My Appreciation
by Barbara Philbrook

Lord how do I even begin to show my appreciation to you,
for loving me and for all the wonderful things that you do?

There are no words in my vocabulary to fully express,
my appreciation and my gratefulness.

I have four precious children that you have so graciously lent to me,
and I know the pain I go through when any suffering in them I see.

If  I in this imperfect state find suffering in my children so very hard to bare,
how much more you must have suffered watching your son die so his Glory we might  share.

I can not apologize for the behavior of all mankind,
I can only speak for my own sinful behavior and thank you for opening eyes that once were blind.

There is nothing about this sinful person that I am,
that makes me worthy of what it cost you to fulfill your salvation plan.

Lord I am not worthy of even a second thought from you,
yet you still go on loving me no matter what I do.

Heavenly Father as you sit on your throne up above,
could you fill my heart to overflowing with your perfect love.

It is my earnest plea that you find a way in which you can use me,
so that when others look my way it's not me but you and your love that they see.

Can you take away my sinful  selfish behaviors,
and in their place give me boundless love for all of my neighbors?

Is it  terribly presumptuous of me,
to make these requests that I've placed before thee?

I have within me the very most desperate need,
to be able to share with others the fulfilling satisfaction  if only your loving words they'll heed.

Lord I deeply desire to share the joy I've found in loving you,
so that everyone else can feel this way too.

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