My Heart Is Aching
by Barbara Philbrook

My heart is aching today for you,
because there's nothing here that I can do.

I can't be there to hold you in a loving embrace,
nor to wipe the tears streaming down your face.

Can't do anything to relieve your sorrow,
nothing that will brighten your tomorrow.

Nothing to stop the pain in your heart.
Nothing to keep you from falling apart.

There's only One who can do all of this for you,
and He can also change your point of view.

He can give you hope where you see none.
He will provide strength till this battle's won.

He can give you peace where there is duress.
He can calm the storm causing your stress.

He can take away the sadness you feel,
and get you through till your happiness is real.

I know you think none of this can be done,
but it's all possible through God's own Son.

Call out to Jesus, He's not far away,
and He's wanting to be there for you in every way.

He will not force Himself on you,
but will take away all of your pain if you want Him to.

My heart is aching for what you are going through.
Sharing where my strength comes from is all I can do.

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