Mistakes Are Made
by Barbara Philbrook

Mistakes are made tears are shed,
there are folks who wake up filled with dread.

Sorrow is what many have known,
because of unkindness others have shown.

Pain has been inflicted producing fear,
those suffering not realizing that help is near.

Fear, sorrow, hurt and distress,
some folks have never known any happiness.

Some folks have never heard of God,
with so many Christians this seems kind of odd.

Do you know someone who never smiles,
whose search for love is met with denials?

Someone who needs to meet the Savior,
and learn they are loved despite their behavior.

Welcome them to join God's family,
where the love offered will last for eternity.

Tell them He's beckoning one and all,
and none will be rejected who answer the call.

Reach out to every hurting lost soul,
telling them Jesus wants to make them whole.

Soon it will be time for us all to be called home,
we don't want anyone left here alone.

Mistakes are made each and every day,
but neglect need not be one if we reach out today.

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