Mother's Day
By Barbara Philbrook

Mother's Day is that day that comes once a year,
that day when we cherish our own Mothers so Dear.

Mother who changed all of your diapers and fed you each day,
and when you fell asleep she finished the work that got put away.

Mother who walked the floors as you got your new teeth,
and ran around after you keeping everything neat.

Mother who did the laundry and wiped away the tears you would cry,
who always had an answer for when you would ask WHY?

Mother who cooked the meals and did the dishes,
and usually the one fulfilling all of your childish wishes.

Mother who made sure the house ran smoothly and took the time to read,
and made sure you had any new clothing you'd need.

Mother who explained why other children liked to make you cry,
and why frogs sleeping under our pillows die.

Mother who found the pet mouse in our drawer,
and explained to Dad why there are no teeth on his saw.

Mother who was the driver for you and your friends,
and the one who has patience that never ends.

Why do we celebrate this day once a year you ask,
I really can't say because actually it should be a daily task.

But if you ask your Mother what repayment is due,
I bet she'll say 'twas done simply out of love for you.

No payment is required now or ever from you,
just pass it on, it's the Motherly thing to do!

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