dinner!

The rest of the reception was a blast! There were so many people dancing that there wasn't enough room on the dance floor! My cousin Shannon caught the bouquet and Willie, Shawn's brother, caught the garter. They were married June 2, 2001!

The reception lasted until 1:30 a.m. At the end, Shawn and I went across the street to the hotel room my dad got for us and everyone else went home. My wedding day had been perfect! I have a million wonderful memories and, given the opportunity to do it again, wouldn't change a thing!

After the Big Day

The day after our wedding was spent with our families and opening our wedding gifts. I am so amazed at how thoughtful and generous everyone was.

Two days after our wedding, on Monday, my dad and grandparents went home to Indiana and Shawn and I left for our honeymoon in Florida. I was sad that my dad left and a little sad that my wedding was over but was looking forward to my honeymoon and the rest of my life with the most wonderful man I have ever met! I have never been happier or more in love with anyone in my life. And, amazingly, it grows more every single day.

And we are living HAPPILY EVER AFTER...

Wedding Pictures

These aren't the greatest quality but I hope to get better ones (and more) on here eventually...

Me in My Wedding Dress
My Funny Hubby
My Dad
Shawn & His Mom
Shawn & My Mom
Me & My Brother, Brian
My Flower Girl & Ring Bearer
My Flower Girl & Her Mommy
My Cousin, Shannon, & Brother, Joey
My Cousin, Shannon, & new brother-in-law (her husband), Willie
Various Pictures, Page 1
Various Pictures, Page 2
Various Pictures, Page 3
Various Pictures, Page 4

Hope you enjoyed reading about my Fairy Tale! =0)

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