More Than I Am
by Barbara Philbrook

Father help me not to think of myself as more than I am,
remind me daily of my life when I first accepted Your salvation plan.

Remind me of the self-centered person I once was within,
until learning I could serve you by inviting others in.

Bring to mind the time I spent on hating others,
but through You Lord I see all of mankind as my brothers.

I used to take joy in gossiping and backbiting,
now it makes me feel ill to be around fighting.

The hours and hours I used to have my head in a book,
now it is only Your Holy Work where I care to look.

Sharing and caring are the two most important visions I now see,
but they weren't always that sacred to me.

None of these changes would have occurred without You,
I know in my heart that this is true.

Please remind me of these things each day,
please never let self-righteousness take over I pray.

Never let me think that there is any good in me,
that all good I do comes straight from thee.

Thank You Father for the Great Salvation Plan,
may I never think of myself as more than I am.

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