My Plea
by Barbara Philbrook

To serve my Lord has been my lifelong plea,
but before he can use anyone he must open our eyes so our sinful self we can see.

What you've unveiled in me is far too painful to view,
would you please accept my total and complete surrender to you?

So please take this wretched soul which you've opened for me to see,
and anoint me as your word offers if we ask it of thee.

Then you set the course on which you want me to run,
it is my sincere wish to bring Glory to you "all three in one."

God what you are showing me is too ugly and painful to bare,
how could you love me  and through grace have paid my price there?

Father, I'm not worthy to even call on your name,
if you rejected me totally I would understand and know that I alone am to blame.

Through all of my years you've been right there for me,
and because of the sin of self-righteousness not enough blemishes did I see.

My soul is so black so putrid from within,
and I so piously thought I'm not guilty of too much sin.

In any case Lord may your will be done here on earth,
as I  surrender myself knowing that only through you do I have any worth!

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