My Ears Deceived Me
by Barbara Philbrook

My ears deceived me I misunderstood,
I thought you said being born again makes one good.

I thought you said you didn't have to fight the temptation to sin,
ever since inviting Jesus to move in.

I thought you said temptation ceased that day,
when you accepted salvation as you knelt to pray.

My heart grew heavy and I was overcome with grief,
then you explained what you meant and I experienced relief.

Everyone fights with flesh every single day,
unless we surrender ourselves to God as we kneel to pray.

As we surrender ourselves to the Holy Ghost's power,
He gives us the victory hour after hour.

It is not by my strength that I win the victory,
but by the strength of the one who abides in me.

As long as I am living in this body of flesh,
I will be subjected to temptations of sinfulness.

As long as I remember to surrender willingly,
He provides what I need to have the victory.

In other words what I'm trying to say,
even though I'm "Born Again" I need Jesus every day.

I needed first to accept Jesus as my loving Savior,
and I need to submit daily to overcome my sinful behavior.

Being "Born Again" does not take the temptation away,
I still need to depend on Jesus day by day.

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