by Barbara Philbrook

Mistakes, I made more than a few,
and making mistakes is something I will again do.

There was a time a mistake was to me a catastrophe,
that was when I thought perfect was what I had to be.

Praise God He opened my eyes and showed me the way,
the changing is done by the Spirit so my Bible does say.

We are incapable of changing on our own,
something it took me forever before I was shown.

Surrender yourself to Jesus and He starts the changes in you,
changes so evident others will be able to view.

Mistakes will be made but they will be used for the good,
just listen to the Spirit as Jesus tells us we should.

What a relief not to have to strive for perfection,
what a joy not to have to worry about Jesus' rejection.

Just to surrender oh what heavenly bliss,
praise God this special joy I did not miss.

Mistakes, now I just use each as a stepping stone,
as I walk with Jesus never again will I be alone.

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