My Body Is A Temple
by Barbara Philbrook

My body is a temple in which You are to reside,
Lord help me to renovate, removing any sin or pride.

Let's throw open the windows to freshen the air,
lets clean every nook and cranny with prayer.

Lets get every closet, cupboard and drawer open wide,
I want so desperately to clean the inside.

Help me to find any spot where sin can be hidden,
I want my heart spotless so I can do as I'm bidden.

If there be any part of me that is not submitted to you,
please make me aware so that I can give it up too.

I desire to be of one accord with my Christian sisters and brothers,
that you can use me to reach out to others.

I am unable to offer my very best Lord till I am right with You,
I want to be prepared to do all you desire me to.

Turn up the fires Lord, burn away any impurities you see,
please make me a vessel worthy to serve thee.

May my mind think only thoughts encouraged by you,
may all of my actions be things you want me to do.

May my reactions show thy perfect love,
may people witness in me reflections from above.

My body ia a temple where I'm thrilled to have you reside,
thank you for knocking, I gratefully welcome you inside.

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